December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent
Reverend Susan Phillips, Leading
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9:00 Sunday - Online in Zoom
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85677718426#
Or Call +1 312 626 6799 and use
Meeting ID: 856 7771 8426
10:45 Sunday - Sanctuary
Please join us for coffee fellowship following the service
5:30 Worship - onsite in the Commons
If for some reason the onsite services would need to be canceled,
we will post a notice on our website and Facebook.
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We encourage those who might be vulnerable to wear masks
and anyone with symptoms to join worship via Zoom.
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Congregational Meeting- December 8th
The Session has called for a Congregational Meeting of First Presbyterian Church, Springfield for the purpose of electing deacons and elders and members of the Nominating Committee on Sunday, December 8th.
Session (Elders) 2027
Richard Amoako, JoAnne Durkee, John Handley, Sohail Aslam, Diana Harris
Deacons 2026
Jennie Claflin
Deacons 2027
Scott Doubet, Brian Pfeifer, Tamika Seymore, Jr, Becky McHenry, Denise Bockmier-Sommers
Nominating Committee 2025
2 Elders: Mick Bernasek, Richard Amoako
1 Deacon: Tom Doubet
4 At-Large Members: Jeff Maras, Debra Larsen, Judy Bartels, Mike Orr
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Welcome New Members!
Please join us this Sunday as we joyfully celebrate the sacrament of baptism for Nathan Myers and the reception of new members Seth Ensign, Luke Leach, Laurie Myers and Steve Myers.
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It's Not Too Late to Sign Up for Daily Devotions or Join Our Monday Study!
Again this Advent season we are offering daily thoughtful devotions written by Teri McDowell Ott. This year's title is Patterns of Divine Opportunity - An Advent Search. There are several ways you can participate.
- Receive an online or hard copy version of the full devotional book.
- Receive a daily devotion via email.
- Participate in a live discussion of the devotions with Chaplain Tim each Monday of Advent. We will meet at 6:30 on Zoom. Each study will last an hour.
Please click here to sign up for each of the opportunities.
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Ordering Christmas Poinsettias
As we approach Christmas, we will honor and remember our loved ones, both living and deceased, with beautiful poinsettias. You can purchase a plant to enhance the beauty of the sanctuary with this lovely gift. There will be order forms in the bulletins or you can use the form below. Poinsettias will cost $12.00 each. Please place your order in the offering plate with your payment All orders must be received by December 9th.
You may take home your poinsettias after the Christmas Eve service.
Online Order Form
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FREE Lunchtime concerts
Wednesdays during Advent
December 11
Vocal Trio: Nichol DelGiorno, Diane Dietz, Becky Kemp
December 18
Nichol DelGiorno, organist
Brown bag lunch available for $5.00
or bring your own lunch to enjoy.
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Capital Campaign Orientation
Thursday, Dec 12 in the Commons.
Details have been emailed.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact Pastor Susan at or 217.528.4311 x1020
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The Christmas Joy Offering reflects that God is with us, through the generous gifts that support church leaders among us, retired, present and future, who have pointed us to God. Even as we support our current and former church leaders through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, God is calling new leaders for our Church and world, through the ministry of Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color — offering students the means for a brighter future and enhanced opportunities to use their talents and skills to serve God, the Church and the world for years to come.
There are a couple ways to give:
Donate online (be sure to specify Joy offering)
OR Use the envelopes in the pew and put in the offering plate
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If you don't already have an Our New Season - Building Community ornament please take one. They will be in the back of the sanctuary on the table.
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Welcome Home Basket Thanks
Thanks to everyone who generously donated items for our first Heartland Housed Welcome Home Basket. Every item on the list was filled, with many additional items donated that can be used in future Welcome Home Baskets. It is so gratifying to be a member of First Presbyterian Church, where members care so much about the unhoused in Springfield, including supporting this new initiative to make their transition into permanent housing more successful.
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Thank you to the Shared Values Foundation of Springfield for donating the beautiful tree and wreath that decorate the commons. We appreciate the creativity and generosity of Samra Aslam, Sohail Aslam and Farzana Pasha.
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Thanks from the Joy of Movement
To our friends at First Presbyterian Church. Thank you for ALL you do for our community!
With love,
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Renovation Update
Structure is taking shape!
You are invited to walk by the fence on the west side of the parking lot and see for yourself before they begin enclosing the new construction.
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We are here for you
In a time when emotions are high, please know that our Pastor and Chaplain are here for you. Please contact either of them at:
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Hospital Notices
Please note that the hospitals no longer contact local churches to let them know when a member is admitted. We encourage members and friends of First Presbyterian to call the church office to let us know when you go to the hospital so Pastor Susan and Chaplain Tim can provide pastoral support if it blesses you. We do not share any information without permission.
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Coffee Fellowship
We are always grateful for coffee fellowship hosts. If you would like to volunteer please sign up in the commons. If you are interested in hosting but don't want to do it by yourself please let Michelle know and we can find a partner for you. Thank you for Rochelle for hosting last week's coffee fellowship and we look forward to
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Shelter Meal Volunteers
Jesus says: "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in."
~Matthew 25:35
If it blesses you to help feed our neighbors, please join us. We will be serving a meal on December 10th. You can assist with the preparation of the meals, serving, visiting or all of the above. If you are interested or have questions, please see Keith Dhom, or Frank Schultz,.
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Contacting Staff During Renovation
Even though some of us may not always be in the building you can reach us by phone at home.
Just dial 217-528-4311
and put in the extension of the person you are trying to reach.
Pastor Susan x1020
Chaplain Tim x1030
Bookkeeper (Tara) x1050
Church Office (Michelle) x4
Facilities Manager (Tom) x1040
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All events are via Zoom unless otherwise specified.
Building and Grounds Committee Meeting 4:00
Worship Committee Meeting 2:30
Brown Bag Concert 12:15 Sanctuary
Mission Committee Meeting 4:00 Home of Sally R.
Wednesday Worship 5:30 onsite
Capitol Campaign -Exec. Team Meeting 5:15 commons
Capitol Campaign -Lead Gifts Leaders Meeting 6:00 commons
Finance Meeting 6:00
Capitol Campaign -Campaign Leadership Meeting 7:00 commons
Capitol Campaign -Communication Leaders Meeting 8:00 commons
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Zoom Service 9:00 Zoom
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Service 10:45 Sanctuary
Family Christmas Activity following sanctuary service
NOTE: Links to all events are attached to items on the church calendar .
If you click on the Zoom link in the calendar the invitation will open.
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Oct. 2024 | Zoom = 85 | Sanct. = 246 | Wed. = 46 | Total= 377 | Oct. 2023 | Zoom = 134 | Sanct. = 298 | Wed. = 49 | Total= 481 | Last Week | Zoom = 18 | Sanct. = | Wed. = 10 | Total= | | |
How to Join a Zoom Meeting
From your computer, cell phone or tablet:
Click the link provided.
To join a Zoom meeting via telephone:
Dial number given for the meeting. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID provided followed by #.
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Different Ways to Give
Thank you to everyone that shares in the Joy of Generosity at First Presbyterian! There are several ways to support our ministries and many ministries to support. In order to ensure your gift is credited to the correct fund, please take a moment to include the following information when making a donation:
Writing a check – Add the fund name in the memo section (Capital Campaign, Peacemaking, Samaritan Ministry, etc.)
Online portal – Select “Other Donations” when entering the amount then enter the name of the fund in the Notes section
Text giving – Text “$10 CC” to 217-284-2546, this example is a $10 donation for the Capitol Campaign fund. Other commonly used text codes are: Pledge, SM (Samaritan Ministries), Donate (Non-pledge), Peace, Joy, OGHS, Pentecost and BB (Brown Bag)
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Church Contact Information
Our church numbers reach us even while we are working remotely.
Pastor Susan Phillips
217.528.4311 X 1020
Chaplain Tim Haworth
217.528.4311 X 1030
Bookkeeper, Tara Kaeding
217.528.4311 X 1050
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Hastings
217.528.4311 X 4
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321 South Seventh Street • Springfield, IL • 217.528.4311
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