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November 18, 2023

18 de noviembre 2023

Cultivating Relationships

and Understanding

Across Borders

The Children's Enrichment Ministry now serves kids in four locations in Agua Prieta.

Dear friends,

The practice of sharing gratitude is an essential element of the life of Frontera de Cristo. In the midst of the challenging realities of economic hardship, conflict, migration, and the drug culture, we give thanks to be a part of community who:

  • builds relationships and understanding across borders
  • chooses welcome
  • says "if we all share a little, there will be more than enough"
  • creates food jungles in seemingly barren lands
  • dares to believe that there is hope for persons who are addicted to chemical substances or to lifestyles that separate them from the majority of the world
  • responds in faith, not in fear, to the realities of migration through prayer, education, humanitarian aid, economic development and advocacy for policies that provide opportunity and hope.

Thank you for being a part of our extended community. We are grateful for interest, your words of encouragement, your prayers and your financial support that help make possible our ministry together with this amazing community that God has been forming and continues to form across borders.


Joca Gallegos and Mark Adams


Teaching Kids to Love Learning

by Marina Forero, Director, Children's Enrichment Ministry

THE CHILDREN'S ENRICHMENT MINISTRY is working with 138 children in four different sites in Agua Prieta. Our team spent four weeks this summer preparing to serve the children and families of the ministry better in hopes of contributing to the well-being of this community. 

We develop plans based on the children’s personal interests and learning styles, embracing knowledge not as a school rule but as a meaningful and fun experience. Our Children and Families Pastor provides parents and guardians with pastoral and psychological support.

Continue reading Marina's report and see more photos

Amazon Wish List for Children's Enrichment Ministry

IN OCTOBER, FRONTERA DE CRISTO WELCOMED a delegation of Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (USA), who spent three days with our ministry partners, witnessing what life is like in the borderlands. Dodie Weiland, from Desert Palms Presbyterian Church in Sun City West, Arizona, created this Amazon Wish List for the Children's Enrichment Ministry, in coordination with the ministry's leaders. Your participation in helping to provide these items will help to complete their teaching tools in each of their four locations. Orders will be shipped directly to Frontera de Cristo's office in Douglas, Arizona, and staff members will transport them to the Children's Enrichment Ministry. Thank you for your support!

Confusion vs Action

by Lorena Ocampo Campos, Children & Families Pastor

IS IT GOOD TO WORSHIP SANTA MUERTE? Are hitmen good or bad? Who is more powerful to take care of us: El Chapo [former drug lord currently serving life in prison in the US] or God? Why do I feel so sad, that I want to die? Can God help my family?

These have been some of the questions raised by the children of the Children’s Enrichment Ministry in which I collaborate. 

What an important challenge to provide satisfying answers that activate their faith and help them to experience a relationship with God, in a society that normalizes and justifies evil, and questions truth. ...

Continue reading Pastor Lorena's article

Pastor Lorena

Day of the Dead Celebration

WE BEGAN THIS MONTH JOINING TOGETHER with our partners at CAME and the Migrant Resource Center to remember those who have died and have joined the great cloud of witnesses that have gone before us. We especially remembered those who have died crossing the US/Mexico border. 2023 is already the deadliest year in history for persons crossing the border.

View photos from the event:


Coming Soon: Café Justo 20th Anniversary Photo Book

ORDER THE NEW CAFÉ JUSTO 20th anniversary photo book now. Just $20, shipping included. See how your coffee grows from seed to cup and how this amazing coffee co-op grew from just a few coffee farming families to the wide-reaching co-op that ships delicious organic coffee all across this country today. Anticipated publication date: mid- to late-Fall 2023.

Love Mercy, Do Justice, Order Coffee

FRONTERA DE CRISTO AND CAFÉ JUSTO CREATED the "Love Mercy, Do Justice" initiative to provide coffee for migrant shelters across the southern border. Thousands of women and men each week are greeted with a cup of coffee, a meal, and vital medical attention when they are repatriated into Mexico. You can help support this effort with a donation to Love Mercy, Do Justice.

Join us in a great "shout out" to our sister ministry Kino Border Initiative, in Nogales, on their 15th Anniversary. In their Day of the Dead celebration, they included a photo of Doña Soraida, one of the founders of Café Justo. Check out the photos from their event.

Soraida Santiago was a founding member of the Café Justo cooperative which has provided coffee for the Kino Border Initiative since 2019. She died in March of 2021. Photo at left by M. Jenea Sanchez.

In the mean time, why not order some coffee for yourself today? You will enjoy delicious 100% organic coffee cultivated, roasted, and shipped by the Café Justo cooperative. To order by mail instead of online, just download this form.

A Week in the Borderlands

Watch our new 2023 video by Steve Zeoli

See the whole Café Justo video list

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