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February 10, 2024

10 de febrero 2024

Cultivating Relationships

and Understanding

Across Borders

Rev. Elizabeth Toland Smith, Carmina Sanchez, and Pastor Ramon Garcia

Dear friends,

Join us in giving thanks to God for Pastor Ramon Garcia, Carmina Sanchez, Noemi Noriega, and Elizabeth Smith who finished their service on the Frontera de Cristo Board of Directors on February 9. All together, they gave 40 years of service helping FDC discern God’s vision for our ministry; casting visions that have become reality; and supporting us as coordinators. In the years that they have served, they helped oversee the development of Café Justo y Mas; border-wide binational gatherings; and the Children’s Enrichment Ministry. In addition, they have served as wonderful ambassadors of the ministry on both sides of the border, and while they have rotated off the board for now, we look forward to continuing our collaboration with them in life and ministry as we all seek to be faithful to God’s call.


Join us in gratitude as well for Pastor Rene Espinoza, Mara Salazar, Maky Hernandez, and Catherine May who have been elected to serve on the board of Frontera de Cristo. Pastor Rene brings a wealth of experience and passion in working in addiction prevention. Maky, who is a teacher, musician, and business owner is forming a non-profit overseeing Agua Prieta’s first philharmonic orchestra and has collaborated with FDC for over five years. Mara is the founding manager of Café Justo y Mas, member of Lirio de los Valles Presbyterian Church, and a teacher of business administration. Catherine is an elder at University Presbyterian Church in Tempe, Arizona, and has been a partner of FDC for over 25 years, including last year as a year-long volunteer. She did her doctoral thesis on border ministry.


When Ramon, Carmina, Noemi, and Elizabeth joined the board we could not have imagined that the ministry would grow in its scope and impact as it has, nor can we imagine just how it will grow in scope and impact as these new leaders join to help us discern where God is leading.


Miriam Maldonado Escobar and Mark Adams

PC(USA) Mission Co-workers serving with Frontera de Cristo

Rute del Jefe

March 20-24, 2024

RUTE DEL JEFE is a unique event that promotes the rich culture and biodiversity in the borderlands, showcases its indigenous communities, and highlights the border wall's effects on animal and human migration. It’s a four-day festival that brings together cyclists from both sides of the border to enjoy the beauty of the borderlands, cultivate community, learn together, and advocate for the borderlands.

Frontera de Cristo is sponsoring the Café Justo y Mas cycling team (photo above) that consists of Febe Maldonado, barista at Café Justo y Mas; Carmina Sanchez, long-time board member of Frontera de Cristo; Margarita Hilario Luna, y Yadeny Muniz. We are also honored to be one of the recipients of the fundraising component. 

Click here to donate and help the Café Justo y Mas Team reach its fundraising goal. 

See more Rute del Jefe photos

Our Café Justo y Mas Team

Meeting of the Network “As Born Among Us”

by Yadamy Saray López Acero, FDC Young Adult Volunteer

FROM JANUARY 30 TO FEBRUARY 2, 2024, FDC Coordinator Jocabed Gallegos and I gathered with churches of different traditions, faith-based organizations, NGOs, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and representatives of the Government of Chihuahua in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, in order to strengthen inter-organizational cooperation, and promote the care and defense of the rights of people on the move, through workshops, conferences, biblical-theological reflections, and the exchange of experiences throughout the American continent.  

What struck me the most about this meeting was learning the stories of how migrant shelters emerge. In particular, this happens when awareness is raised and action is taken. It all begins with the sharing of bread and a safe place. That encounter with our neighbor leads us to encounter Jesus Christ himself, who was also abused and mistreated while he was passing through this land.

Continue reading Yadamy's article

Lea el artículo en español

See more photos and read the event report

A mural depicting Jesus riding "La Bestia" across Mexico with migrants, painted by a migrant at the CAME shelter in Agua Prieta.

Carrying Dreams

a poem by Howard Henry

Howard and his spouse Lee Ann Grace are members of University PC in Buffalo, NY and have volunteered with FDC since 1990. They are spending six weeks with us in January and February.

Carrying Dreams


When I was carrying her cross

It came to me—suddenly!—

that I was carrying the dreams of the woman who had died

vital dreams

virtuous dreams

unrealized dreams

and that it was my duty

and my challenge ...

Continue Reading Howard's poem in English and in Spanish

Click here to see more images of the Healing Our Borders Vigil

Contact us if you are interested in volunteering with us.

Howard Henry, at the Tuesday evening vigil "Healing Our Borders"

Love Mercy, Do Justice, Order Coffee

FRONTERA DE CRISTO AND CAFÉ JUSTO CREATED the "Love Mercy, Do Justice" (Amar Misericordia, Hacer Justicia) initiative to provide coffee for migrant shelters across the southern border. Thousands of women and men each week are greeted with a cup of coffee, a meal, and vital medical attention when they are repatriated into Mexico. You can help support this effort with a donation to Love Mercy, Do Justice.

2,170 pounds of Café Justo were provided to migrant shelters in these locations through Love Mercy, Do Justice in 2023 and 2024.

The Immaculate Conception Shelter in Douglas, Arizona, is the newest partner with the Love Mercy, Do Justice ministry. It opened in September 2023 to receive persons seeking asylum who are released in Douglas by Border Patrol. Love Mercy, Do Justice has donated delicious freshly roasted Café Justo to help welcome to more than 6,000 guests who have found a safe and loving place on their journey. Frontera de Cristo provides the welcoming team each Friday.

In the mean time, why not order some coffee for yourself today? You will enjoy delicious 100% organic coffee cultivated, roasted, and shipped by the Café Justo cooperative. To order by mail instead of online, just download this form.

2023 in Revue

Students from Albuquerque's Menaul School learn to make tortillas with CATPSIC

FROM SINGING IN A COMMUNITY Christmas concert to learning to make tortillas to setting up and staffing a new migrant welcome center in Douglas, Arizona, life at Frontera de Cristo has been busy and rewarding.

Please enjoy these photos of highlights of 2023.

Looking Ahead

It'll be here before you know it!

A Week in the Borderlands

Watch our new 2023 video by Steve Zeoli

See the whole Café Justo video list

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