P.O. Box 40217, Tucson, AZ 85717 | | 520.573.3533
Good News Newsletter  | June 4, 2017
In This Issue
Board Meeting
Board Meeting
When: Thursday, June 15th
Where: Administrative Offices
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm

Board Mixer
When: Wednesday, June 7
Where: Sir Veza's
             220 W Wetmore Road
Time: 5:00 - 7:00pm

Save the Date
26th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner
When:  Sunday, October 1st
Where: Casino Del Sol
Time: 5:00 - 7:30pm
Party with a Purpose Signature Dinner with Coach Lute & Kelly Olson

When:  Sunday, November 19th
Where: Wildflower
A Message from Debbie Wagner, CEO
Happy  start of Summer Everyone!
The EVENT is now behind us and was a huge success.  Special thanks to The EVENT Chairs Bruce Suppes and Tamra Briley, Sponsorship Chair Brittany Kagele, the amazing EVENT committee and volunteers, special Tucson restaurants, wineries and most of all our generous sponsors and community for their work and support to raise the funds needed for our BGCT youth and programs.
Our BGCT team and clubhouse staff are busy winding down the school year and we have a lot to celebrate! We engaged close to 3,000 Club Members this past school year across the Clubhouses and are now celebrating and attending member graduations and preparing  for our six week, full day summer camp starting June 5th.

 We are excited this year to continue our focus on literacy, arts, and STEM/STEAM learning experiences with Club members. Special partnerships this summer include introducing Club members to Natural High's videos on resisting risky behaviors, field trips to the International Wildlife Museum (along with visits by their staff to the Clubhouses), internships at the International Wildlife Museum for select teens, a new El Grupo cycling program to engage our middle-school girls and much more.
BGCA's Major Metro and National Conferences were held in Dallas and it was a highly inspiring week filled with inspirational speakers and a multitude of  seminars to help us enhance our reach and youth impact through safe, fun, educational programs and environments delivered by a team of caring, professional staff members.
Not only did we learn a lot at the National Conference, we also celebrated winning the BGCA National Silver MAC Award for Advertising, and connected with Dante Lauretta, Professor of Planetary Science and Cosmochemistry at the U of A Lunar and Planetary Laboratory who was inducted in the BGCA Alumni Hall of Fame.  His successful career in science was inspired through his experiences as a Club member at the BGC of Phoenix and is now the leader of NASA's OSIRIS Rex Asteroid Sample Return Mission. He is excited about facilitating STEM programming with us and hosting fields trips and mentoring opportunities for our kids.
Dante's story reminds me of the quote "Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story," by  Josh Shipp.
Thank you to our special donors, sponsors, community partners, Board members and BGCT staff for all  being a caring influence on our youth. You are making a positive difference in the Tucson community and the world.

Debbie Wagner, CEO
In the News
Good Friends, World Citizens, Leave Major Bequest
Amy & Maury Schlossberg Remember the Clubs in their Will

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is the recent recipient of a major bequest gift through the estate of long-time Club friends Amy & Maury Schlossberg. The gift was announced by Tom Robertson, Planned Giving Chair, at the May 17, 2017, Board of Directors meeting.
The Schlossbergs began making gifts every year to BGCT in 1987, and from that point on, they never missed a year until Maury's death in 2011. The Clubs were just one of many Tucson causes they supported.
Maury and Amy were consummate citizens of Tucson, our nation, and the world. Maury was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1920 and barely escaped the Nazis by fleeing to Switzerland as a teenager. He served in the French Army for a time, eventually making it to America in 1939. He became a U.S. citizen in 1943 and, just a year later, participated in the Allied Invasion of Normandy at Omaha Beach, for which he earned the Purple Heart.
After the war, Maury and Amy met at their alma mater, Springfield College, in Massachusetts. Amy and Maury were both avid art collectors, and they had a special passion for Native American art. In fact, they built a gallery adjacent to their home in Tucson to house their artwork and, at one time, they owned more than 500 Hopi rugs and many other Native American paintings and artifacts.
Maury was active in Tucson and state politics, serving on Governor Bruce Babbitt's Commission of Indian Affairs (now known as the Commission on Tribal Relations), as well as the Pima County Planning Commission and the Pima County's Sheriff's Auxiliary.
During their retirement years, Maury played golf and served as president of the Rolling Hills Golf Club. He and Amy traveled extensively, taking two cruises per year to points around the globe. Maury also was a serious racecar enthusiast.
The Schlossbergs loved our Annual Steak & Burger Event, which they attended religiously for many years. Their good friend, Mr. John Busch of Tucson, said they were great people who loved giving to charitable causes in their community.

The Schlossbergs' Planned Gift, in combination with their lifetime giving, qualifies the couple as Lifetime Giving Society Leaders, a distinguished group of supporters recognized for their cumulative giving that exceeds $250,000.
Additionally, the Schlossbergs established an endowment fund at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona to benefit a number of Tucson causes each year; it is our great fortune that they selected BGCT to be a recipient of a portion of that permanent fund's earnings each year.
We are grateful that the Schlossbergs planned their legacy so thoughtfully and that they chose Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson in their planning. It is an honor to pay tribute to them, their life's work, and their commitment to Great Futures for Tucson's youth.
For information about Planned Giving, please contact Lee Mayhall at 520.308-3334 or
Benefactor Update from Julie Butcher and Laurie Wetterschneider

We are so delighted with the creativity of many of our Board Members as to raising funds for the 2017 Benefactor Campaign!

The Board has raised $72,187 and the community at large has raised $52,063 for a total of $124,250 leaving $100,750 left to raise to reach our goal which is necessary to run our clubs.


22 out of 56 have secured funds above their Board Dues, leaving 35 Board Members to please start your solicitations.

Todd Bisbocci
Julie Butcher
Juan Cardenas
Joe Cristiani - Senior Board
Nance Crosby - Senior Board
Vance Falbaum - Senior Board
Laura Feemster
Pam Grissom - Out of State Board Member
Mark Irvin - Emeritus Board
Nicole Jensen
Brittany Kagale
Laura McGlinn
Joe Moeller
Danielle Moser
Spanky Nana
Kelly Olson
Julie Penny
Tom Robertson
Bruce Suppes
Jana Westerbeke - Senior Board
Laurie Wetterschneider - Emeritus and Senior Board
Jim Zarling - Senior Board

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any assistance that we can provide and also to share your successful ways for bringing in these much needed funds!

Update - Sale with a Purpose - Warehouse Event
Julie Butcher and her friend Lori Schumacher created the first 'Sale With A Purpose'.  They solicited items from friends and were able to secure a warehouse to store and then sell from. They successfully raised $5000!

It all started as Lori's vision of a small sale in her garage with the proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson!

The Directors from the Clubhouses brought over three van loads of amazing Club Kids that helped them set up on Saturday and they also had a stand with donuts and refreshments. They were a delight and a great representation of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson.

Update - Party with a Purpose Taco Tuesday
Fellow Board Member Told Bisbocci, owner of Taco Bell, created the 'Taco Tuesday' promotion with the help of Julie Butcher.  This amazing event raised $5885.00.  Love the creativity!
Thank you so much!
Laurie Wetterschneider and Julie Butcher
Co-Chairs 2017 Benefactor Campaign
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson

Julie: 970-381-8600
Laurie: 520-429-0449

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson receives prestigious SILVER at the 30th Annual Marketing and Communications (MAC) Awards
At the May 11, 2017 MAC award luncheon in at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Conference in Dallas, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson CEO Debbie Wagner and Director of Marketing Melissa Royer accepted the Silver MAC Award in Advertising.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson has been awarded a SILVER MAC award in the Advertising category.
Boys & Girls Clubs of America's prestigious Marketing and Communications (MAC) Awards recognizes Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson for their significant achievements in the field of marketing and communications. The MAC Awards celebrate excellence in several different categories including: Advertising, Special Events, Comprehensive Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, PR, and Teen Marketing.
"We are humbled by this incredible achievement, and could not have done it without the hard work of our internal team and our marketing partner, FWD," said Melissa Royer, Director of Marketing & Communications. "Being selected out of over 4,000 clubs nationally, serving over four million children isn't something to be taken lightly. We will continue to pursue our goals of providing quality programs and education for those that need it the most in our community."
The award was presented at the MAC Awards Luncheon Ceremony on Thursday, May 11, 2017 during Boys & Girls Clubs of America's National Conference in Dallas, TX.

Rising Star Baptist Church brings STAR UP Music & Arts Programming to Holmes Tuttle Clubhouse 

Rising Star Baptist Church meeting at Holmes Tuttle Clubhouse.

Nikieia Johnson, the new Director of the Holmes Tuttle Clubhouse, has created a partnership with Rising Star Baptist Church to bring music programming to the Clubhouse this year. The new program is called STAR UP Music & Arts and the focus will be to inspire Club members to express their creativity in positive ways, to foster uniqueness, and to teach music and arts. The amazing team at the Church also rallied their community to raise $500 to support the program.

Please contact Nikieia Johnson for more information or to donate instruments. Her email is or call her at 520.623.2544.
Flowers & Bullets works with Steve Daru Teens to Install New Mural
May 24, 2017 Flowers & Bullets unveiled new mural at the Steve Daru Clubhouse.

To engage Teen Club members in learning more about the history of their neighborhood, Steve Daru Club Director Anayeli Hernandez developed a partnership with Flowers & Bullets to design a mural at the Clubhouse. Teen Club members were selected to be a part of the project based on their commitment to the Club and were very excited to participate in leaving their legacy at the Club and in the neighborhood.

On  May 24th, Flowers & Bullets unveiled the beautifully designed, "Dreams Are The Seeds Of Change" community mural of West Tucson. The Flowers & Bullets art collective along with the Steve Daru Club members are excited to share this new mural with the public. Please come and see this beautiful community art project by visiting the Steve Daru Clubhouse at 1375 N El Rio Drive.

About Flowers & Bullets
Flowers are the art and bullets are the struggle. We are organizers creating outlets for underserved youth and communities, which highlight the life we live and the places that we come from. By sharing skills, promoting place-based connections in the barrio, and listening to each other's stories we promote sustainable ways of living. These ways of life address some of the traumas in our community, caused by disproportionate minority incarceration, drug addiction, physical and mental violence, food insecurity, health issues, and economic disparity.