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Sunday Service live stream 12/15

Sunday Bulletin

Week at a Glance


The Good News

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A Community of Grace

We spread God's word,

love like Jesus,

enjoy worshipping together,

and help our neighbors.

Sunday, December 15, 2024 Holy Eucharist Service at 8 & 10 AM

10 AM service can be viewed live or on demand via the church's website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

Click HERE for Sunday Worship Information


Christmas Dedications Deadline, December 15

You can fill out a red envelope (located in the sanctuary) with the following


In honor of _____________________________________

In Thanksgiving for ______________________________

In loving memory of _____________________________

This donation is from ____________________________________________

Please place donation/dedication envelope in the collection plate.

Dedications will be published in the Christmas bulletins.

You can also submit your dedications to

Nativity Play Meeting, Sunday December 15

If you have already signed up for a part or want to participate in the nativity play, please join Susan Mackall at the back of the church after the 10 am service. 

Prayer Requests

Please send your prayer requests to

Community & Fellowship

Advent and Christmas at St. Mark's

Christmas Dedications in by Dec 15

Blue Christmas, Dec 22 at 8AM

Nativity Pageant, Dec 22 at 10AM

Set up for Christmas, Dec 22 following the 10AM service

Christmas Eve, Dec 24 at 2PM w/Band, 9:30PM w/Choir and Prelude Music Concert

Christmas Day, Dec 25, one service at 10AM w/Organ and Cantor

Christmas Lessons and Carols, Dec 29

Click here for full list of events.

Are You Looking for a Special Christmas Gift?

Let me help you make shopping easy. Why not order a personalized St. Mark's Coffee mug for that special person. For a $25 donation to St Mark's, you will receive a beautiful mug with their name and a special verse. Every penny of your $25 donation will go to St. Mark's and you will be giving someone this unique gift specially made for them. If you would like to order one or more, email EB at and she will email you an order form as well as sample verses.

Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Questions

How come Joseph is pictured as a lot older than Mary?

An elderly Joseph with children from a previous marriage (Jesus’ step-siblings) comes from the Gospel of James. Also from the gospel: Mary riding a donkey to Bethlehem, Mary’s mother named Anne (from Hannah), and Mary’s perpetual virginity - before, during, and after. 

The Gospel of James (not to be confused with the Letter from James) is non-canonical - which means that the text may not be used for doctrine or disciple. However, the text may inform imagination and liturgy. Some Episcopalians treasure these things and ponder them in their hearts - believing in a spiritual manner rather than a legalistic one.

St. Mark's Book Club, Dec 21

On Saturday, December 21st we will meet to discuss Kate Morton's 2008 novel, "The Forgotten Garden" at Nancy Kinney's home. I hope all can attend to ring out the year in good cheer.


The plot of this novel is driven by the mystery of why a four-year-old girl is abandoned on an Australian wharf in 1913. Told from three perspectives, it is the story of Nell's search to find her birth family interwoven with her mother's efforts to create a meaningful life and her grandchildren's endeavors to finally solve the abandonment mystery. Inspired by Morton's own family history, it explores living with and overcoming loss - of trust, of identity and loved ones. According to Goodreads, this Gothic genre-inspired tale "is a captivating, atmospheric and compulsively readable story of the past, secrets, family and memory."

Please contact Maggie Vizio at:

Holiday Office Hours

The parish office will be closed the following holidays:

Dec 25-30 for Christmas

Jan 1 for New Year's Day

Lectio Divina: A Hole in the World by Amanda Held Opelt

Join us on Tuesday, Jan 28, at 9AM as we use the Lectio Divina method to discuss A Hole in the World: Finding Hope in Rituals of Grief and Healing (2022) by Amanda Held Opelt. "In a raw and inspiring reflection on grief--selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the best books of the year--a mourning sister processes her personal story of loss by exploring the history of bereavement customs.​"

Men's Coffee Fellowship - Wednesdays, 10:30AM

Meet at Starbucks located at the Colonies Crossroads, 1943 N Campus Ave, Unit D, Upland, 91784. For info, contact John Flasher.

Attention Knitters and Crocheters

If you wish to be of service to St. Mark's and the wider community, the Fiber Arts Guild makes prayer shawls and men's lap robes for those who are sick or facing difficult situations. We also make baby blankets for those celebrating an addition to their family. For More Information...

Children & Youth Ministries

Youth Group News, December 15

On the 15th, we will address Christmas cards for St. Mark’s homebound parishioners and then move to the sanctuary to assist the Liturgical Arts Guild hang the stars.

The Youth Group is for all young people in 6th grade and up. We meet at 11:30 am in Room 18 off the Parish Hall. If you are training to be an acolyte on December 1st, the training begins by the altar right after the service. Go there first and then join us in Room 18.

Children's Chapel

Children from the ages 3-10 are welcome to attend the children’s chapel at the fount of the church on the south side. We begin at 9:50 AM with sign-in, and lessons begin at 10 AM. Your child will join you for communion.


Kitchen Volunteers Needed for Breakfast with Santa, Dec 14

The Foothill Family Shelter is holding their annual Breakfast with Santa for the shelter residents on Saturday, December 14. They are in need of volunteers who could help prepare and serve the food at this event. If you are available, please contact Carol Morgan at

Haitian Chocolate is Here!

After a long delay owing to unusually hot weather in Wisconsin (because Singing Rooster started as a ministry of the Diocese of Wisconsin, and that's where the warehouse is) the Haitian chocolate bars are here! We will have them in church this Sunday the 8th. Suggested minimum donation, $6 per bar. (Under retail cost even if you order multiples online.) Flavors include a new twist -- "dark milk" (50%, includes a small amount of milk). This year's flavors are: Pure Dark (70%), Pure Dark Lemon Ginger, Dark Milk Peppermint Crunch, Dark Milk Cafe au Lait, and Dark Milk Toffee Sea Salt.


The Haiti Fund is very grateful to you for supporting the sale of other arts and crafts on November 10th! As all of the items were donated, we raised a little over $900, which is nearly one month's payroll for the school. Thanks to those of you who support the Haiti Fund regularly and to our earlier coffee sale, we have been able to send $6000 to Haiti so far this year, or six months of salary costs, and the income from the art and chocolate sales will put us over the mark so that we can send another $3000 shortly. 150 children are safe in school in rural Haiti because of YOU.

Toys for TOUCH Toy Drive, Dec 15

St. Nicholas exemplified generosity, especially towards children and those in need. In the spirit of St. Nicholas Day, St. Mark’s invites you to carry on his legacy of compassion by participating in our Toys for TOUCH Drive. From November 24th through December 15th, please donate an unwrapped toy for a child or teenager in need. You can drop your gift in one of the collection boxes located in the Narthex or Parish Hall.

Helping Hands Hot Meal Ministry

Can you provide a meal for a parish member? You don't need to be a gourmet chef - just a person with compassion. You can cook or call UberEATS. Please contact Jennifer Stone at

Deanery 6, Diocese and Beyond

Intergenerational Learning

The Napier Initiative offers seniors the opportunity to experience intergenerational classes at the Claremont Colleges at no expense. In addition to learning from assigned readings, class “Elders” participate fully in class discussions and projects. My class last spring introduced me to exciting new ideas and critical thinking on important issues while I shared my relevant life experiences with the class. I experienced firsthand the talent and inspiring personal values my younger classmates brought to the classroom. The following courses are offered this spring: 

(1) “People & Power: The History and Practice of Community Organizing”; (2) “Political Economy of Food”; (3) “Feminism and Science” and (4) “Human-Centered Design”.

If you would like further information about the classes and/or how to apply for admission to them please contact Paul Turner or call the office, (909)920-5565.

Creation Care

State and Local Ballot Measure Wins

California: $10 billion climate bond that funds climate resilience, protecting clean drinking water and preventing catastrophic wildfires. Read TNCs statement here.

Washington: An effort to roll back the state's Climate Commitment Act was defeated. The CCA provides millions for conservation, climate and wildfire funding, including funding for Tribal nations and at-risk communities.

Minnesota: continue reading...

Worship Videos

Come Now and Praise the Humble Saint

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

The Lord Shall Come

Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding

Stewardship & Finance

Last day for 2024 Contributions

Last minute contributions for the 2024 year should be dated and postmarked no later than Tuesday, December 31. Early submission is always appreciated.  

Donating from IRA Accounts

Required minimum distributions (RMD) are the least amounts of money you must withdraw from your traditional IRA account each year, once you reach a certain age. If you make a qualified charitable contribution directly to St. Mark's for some or all of the RMD, that amount will not be taxed. Your financial advisor or IRA customer service can provide additional details on how to make this type of donation to St. Mark's.


Thank you for your generous gift.

No matter how, how much, or how often you give,

you make a difference. Your contribution is appreciated.

Give to St. Mark's

The Episcopal


St. Mark's

Episcopal Church

Episcopal Diocese

of Los Angeles

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A Community of Grace

330 East 16th Street, Upland, CA 91784

(909) 920-5565

For Venue Rental contact Carol at

Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 10 AM to 3 PM (closed12:30-1 PM); Friday Closed


The deadline for article submissions is every Tuesday and must be emailed to

Please make sure to include “Good News" in the subject line.

Do not submit article requests via Constant Contact.

Good News articles will be published every Thursday afternoon

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