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Sunday Service live stream 01/19/25

Sunday Bulletin

Week at a Glance


The Good News

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A Community of Grace

We spread God's word,

love like Jesus,

enjoy worshipping together,

and help our neighbors.

Sunday, January 19, 2025 Holy Eucharist Service at 8 & 10 AM

10 AM service can be viewed live or on demand via the church's website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

Click HERE for Sunday Worship Information

Community & Fellowship

Office Hours

The office will be closed Monday, Feb 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.

Into Eternal Life: Joan Oyler

It is with care that we share the news that former St. Mark's Upland Preschool Director Joan Oyler passed away late December 2024. She was a member of St. John's Episcopal Church in La Verne. Please keep Joan's family and the St. John's community in your prayers.

Rest eternal grant to Joan, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Into Eternal Life: Carol Rice

It is with care that we inform you of the passing of former parishioner Carol Rice, 80 years old. She had suffered from multiple myeloma for many years. The Rice's two younger boys, Jonathan and Jeremy, were students at St. Mark's School, and Carol and Mike were active parishioners. Both were ushers, Mike served as church treasurer or finance chair, and Carol served on various guilds and was active with the school. 

In addition to the memory of her megawatt smile, two other memories came immediately to mind -- one was her incredible "space person" costume one Hallowe'en, all in silver, and the other was that one morning she came into the office telling a friend something and laughing her head off, so we asked what had happened. It was voting day, and she and Mike had gone to their neighborhood polling place. When they walked in, one of the ladies running the polling place said, "Look, here comes that mixed couple!" (Carol was of Japanese descent, Mike was not.) Carol said she must have looked taken aback, because the lady explained, "You're the only couple we have where he's registered Republican and you're registered Democrat."

Please keep her husband Mike and family in your prayers.

Rest eternal grant to Carol, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Contact the office for Mike's address for notes of condolence.

Music Notes

This Sunday, January 19, we will celebrate the feast day of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., honored for his prophetic role in the Civil Rights movement and for his martyrdom in the cause of justice. Sunday's hymns, all of which the Episcopal Church shares with the old Baptist Hymnal, reflect the songs he sang as a child. While he is frequently associated with Spirituals and often quoted from them in his speeches (one of the most notable being the work song "Free at Last"), he was formed early on by the music and worship of his childhood spent at the church he eventually pastored, Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He began memorizing hymns at the age of 5 and sang them as solos in church with the choir director, his mother Alberta King, accompanying him. (continue reading...)

Head Start Preschool Update

As you are aware, St. Mark's has been in negotiations with San Bernardino County to allow a Head Start Preschool to be housed in our Christian Education Building to offer a quality curriculum, staffing, renovated classrooms and playground for deserving children and families in the neighborhood. After several years and meetings, we have decided that there are too many unknowns and risks to continue to pursue this lease/licensing opportunity with Head Start as a good investment of time, focused effort, and resources of St. Mark’s. We are still committed to using the classrooms for the education of children and we will continue to pursue other partnerships to fulfill this mission. We are excited about the people showing up. And during this time, we continue to learn much about what our church has to offer in terms of Eric Law's Currency of Place. Many thanks to the Buildings and Grounds committee, Venue Rentals, Vestry members, wardens, Parish Counsel, Schools Consultant, parish staff, Diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, and the Diocesan CFO Susan Stanton for their time and effort since 2020. And finally, many thanks to Dale Biggs, Sharon Muehlbacher, and Marcia Godwin for their uncounted hours, experience, and expertise during this time of discernment.

Rev. Keith Yamamoto, Wardens, and Vestry

From the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Commission on Schools

A message of "Heartbreak and Hope" from the Rev. Ryan Newman, COS Executive Director, about St. Mark's Altadena and St. Matthew's Pacific Palisades.

"Where does Resilience Come From?" by Lucy Jones

Dr. Lucy Jones is a distinguished seismologist and lay leader at St. James’ Episcopal Church in South Pasadena. Dr. Jones is the founder of the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society and leads the diocesan efforts for community resilience and disaster preparedness. Ginger Rudisill is the coordinator for this ministry at St. Mark's Upland, I AM my Sisters/Brother's Keeper.


Please read Dr. Jones' January 11, 2025, Los Angeles Times article:

"For many in Southern California, these 2025 fires won’t be why they need to be resilient. But we will have other extreme weather events to contend with, and at some point, we will have an earthquake that will affect all of us. Those who are connected to each other will recover faster and have a reason to thrive again."

For more information, contact Ginger Rudisill at

A Message from Digital Ministry

Any ministry requiring Digital Ministry audio/video assistance with a presentation at the annual meeting on January 29 should send a notification to:


Please include the type of service requested and point of contact with email address and/or phone number.

Bob Mattus

Home Organization Workshop by Sally Beardsley-POSTPONED

This workshop has been rescheduled for Thursday evening, January 30. Time and room to be announced. Contact the office for information.

Lectio Divina: In Person Bible Study Resumes, Tuesday Mornings

Join us for an in-person Lectio Divina Bible study, in Room 16 from 9:00

to 10:30AM. Lectio is a contemplative method of reading the Bible. We will listen to

an upcoming Sunday gospel lesson three times from different versions of the Bible

and respond to a reflection question after each reading. Our time includes

introductions, check-in, a break, and open discussion.

St. Mark's Book Club, Jan 18

Hello, Book Lovers!


First, a big thank you to Nancy Kinney for hosting our December meeting with cheery holiday decorations and traditional German goodies. We had our usual wide-ranging discussion and lively consideration of the characters and issues of grief and family secrets raised in "The Forgotten Garden."


Our next meeting will be held in Rosemary Wesley's home in Upland. It will be Rosemary's first time hosting - hooray and welcome to the gig. Our book is "The River Between" by noted Kenyan author Ngugi wa Thiong'o. Joel Bolton will lead our discussion. A note about the author: Thiong'o is described as "East Africa's leading novelist." His work suppressed and himself imprisoned in his home country, he is now Professor or Comparative Literature and English at the University of California, Irvine. He previously taught at Northwestern, Yale and New York Universities. He is frequently regarded as a likely candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature.


Set during the colonial period when white settlers arrived in Kenya's "White Highlands," this novel tells the story of the separation of two neighboring villages caused by differences in faith. Bitterness and hatred divides the adults on each side. A young leader, Waiyaki, struggles to unite the two villages through sacrifice and pain.

Please contact Maggie Vizio at:

“A Hole in the World: Finding Hope in Rituals of Grief and Healing” 

by Amanda Held Opelt - January 28

Join us on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, from 9 to 10:30 AM in Room 16

We will use the method of Lectio Divina to guide our book discussion. Our process includes listening to the text, one another, and God in a three-stage conversation prompted by questions that bring us to a deeper and deeper revelation where text intersects with our own experiences.

And consider joining us every Tuesday, from 9-10:30 AM, as we use Lectio Divina to explore the upcoming gospel text for Sunday.

(continue reading...)

Coloring the Alleluias for Epiphany

Add color to an Alleluia during Epiphany. Please color an alleluia as a mediative practice during the service, hospitality hour, in the car, or at home. Our goal is 490! The wonderful number of times Jesus told Peter to forgive those who sinned against him, 70 times 7. Then bring your Alleluia back to church before Sunday, March 2, the last Sunday before the beginning of Lent. The Sunday School will lead the liturgy of the Burying of the Alleluias to mark the practice of refraining from Alleluias during Lent. Then at Easter, they will bring them back with a burst of joy.

Membership Classes

Interested in becoming a church member? What to find out how to get connected? Do you have questions about Episcopal spirituality? Join the conversation on the second and fourth Sundays at 9AM: Jan 12, Feb 9 & 23, Mar 9 & 23.

We meet at 9am in the back conference room aka the Mason Webber Library located in the north office building through the doors by the presider chairs. All are welcome.

Attention Knitters and Crocheters

If you wish to be of service to St. Mark's and the wider community, the Fiber Arts Guild makes prayer shawls and men's lap robes for those who are sick or facing difficult situations. We also make baby blankets for those celebrating an addition to their family. For More Information...

Men's Coffee Fellowship - Wednesdays, 10:30AM

Meet at Starbucks located at the Colonies Crossroads, 1943 N Campus Ave, Unit D, Upland, 91784. For info, contact John Flasher.

Vestry News

2025 Vestry Candidate Bios

Dale Biggs

I have been a member of St. Marks since the late 90's. At this time, I am the Building & Grounds Committee Chair. I have served on the vestry in the past as well as on other boards when we had a school and preschool. The campus of St. Mark's is large and takes a great deal of time to maintain. That is my most enjoyable thing to do. I have served on other guilds as chair also, as the Program Leader for the Red Cross blood drives. I believe that blood drives are a lifesaving event. What I think I like most about St. Mark's is coming early before anyone else arrives to have quiet time to relax. Being a past vestry member will help me learn the new ways of doing things here at St Marks. My vision is to be transparent with all. 

Susan Mackall

I joined St Mark’s after graduating from University with my Masters in Library Information Services and returning to California in 1973. While working at a local city library, I was a member of the Upland Women’s Club participating in their community activities. Later I joined the teaching staff at St Mark’s School.

I was a member and joint chair of Women of Saint Mark’s ECW assisting in organizing fund raisers, Sunday hospitality, and spiritual retreats, Advent and Lenten programs, bible studies and a LEM. I have concentrated on Children Christian Education and Fellowship programs.

For me the Episcopal Church represents God’s dream for His people. A dream where we share, care, help, say we are sorry and forgive and love. No matter where we come from, how we look, or where we live. As represented in Archbishop’s Tutu’s book.

Ginger Rudisill

Born in Torrance, California. Two daughters, one son. BS and CEM (Certified Emergency Manager) Retired from Northrop Grumman as Environmental, Health and Safety Manager. Two beloved dogs.

I have been a member of St Mark’s since October, 2023, spending much of my time creating the church Disaster plan which included a dedicated Medical Team and Wellness Room. I’m an avid reader and struggling painter. The loving welcome I first received when attending St Mark’s cemented my love for this church. I hope to do all I can to maintain the high degree of love exemplified by clergy and parishioners and continue to grow in God’s grace.

EB Stapp

My name is EB Stapp, and together with my husband, Paul, we've been members of St. Mark's for around eight years. Before joining St. Mark's, we were part of the Holy Trinity St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church community. My daughter, Lyla, attended St. Martha’s Episcopal School until its closure in 2000.

Our family's bond with the Episcopal Church runs deep, starting with my pagan grandparents who, as children, were among the first baptized by Episcopalian missionaries in the Mountain Province in the early 1900s. In the Philippines, my siblings and I were students at Easter School, a private Christian school founded by Episcopal missionaries, now known as Easter College, where my father served as the principal. After our family emigrated to the United States in 1970, we continued our tradition of attending Episcopal churches. As teenagers, my siblings and I received confirmation instructions from Father Reitz of Trinity Church, Los Angeles, and were confirmed by Bishop Gooden, the oldest living bishop at that time, who was 101 years old when he confirmed us. Our Episcopal legacy continues with Paul and Ben, who were baptized into the Episcopal Church in 2003.

What I cherish most about St. Mark's and the Episcopal Church is the genuine welcome extended to everyone—to worship, to partake in communion, and to question our faith. St. Mark's and the Episcopal Church provide me with hope when I feel discouraged, light when I can’t see past the shadows that obscure my way, and permission to question and doubt.

Currently, I organize the coffee hour hosts and contribute as a member of the Altar Guild and St. Mark's medical team. In the wider community, I volunteer at a no-kill dog and cat shelter in Claremont and will soon start a new volunteer role with Care for the Caregiver at USC Arcadia.

At St. Mark's, my interests lie in promoting initiatives that reflect our commitment to environmental stewardship and assisting wherever I can. I would also be interested in helping increase membership and possibly start a food bank at St. Mark's to help those who suffer from food insecurity.  

Children & Youth Ministries

Children's Chapel

Children from the ages 3-10 are welcome to attend the children’s chapel at the fount of the church on the south side. We begin at 9:50 AM with sign-in, and lessons begin at 10 AM. Your child will join you for communion.

Youth Group News

Saint Mark’s youth group is open to all young people in 6th grade and up and meets every first and third Sunday of the month in Room 18 after the 10:00 AM service. We are reflecting on various aspects of Christ’s teaching and working on our skit to explain how best to use the trash, recycling, and composting receptacles during the coffee hours and special events. Please join us.


Blood Drive, January 17

Friday, January 17, 1-7PM, Parish Hall.

Please visit and enter: STMARKS to schedule an appointment.

Souper Bowl Sunday, February 9

On Superbowl Sunday, February 9, we are collecting soup for the Foothill Family Shelter Food Pantry and TOUCH Ministry. Canned soups are always good and very appreciated items. Also, those that come in their own bowl, just add hot water sorts, especially as they are much lighter to be carried in a duffel or backpack

Fire Relief News, Resources, and Contributions

Please see here for the Episcopal News article on the fires by Rev. Pat McCaughan

If you wish to help those affected by the fires, please consider the following options made possible through the Episcopal Church. 

The diocesan One Body & One Spirit Appeal Fund will be used to help local institutions and individuals most affected by the wildfires. Please note "Fires" in the memo for your contribution to go to the One Body & One Spirit fund. 

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD): ERD offers resources including financial and awareness raising for all those involved in the disaster, relief, and development process. Please see here for their web statement "ERD is Responding to the Wildfires in Southern California" (Jan 9, 2025) and here for a visual of "The Emotional Life Cycle of a Disaster." and here is a resource for those who know children grades 6-8 and here

The Commission on Schools is also a helpful resource. Please see other article in the Good News. Here is a resource for parents navigating the fires with children: 

In his address to the all-clergy meeting on Jan 9, 2025, Bishop John Harvey Taylor and diocesan leadership reminded us that money/cash are more helpful in post-disaster situations. And so, rather than giving physical things like clothes and bottled water, please consider the other options mentioned. Please see here for an article from NPR "Thanks, But No Thanks." Personal cards and texts may be welcome with the understanding that people may be overwhelmed and not able to respond in a timely manner or even at all. People need community, accurate information, and agency. 

Helping Hands Hot Meal Ministry

Can you provide a meal for a parish member? You don't need to be a gourmet chef - just a person with compassion. You can cook or call UberEATS. Please contact Jennifer Stone at

Creation Care

Creator Spirit

Thank you for all the blessings in this life.

Protect our planet from greed. Put out the fires. Calm the winds. Bring us rain. Return us to the garden, where everyone everywhere has plenty of fresh, clean food and water. Move the corporations to repair all the damage they’ve caused. Remove all those in power that would cause harm. Bless all those working to protect and repair our Environment. Help them make a difference.

In the name of all that is most Holy.

Let it be.


Sustainable Communion Cups: Epiphany Experiment

This Epiphany we will be experimenting with sustainable communion cups for the Eucharistic wine. These will still be personal cups of wine that will be distributed via the communion cup trays held by the Eucharistic ministers at the altar. However, these cups are made of food-grade quality stainless steel and are lead and BPA free instead of plastic and can be reused. Please be aware of lipstick when drinking from the reusable communion cup. 

Some background: As churches resumed in-person Holy Communion following lockdown, the bishop authorized the use of personal cups pre-filled with consecrated wine. We experimented with other versions: paper cups needed to be filled the same morning, glass and bamboo cups were bulky, and filling personal cups in real-time was time-consuming. We are looking for people for the Ablutions Guild to wash the communion cups - unfortunately the cups are not dishwasher safe. Your ministry will reduce plastic waste. 

Many thanks to E.B. Stapp for donating the eco-friendly communion cups.

Prayer Requests

Please send your prayer requests to

Worship Videos

Blessed Assurance

Sweet Hour of Prayer

There is a Balm in Gilead

Shall We Gather at the River

Deanery 6, Diocese and Beyond

Intergenerational Learning

The Napier Initiative offers seniors the opportunity to experience intergenerational classes at the Claremont Colleges at no expense. In addition to learning from assigned readings, class “Elders” participate fully in class discussions and projects. My class last spring introduced me to exciting new ideas and critical thinking on important issues while I shared my relevant life experiences with the class. I experienced firsthand the talent and inspiring personal values my younger classmates brought to the classroom. The following courses are offered this spring: 

(1) “People & Power: The History and Practice of Community Organizing”; (2) “Political Economy of Food”; (3) “Feminism and Science” and (4) “Human-Centered Design”.

If you would like further information about the classes and/or how to apply for admission to them please contact Paul Turner or call the office, (909)920-5565.

Stewardship & Finance

2025 Estimate of Giving aka Pledge: Counting Blessings

Many thanks to the 63 individuals and households who registered their pledges for 2025. We have about 140 individuals and households on record. Please prayerfully consider how God has blessed your life and complete a 2025 pledge card. Your gracious contribution helps us as a community fund people like the rector, office administrator, bookkeeper, and music directors. They also keep the church buildings and grounds maintained and operational. It is not too late to make your pledge; and you may adjust your estimate of giving when circumstances change. Your 2025 pledge is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Donating from IRA Accounts

Required minimum distributions (RMD) are the least amounts of money you must withdraw from your traditional IRA account each year, once you reach a certain age. If you make a qualified charitable contribution directly to St. Mark's for some or all of the RMD, that amount will not be taxed. Your financial advisor or IRA customer service can provide additional details on how to make this type of donation to St. Mark's.


Thank you for your generous gift.

No matter how, how much, or how often you give,

you make a difference. Your contribution is appreciated.

Give to St. Mark's

The Episcopal


St. Mark's

Episcopal Church

Episcopal Diocese

of Los Angeles

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A Community of Grace

330 East 16th Street, Upland, CA 91784

(909) 920-5565

For Venue Rental contact Carol at

Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 10 AM to 3 PM (closed12:30-1 PM); Friday Closed


The deadline for article submissions is every Tuesday and must be emailed to

Please make sure to include “Good News" in the subject line.

Do not submit article requests via Constant Contact.

Good News articles will be published every Thursday afternoon

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