2025 Vestry Candidate Bios
Dale Biggs
I have been a member of St. Marks since the late 90's. At this time, I am the Building
& Grounds Committee Chair. I have served on the vestry in the past as well as on
other boards when we had a school and preschool. The campus of St. Mark's is
large and takes a great deal of time to maintain. That is my most enjoyable thing
to do. I have served on other guilds as chair also, as the Program Leader for the
Red Cross blood drives. I believe that blood drives are a lifesaving event. What I
think I like most about St. Mark's is coming early before anyone else arrives to have
quiet time to relax. Being a past vestry member will help me learn the new ways of
doing things here at St Marks. My vision is to be transparent with all.
Susan Mackall
I joined St Mark’s after graduating from University with my Masters in Library
Information Services and returning to California in 1973. While working at a local
city library, I was a member of the Upland Women’s Club participating in their
community activities. Later I joined the teaching staff at St Mark’s School.
I was a member and joint chair of Women of Saint Mark’s ECW assisting in
organizing fund raisers, Sunday hospitality, and spiritual retreats, Advent and
Lenten programs, bible studies and a LEM. I have concentrated on Children
Christian Education and Fellowship programs.
For me the Episcopal Church represents God’s dream for His people. A dream
where we share, care, help, say we are sorry and forgive and love. No matter
where we come from, how we look, or where we live. As represented in
Archbishop’s Tutu’s book.
Ginger Rudisill
Born in Torrance, California. Two daughters, one son. BS and CEM (Certified
Emergency Manager) Retired from Northrop Grumman as Environmental, Health
and Safety Manager. Two beloved dogs.
I have been a member of St Mark’s since October, 2023, spending much of
my time creating the church Disaster plan which included a dedicated
Medical Team and Wellness Room. I’m an avid reader and struggling painter.
The loving welcome I first received when attending St Mark’s cemented my
love for this church. I hope to do all I can to maintain the high degree of love
exemplified by clergy and parishioners and continue to grow in God’s grace.
EB Stapp
My name is EB Stapp, and together with my husband, Paul, we've been members
of St. Mark's for around eight years. Before joining St. Mark's, we were part of the
Holy Trinity St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church community. My daughter, Lyla,
attended St. Martha’s Episcopal School until its closure in 2000.
Our family's bond with the Episcopal Church runs deep, starting with my pagan
grandparents who, as children, were among the first baptized by Episcopalian
missionaries in the Mountain Province in the early 1900s. In the Philippines, my
siblings and I were students at Easter School, a private Christian school founded by
Episcopal missionaries, now known as Easter College, where my father served as
the principal. After our family emigrated to the United States in 1970, we continued
our tradition of attending Episcopal churches. As teenagers, my siblings and I
received confirmation instructions from Father Reitz of Trinity Church, Los Angeles,
and were confirmed by Bishop Gooden, the oldest living bishop at that time, who
was 101 years old when he confirmed us. Our Episcopal legacy continues with Paul
and Ben, who were baptized into the Episcopal Church in 2003.
What I cherish most about St. Mark's and the Episcopal Church is the genuine
welcome extended to everyone—to worship, to partake in communion, and to
question our faith. St. Mark's and the Episcopal Church provide me with hope
when I feel discouraged, light when I can’t see past the shadows that obscure my
way, and permission to question and doubt.
Currently, I organize the coffee hour hosts and contribute as a member of the Altar
Guild and St. Mark's medical team. In the wider community, I volunteer at a no-kill
dog and cat shelter in Claremont and will soon start a new volunteer role with
Care for the Caregiver at USC Arcadia.
At St. Mark's, my interests lie in promoting initiatives that reflect our commitment to
environmental stewardship and assisting wherever I can. I would also be interested
in helping increase membership and possibly start a food bank at St. Mark's to help
those who suffer from food insecurity.