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Digital Newsletter

August 5th - August 12th, 2023

Transition Team Survey Deadline: Monday, August 7th

Blessing of School Backpacks and Teachers: Sunday, August 13th during worship services @ 9am and 11am

Sunday School Promotion Sunday: August 13th @ 10am

Baptism at the Creek: Sunday, August 13th @ 6:30pm (Autauga Creek - Downtown Prattville)

Mission Moment for the Backpack Ministry: Sunday, August 20th during worship services @ 9am and 11am

Back-2-School Celebration: Sunday, August 20th @ 5-7pm (Bradford YMCA)

Wednesday Night Dinner and Activities: August 23rd @ 5-7pm

Serve Opportuity (Prattville Junior High School): Saturday, August 26th @ 8am

Ravioli Drive (to benefit our Backpack Ministry): ends August 31st


Sunday, August 6th

Traditional Service: 9am (Sanctuary)

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-8

Dr. Karl Stegall

Click here on Sunday mornings at 9am to join our Traditional Worship Service

Contemporary Service: 11am (Pratt Hall)

Scripture: Proverbs 13:12

Jennifer Aughtman

Click here on Sunday mornings at 11am to join our Contemporary Worship Service

Scripture Lesson

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

 --- Philippians 4:4-8

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

 --- Proverbs 13:12

Transition Team Update

Thank you so much to the 201 members that have already taken the Transition Team survey! We are getting a lot of good information and feedback. If you haven’t already taken the survey, please take it by Monday, August 7th. The survey is brief and can be done in less than 5 minutes.


To take the survey, please click on the link below or center the QR code with your phone's camera and click on the link that appears. Please note that only one survey can be answered per device. For example, if a couple has one computer, one can take the survey on the computer and the other one will need to use a phone or tablet.


All responses are confidential. The survey will close on August 7th. Full results will be shared once the survey closes. Thank you so much for your input!

Link to Church Survey - Click Here

Transition Team Survey - QR Code

Now is also the time to be educating ourselves on our denominational options now that we have disaffiliated from the UMC. Please click on the Disaffiliation/Affiliation button below to read this educational information which has been available on our website. We will have the opportunity to explore these options in August/September and want everyone to be informed.

PFMC Website - Disaffiliation/Affiliation Information (Updated)

Each educator in attendance will receive a small gift to show our appreciation and be eligible to sign-up for a special gift basket drawing.

Baptism at the Creek

Sunday, August 13th @ 6:30pm

Baptism is an important step of obedience that expresses our trust in Jesus and a desire to live a changed life in Christ. The act of baptism or re-affirmation of baptism also declares that we are part of the family of God. Do you want to celebrate what God has done in your life, take a stand of faith against the attacks of the enemy, or want to fulfill a longing in your life for more? If so, contact Pastor Tony for more information and let him know of your desire to participate in this wonderful celebration. We encourage you to be there even if you are not being baptized, but to celebrate and support others in their faith journey. We will grill out at the event and have dinner and dessert for everyone who attends!

Click Here to Email Pastor Tony
Welcome Ben and Caroline Williams and daughter, Norah (9months)! Caroline is originally from Akron, Ohio and Ben is from Athens, Alabama. Ben is a technical assistant with International Paper. We are so excited to welcome them as the newest members of Prattville First Methodist. 



At Prattville First Methodist Church, our Confirmation program provides an opportunity for rising 6th graders to explore the Christian faith alongside other youth in a fun, relevant and engaging way. Our focus is on helping each young person learn about God’s unconditional love and amazing grace through worship, outreach, fun excursions and classroom conversation while also learning about the history and tradition of the church.

Confirmation Classes will begin in August! If you are interested in your child participating in this confirmation class, please email Stacey Lewis at [email protected] for more information. Our student and parent meeting will be held on August 16 at 6:30 in Epworth 206! Stay tuned for more about our confirmation lock-in event scheduled for August 18-19th!

Prattville First Methodist Disaffiliation

Investment Opportunity UPDATE!

We are 72% of the way to retiring the debt occurred as a part of our disaffiliation. Way to go! In just a few short weeks we have seen an incredible outpouring of generosity and faithfulness that has been inspiring and has helped to build the momentum we need to erase this outstanding balance. So far $336,815 of the $469,069 has been collected through gifts, both large and small, targeted on helping our congregation move into the future debt-free and positioned to have a greater impact on the world around us with the light of Christ.

If you have not yet invested in this effort, we encourage you to make a gift, that can be done through our website (under the giving tab) or by placing a check in the offering plate designated to the disaffiliation fund. The sooner this debt is retired, the sooner we can refocus our combined financial giving towards the important mission and ministry supported through our general fund. We continue to stress that the work of the general fund in our church still needs to be fully supported in order to continue our mission to make disciples and to avoid disruptions in ongoing ministries.

Click here to make a gift to help us meet our Disaffiliation Goal!


Starts back on August 23rd




Click Here to Sign up for this Serve Event
Contemporary Worship & Technology Coordinator (Part-Time)
Communications & Marketing Coordinator (Part-Time)

Wednesday Night Dinner Cook-Teams

Our Wednesday Night Dinners will resume on August 23rd. Michelle Taylor, our new Food Services Coordinator, is working now to put our cook teams in place. If you were on a team, and/or would love to join a team, please let Michelle know so she can save your spot for you. Contact her at [email protected].

2023 Financial Update

(as of 6/30/23)

General Fund Budget:


Total Funds Received:


Total Expenses:


Click Here to Submit a 2023 Financial Pledge Card!
Click Here to Make a Secure On-Line Gift Today!

Only 50 hymnals left to purchase! Reserve yours today!

Celebrate and honor friends, family, and loved ones by purchasing a new hymnal for our church! Our new hymnal is called Our Great Redeemer's Praise, is published by Seedbed Publishing and should be available late summer. Each hymnal is $50 and a portion of your purchase will go to support our disaffiliation fund. The new hymnal will be a great addition to our future worship life as a church! 
Hymnal Contents:
• Contains over 675 hymns
• Hymnal is the first-ever collection of hymns reflecting the worship traditions of the 12 major North American denominations which trace their heritage to Wesleyan revival
• Includes responsive readings, selected metrical psalter, liturgies including baptism and Holy Communion which are based on the same traditional Anglican rituals that are used in most familiar hymnals in the Wesleyan tribe
• Includes the Wesleyan Covenant Service in updated language for today’s use
• The arrangement of hymns is uniquely organized around the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed.
• Incorporates nearly 100 hymns by Charles and John Wesley—more than any hymnal released in the last century
• Restores traditional language to many hymns which have been edited for theological reasons
To purchase a hymnal or hymnals for our sanctuary, please contact the church office.
Click here to Serve on the Media Team

Joining Prattville First Methodist

Many have asked about church membership, either by profession of faith or by transferring your membership from another congregation. If it fits in your schedule, Pastor Tony would like to set up an appointment to meet with you; please email or call him at the church. He will also send you a membership form with general questions so we can get to know you better. There are two primary ways to join. Some prefer to walk forward and join the minister at the altar rail during the closing song at either the modern or traditional service. Others have been introduced to the congregation in a brief video Q&A that is played in the modern service. 

Baptism marks the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. Adults and youth older than 6th grade who have never been baptized will receive the sacrament of baptism before becoming members. Children are considered preparatory members, and their membership becomes official when they participate in confirmation class in the 6th grade. For more information or to set up a meeting with Pastor Tony regarding membership, please contact the church office.

Click Here to Contact the Church about Membership


Sundays @ 8:20am in Sanctuary 202!

Have you felt The Lord calling you to do something that is bigger than yourself? Come be a part of our Legacy Prayer Team!!


Matthew 21:13 "And Jesus declared to them, It is written: My house will be called a HOUSE OF PRAYER!"

If you feel called to this team and would like to learn more information please contact our executive administrator, Jennifer Aughtman.

Email Jennifer Aughtman

From the app, you can watch services live, get access to our digital newsletter, safely give your offerings to the church, check the full prayer list, read the Bible, and check on upcoming events and so much more! Right from your cell phone!

Download it today from Apple or Android app stores and type “Prattville First Methodist.” It only takes a few seconds, but will keep you better connected to all that is happening at the church whether at home or on the go!

Download Our Church App

Sunday Morning Small Groups

Join one today!

Sunday Mornings -

YOUNG ADULTS - David Lewis


A class for singles, couples, and young families in their 20s and 30s.

Y.A.M.S. (Young Adults Married & Single) - Robyn and Stephen Davis  


A class for singles and couples in their 30s and 40s, this class studies topics relevant to life experiences. They invite all adults to join them as they learn and grow together.

JOURNEY CLASS - Dave Dageforde


This class, composed of single and married individuals in their 40s-50s and focuses on finding Christ in all aspects of life. Dave Dageforde teaches this class and invites you to join the journey.

LIFE 101 CLASS - Wayne Lambert  


With a versatile group of singles and couples (30'-50's, this class studies social topics of today from a Christian perspective. Wayne Lambert teaches this class and uses contemporary resources to study God’s word in today’s world of challenges.

NEW AGAPE - Brad Robbins and Tim Meadows


A melting pot of ages, backgrounds, and ideas forms the membership of this class. This discussion-based class has a strong emphasis on Church and Community Service. The doors of the class are always open to anyone who is seeking to begin a journey to a closer relationship with God.

JOHN WESLEY CLASS - Billy and Michelle Taylor  


A newer class for adults is the John Wesley class. Anyone who is not currently attending another class is invited to join them. They study different topics based on scripture for today’s world. They are taught by Billy Taylor.



The Friendship Class has a relaxed atmosphere made up mostly of empty nesters of all ages. The class format is discussion style and includes fun, fellowship, and friendship. Interactive studies focus on living the Christian life in today's world.

CARE AND SHARE CLASS - facilitator needed! (If you're open to serving, please email [email protected])


This eclectic group of women meets to share concerns and care for each other through their studies which revolve around Biblical applications to the trials of life.

DAVID R. WHITE CLASS - Karen Powell 


The David R. White Sunday School Class was named for a former Methodist minister and member of this class. It is composed of singles and couples in their 50s & 60s. This class is informal with lots of discussion and participation. Topics are centered around current issues based on biblical scriptures with insights and thoughts of popular, present-day authors such as J. Ellsworth Kalas and James W. Moore.



A mixed group of active retired (or soon to be retired) members who love learning of all types, but especially learning the Word. They share concerns, pray about and act on them, sing traditional hymns, and study the Bible. Leaders expand the prepared material with historical background and current relevance.

Prayer List Header.jpg

Prayer Concerns

Church Family: Ray Brasel, John Boutwell, Sabrina Colburn, Eddie Gaston, Mike Harris, Carlyn Howell, Frank Lamar, Marion Lewis, Louise Moody, Nancy Mustin, Eddie Pope (new prayer needs) Henry Crenshaw, Frank Keller, Betty Rucker, Al Pelham and Family, and Jimmy Pruett

Extended Family: Stephanie Bruner-Allen, Ben Calvert, Chris & Michelle Calvert, Grayson “Rocky” Calvert, Richard Dudley, Angela Falkner, Gwen Lawrence, Joan McCloskey, Deborah Sturdivant, Bill Tatum, Jami White


Caroline Canaday - sister of Al Pelham and former FUMC member

The flowers on the altar have been placed to the Glory of God.

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Sanctuary Altar

Flower Calendar


Contact Freda Clark ([email protected]) or (334-365-5977) in the church office to reserve your date on the calendar for the upcoming weeks and months.

Occasionally, hackers try to take advantage of our congregation by sending out false information requesting money, gift cards, and information from you. Please know that we would not send out these types of messages (like the one that went out today via text message from a 908 area code) requesting for you to respond. If you pay close attention, these messages often come from false phone numbers and email addresses, but includes a salutation that sounds somewhat convincing (i.e. Blessings, Pastor Tony McCullough). Please ignore these messages and if you are in doubt if you have received information from someone on the church staff, please call us to confirm. Pastor Tony's cell number is 334-380-1279. Thank you!


Add the Instant Church Directory App Today!

Our church directory is available to view on your mobile device! Instant Church Directory - the program we use to build our church directory - has a free app for church members to download. Go to the App Store on your phone. Search for Instant Church Directory. Download the app. Sign in with your email address and create your own password (you don’t need an administrative password to access the directory). Anytime updates are made to the directory, they will update on your device too. In the app, you will be able to search for church members' photos, and can call, email and text right from the app! Please check your information on the app and make sure it is correct. If you aren't able to log in, then we don't have your correct email address. If any of your contact info has changed, please call or text Carmen McCullough at 334.301.4641. For instance, do we need to delete a home phone number that's no longer in service? The online directory is separate from the church database, so call Carmen with any edits/changes to your contact info, or if you would like to update your photo in our online directory.