E-News from

Tuesday, October 25, 2022



Sunday, October 30 

9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Growing in Christ:

God's Word

Psalm 119:11

Nursery available for both Worship Services

and Sunday School.


9:00am Ushers

Nancy Dixon

Sumner Long

Grahame Long


Sunday School

View a Full List

of Classes Here

11:00am Acolytes

Sumner Long

Faith Towne

11:00am Ushers

Carole Russell

Sandy Pell

Janie Daniels

Jack Daniels

11:00am Children's Church

Blair & Graham Wade

11:00am Wee Church

Laura & Paul Patrick

Livestream Worship

available at 11:00 a.m.

at WPCCharleston.org

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Immediate Need for 16oz boxes of spaghetti noodles


Prayer List

Updated August 2022

Need to add someone to the prayer list. Email Nita at [email protected].


I am so glad to spend this week in Montreat, North Carolina with some of our senior adults. Montreat has always been a special place for me to connect or reconnect with God. Maybe it is because my spiritual senses are heightened on retreat, or maybe it is because when I slow down, I get more of a sense of God’s presence around me. It could also be the beauty of North Carolina Mountains- and this week, with the trees near peak autumn color, it was easy to see the glory of the Lord on full display.

I’ve been going to Montreat for about 30 years. Starting as a young high-schooler, the summer youth conferences were an annual highlight. I remember the small groups, the leaders, and the community of friends from my home church. One summer, when my new basketball shoes were stolen, the group surprised me with the money to replace them! While in college, I shifted from sheep to shepherd, chaperoning groups of youth for the summer conferences. That kind of thing continued through my first years of ministry, too.

Yet, even more than being a special place, Montreat reminds me of how God has been active in my life through the years. Jeremiah 31:21 says, “Set up road markers for yourself; make yourself guideposts; consider well the highway, the road by which you went.” In my life, Montreat is one of those road markers- I can remember God’s work in my life when I think of the times I’ve spent at Montreat.

What are your road markers and guideposts? What people or places remind you of God’s

hand in your life?

Pastor Daniel


Every leaf is a household who has completed an Estimate of Giving card. THANK YOU to those who have already made those commitments for 2023! To date, there are 125 leaves totaling $563,896.00 Our goal is 100% participation, so if you have not yet turned in your card (they are available in the narthex), you may do that by placing it in the offering plate or making your pledge online at www.wpccharleston.org Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!!


Tomorrow, October 26

6:00 p.m.

Come join in the fellowship & fun with friends & family!


Sunday, October 30

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Your Front Door

Our Youth will be Trick-Can-Treating Bags with non perishable requests for the Food Pantry at random church member’s homes. Keep a look out for a Food Pantry request at your Front Door!

Please note that you don’t have to be ‘Trick-Can-Treated’ to donate to the WPC Food Pantry!


A Seminar on Grief During Thanksgiving and Christmas

Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated? 

Our Griefshare Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. Whether ongoing or new grief, you’ll learn:

  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
  • What to do about traditions and other coming changes
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future

We’re offering the seminar at two different times: 

  • Sunday, November 13 from 5:00 – 7:00pm
  • Wednesday, November 16 from 10:00 – 12:00pm

Please RSVP by contacting Pastor Daniel by email at [email protected].


Based upon a dire need identified by our partners at Mary Ford Early Childhood and Family Center, the Mission Committee is collecting winter coats and jackets for children and adults during the month of October. The coats will be donated to Mary Ford, Chicora Elementary and Neighbors Together just in time for cooler weather. The collection box is located outside of the church office. 


Wednesday, November 2

6:00 p.m.

Fellowship dinner followed by packing bags for children facing food insecurity. Charleston County students in need receive bags of food including meal items and snacks to take home for the weekend. All hands are welcome to help, even the smallest ones!



A book and note from Mary Ford:

"To: Pastor Daniel and the Westminster Church Family:

Thank you for taking the time to be a part of our school community. We hope you find this experience as rewarding as the teachers, students, and families. We appreciate your partnership.

Mrs. Loretta Hart, Principal."

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