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February 22nd, 2024

Mission Statement

We will be the body of Christ in our Community by Connecting with God, Growing in Discipleship, and Serving the World.

Next Sermon for February 25th

Oak Grove Church Family....

Reminder: Return the lunch bags by February 18th

CAST Donations (02-08-24)


Please provide unused items.

Travel Size Toiletries


Gold Bond Powder


Emergency Ponchos

Small Flashlight (with batteries)

Chapstick / Lip Balm

(These can be gently used)

Sweatpants & Sweatshirts, men’s med.

Sweatpants & Sweatshirts, men’s lg.

Sweatpants & Sweatshirts, men’s x-lg.

Check back weekly for an updated list. This list will also be posted on Oak Grove’s CAST webpage.

Live services available

on our Facebook page.

Traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in

the Sanctuary.

Non-traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in

Whitehurst Hall.

In case you missed last

Sunday's sermon,

Click one of the buttons below.

YouTube Channel
Oak Grove's Website
Oak Grove's Facebook Page

If you would like to be more involved, please consider volunteering for

needs during our 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Dear Families at Oak Grove,

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to each and every one of you who joined us for "Create & Celebrate" in the Grove last Sunday. It was truly a joy to come together and kick off the Lenten season in such a meaningful way.

From creating burlap crosses, to sharing stories and laughter, it truly was such a joy to have time spent together. I am grateful for each of you who contributed your time, talents, and presence to make it such a special day. 

Looking ahead in our calendar, we have some exciting plans for the whole family to enjoy. Join us for our egg hunt eggstravaganza on Sunday, March 24 at 9:30 AM on the playground and surrounding grassy areas. This fun-filled event will be immediately followed by the Teeny Tiny Farm, where your family can interact with an adorable petting zoo right here at OGUMC! We are currently accepting candy donations in the church office for this event. Candy must be individually wrapped and peanut and tree nut free. Thank you in advance if you are able to contribute! 

On Easter Sunday, we will be hosting an Easter Carnival during Children’s Church starting at 10:45 AM. Check-in for the children will begin at this time in the Children’s Wing. 

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or if you just want to say hello and connect, at

Hope you are having an amazing week! 

In Christ,


On Sunday mornings, we meet upstairs at 9:45 and at 5:30pm most Sunday evenings. However, this coming Sunday evening we will be joining Youth Night at Va. Wesleyan University. If you are in grades 6 - 12, please stop in during those times. 

Middle School - "IGNITE" @ 9:45 am - "Ignite" will cover part 2 of "The Way" which takes us to Capernaum as we walk through Jesus' ministry. 

High School - "Cross Trainers" @ 9:45 am - We will continue the study of the Gospel of John.    

Sunday Night Small Group will be at Virginia Wesleyan University - 

Here is pic of last Sunday's Youth Group. Dinner was Pollards Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese and Full Salad Bar; along with Ice Cream Drumsticks. 

In lieu of our regular youth meeting this Sunday night, plans are to again participate in the Youth Day at Virginia Wesleyan University. We will meet at Oak Grove at 3:15 to ride the church van over to the college. Anticipated return is between 7:00 and 7:30 in the evening. Cost is $2 for dinner in the dining hall. Activities include games and worship prior to dinner. I need confirmation of who is going by Wednesday so I can advise the College staff! Please text or email Roger today!

Mission Trip - Reminder that registration forms are available for the summer mission trip to Altoona PA June 23 - June 29th! First come first served for limited spots on that trip. Registration is DUE MARCH 14TH!  


CAST Dinner March 3rd - Also a reminder that the youth are serving dinner to our CAST guests on March 3rd. This will be a longer than usual Sunday evening running from 5:30 until approximately 8:30. Please let Roger know that you can participate!

Oak Grove's Small Groups

Click here for all of Oak Grove's Small Groups

Join us for the next Golden Oaks Gathering. We’ll be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Tuesday, March 12, in The Bridge beginning at 11:30 AM. Along with fellowship, enjoy a meal of barbecue chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, roll and dessert. A $5 donation to help cover the cost of the meal is requested.


After lunch, two ladies from Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia will present an informative program about the many worthwhile services available to seniors. You’ll learn how to access these services in our community, and there will be time for questions and answers.


Please sign up to attend by March 4. Sign-up sheets will be available in Adult Sunday School Classes and the Wednesday Morning Women’s Small Group. You may also sign up by contacting Carol Avenson at or 757-749-0574 (cell).  

Sheila Holley & family - Frank passed away last week

Mary Knight

David Price

William Persinger

Pat Broyles 

Carol Kosinski - Her mother recently passed away

Alfred and Tammy Kellner 

Ashley Baker - Requested by York and Bridget Winston

John Page & Marilyn Knoth

Ronnie - Brother of Betty Wallace

Ambre & Erik - Jeff Garvey's wife & son

Steven Evans - Brother of William Evans 

Doris Norwood 


Matthew Hickman

Maggie Stauss

Grace Morgan

Pat Spear - Mother of Patty Midgette

Nicole - Requested by Alice Varelas

Cathy and Leroy - Aunt/Uncle of Becky Martinez

And to all the unspoken prayers

Submit a Prayer Request