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January 11th, 2024

Mission Statement

We will be the body of Christ in our Community by Connecting with God, Growing in Discipleship, and Serving the World.

On Sunday we kicked off 2024 with a new sermon series focusing on all of the ways God is making our lives new - from our physical health to our spiritual health and everything in between. Sunday was also Baptism of the Lord Sunday, a Sunday when we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by remembering and celebrating our own baptism. It was a wonderful way to begin a new year at Oak Grove.

The staff, church leadership, and I are busy planning and preparing for Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14th……yes, Ash Wednesday is on Valentine’s Day this year. In the meantime, we look forward to focusing on how we can experience new life spiritually, physically, emotionally, relationally, and financially in the coming weeks.

I pray that you and your loved ones were not impacted by the storms earlier this week. May your week be filled with Grace upon Grace.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!


Next Sermon for January 14th

Oak Grove Church Family....

Live services available

on our Facebook page.

Traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in

the Sanctuary.

Non-traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in

Whitehurst Hall.

In case you missed last

Sunday's sermon,

Click one of the buttons below.

YouTube Channel
Oak Grove's Website
Oak Grove's Facebook Page

If you would like to be more involved, please consider volunteering for

needs during our 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Youth: Start 2024 by checking out the Oak Grove Sunday morning and Sunday evening Small groups, tailored just for YOU! If you haven't been for a while, consider returning to the group. If you have graduated, consider being a helper or leader.  


Here are the Youth announcements for this week.

Middle School - "IGNITE" @ 9:45 am - "Ignite" will be reading and discussing chapter 2 of Jonah.


High School - "Cross Trainers" @ 9:45 am - Cross Trainers will begin a short series on the Book of James, led this Sunday by Noah Sutton & Stephanie Moore.  


Sunday Night Small Group at 5:30  - Evening Small group will be led by Roger & Noah. Dinner will be chicken & waffles, homemade country gravy and an assortment of ice cream for dessert. Bring a friend.  


CAST Dinner - Save the date! The Youth group is signed up to handle preparing & serving the CAST(Chesapeake Area Shelter Team) dinners on Sunday March 3rd. More information will be provided later. Please plan to serve and be a light to our homeless population right here in our area. 


This Sunday in worship - is a new series - A New Year - New You. This week is: A New You Spiritually. We will have Communion as well. 

Oak Grove's Small Groups

Click here for all of Oak Grove's Small Groups


Larry Prevost

Matthew Hickman

Ricky Cummings

Jerrod Outlaw

William Persinger


John Page

Maggie Stauss

Pat Spent

Lou Chatfield (Cheryl Kos' mother)

And to all the unspoken prayers

Submit a Prayer Request