Good Shepherd Carbon Neutral Initiative

Mission Green Project Update

On June 27th, Good Shepherd Congregational President, Cynthia Ernst, formally signed the three (3) contracts with Mission Green, LLC for the Carbon Neutral Initiative. 

These three contracts included:

  1. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
  • details how Mission Green LLC will sell Good Shepherd power/energy through the solar panels
  • details the cost over time of the energy
  1. Equipment Lease and Operating Agreement 
  • details the Heat Pumps and equipment
  • contains information about lease payments
  1. Solar Energy Lease and Easement Agreement
  • this document gives us permission to lease the church property for the solar installation
  • it details the site, location, and details of the overall project

Mission Green, LLC has made deposits to all contractors involved in order to allow them to order equipment and materials needed for the construction project. Construction will begin as soon equipment arrives. Mission Green will communicate to the congregation through announcements on the church website as well as weekly newsletters. We’re already being warned about “supply chain issues” so we’re unclear how this may alter completion dates. Again, watch for updates.

The first stage of construction will be the installation of the new electrical service entrance located on the south side of the Education Wing.  This will involve trenching in the new service entrance cabling and the installation of the new 600 amp service entrance panel. The transformer will be moved to the east lot line near the utility pole.  

Once construction begins the south door of the Fellowship Hall vestibule will be shut down and off limits until the project has been sufficiently completed to allow safe passage through the construction zone. This will likely be some time in the fall.

Please feel free to reach out to Jim or Liz if you have questions.

Visit the Mission Green Website for more information

Information about the Carbon Neutral Initiative for Good Shepherd can be found here: