Mission Green, LLC is a business and we will make a small profit on this proposal. As a business, we act under the rules of the State of Iowa and the IRS. We must do so or the IRS will consider this Philanthropy vs. Business. Profit is not our motivation. But as a business, it’s required.
As we are a business, legal contracts will be used for the Power Purchase Agreement and Lease. We have worked with a lawyer who specializes in energy contracts from the Twin Cities and have also worked locally with Hacker Nelson and Decorah Bank & Trust/Green Penny.
Mission Green wants to help Good Shepherd become carbon neutral, eliminate energy dollars in future years that could go to other church missions, and be a leader in Caring for Creation.
This initiative allows Mission Green to increase our support for Good Shepherd by securing the Solar Tax Credits and depreciation tax credits that a non-profit cannot access. This allows Mission Green to lower the costs to Good Shepherd.
This is a way for us (Jim and Liz) to actively live out our faith in a tangible way and help to locally "move the needle" towards mitigating climate change.