Good Shepherd Carbon Neutral Initiative

Good Shepherd members,

Thanks to those who have attended our presentations on the past two Sundays. We know there are still lingering questions about the project. That’s not surprising, as it is a significant undertaking with lots of interconnected parts.

Mission Green (Jim and Liz Fritz) will send some emails with FAQ (frequently asked questions) over the next several weeks leading up to the Congregational Vote on June 5th. 

We hope this will help alleviate these questions and concerns.

Here’s the first FAQ:

Why does the Mission Green Initiative have to go so fast? 

Can’t we slow down and take more time for discernment??

Honestly, we wished we could...but the reality is we can’t. 

Here’s why:

#1  Our furnaces are old (34 years old). One is currently inoperative. It has been repaired 3 times in the past 3 years. This is likely to accelerate as other repairs are necessary on the other furnaces. We’re just throwing good money after bad. 

#2 Mission Green has concerns about reaching a quorum for a Congregational vote later in the summer while many are on vacation.

#3 Mission Green is also concerned about completing the project before winter. The timeline to get contractors lined up and jobs completed will be tight. Global supply chain issues could also be problematic. Time is of the essence for the successful completion of the project.

#4 The grants and additional funding already secured by Mission Green are for “shovel-ready” projects. Delaying the start of the project could jeopardize these funds.

#5 The Federal Solar Credit decreases in 2023. These tax credits are how Mission Green can accomplish the project and significantly lower the cost to Good Shepherd. Without these Solar Credits, the project would not be viable.

#6 While it may seem like the project has only been recently revealed, this proposal has been working through Good Shepherd committees for over 6 months: Pastor Amy, Property & Management, Social Justice, and the Congregational Council have all received information leading up to the presentations to the congregation. Mission Green, LLC has been researching this project for over a year.

#7 We feel a sense of moral and ethical urgency to help slow the rising level of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The planet can’t wait.

Mission Green, LLC is offering a business proposal to eliminate Good Shepherd’s use of natural gas. It is a time-sensitive proposal. 

The congregation’s responsibility will be to either accept the proposal or reject it in its entirety. The Congregational vote will be on June 5th, immediately after worship.

Vist Mission Green Website for more information




At its April meeting, the Congregation Council voted to bring Mission Green, LLC’s Carbon Neutral Initiative to the congregation for a vote on June 5th.

Created by Good Shepherd members Jim and Liz Fritz, the proposal provides a carbon-neutral solution to help the congregation eliminate fossil fuel use and create its own renewable energy.

Information about the Carbon Neutral Initiative for Good Shepherd can be found here:

Jim and Liz welcome in-person conversations and questions as well as email messages:


Jim and Liz Fritz

Mission Green, LLC