Good Shepherd Carbon Neutral Initiative

Good Shepherd members,

Thanks to those who have attended/watched our presentations and read our FAQ emails. We continue to take and answer questions about the project through our website and by responding to emails. 

Mission Green (Jim and Liz Fritz) is sending final emails with FAQs (frequently asked questions) this week leading up to the Congregational Vote on June 5th. 

We hope these emails will help answer questions and inform your decision. This proposal is a significant undertaking with lots of interconnected parts.

Here’s FAQ #8: Final Facts about Project Details and Costs

"So, how much is it going to cost Good Shepherd?"

Project Costs

Congregation - French Drain $18,000

See FAQ #7 for details on the French drain and why we need it as part of this project.

Formal, legal contracts for the Power Purchase Agreement and Heat Pump Lease will be issued by Mission Green and will require signing by the Church Council.

  • Mission Green Power Purchase Agreement - Solar Canopy and Pergola, pavers, extra solar panels, and solar electrical equipment (ENERGY)
  • Mission Green Lease - Heat Pumps and related equipment
  • All liabilities are assumed by Mission Green. There will be no cost overruns to Good Shepherd.

The “Buyout of the PPA” in 2029 is mandated by the PPA contract and the IRS. The approximate amount needed will be 35% of the total cost of the energy-producing equipment. This cost is realized in 2029.

We believe this project can fit within our church budget. Budget overages during 2023-2026 will total $22,824. This is a “Worst Case” scenario. Possible grants or donations can continue to lower this amount.

Mission Green has currently secured $105,000 in grants, donations, and forgivable loans in addition to the cost savings of a 2% loan for the entire project.

*The 2023-2026 payments to Mission Green are combined estimates from:

  • 2022 budgeted amounts for energy ($583/mo)
  • Outside donations brought in by Mission Green ($833/mo)
  • Remaining lease payment (increases from 2023 to 2026)

**The budget overages are new monies needed monthly from the congregation. These could be covered by current grant opportunities still awaiting confirmation. Mission Green will continue to seek additional grants.

The increased amount in 2026-2029 monthly payments to Mission Green represents a “rapid payback” so the congregation will own it sooner. In 2026, the 2019 Renovation Debt reduction is completed and redirected to Mission Green. The contract is shorter with a rapid payback to eliminate future debt burden on younger congregants.

In late 2030 Good Shepherd will own ALL equipment and annually pay "zero" dollars for energy expenses…..for at least 20 more years.

Mission Green, LLC is offering a business proposal to eliminate Good Shepherd’s use of natural gas. It is a time-sensitive proposal. 

The congregation’s responsibility will be to either accept the proposal or reject it in its entirety. The Congregational vote will be on June 5th, immediately after worship.

Visit Mission Green Website for more information




At its April meeting, the Congregation Council voted to bring Mission Green, LLC’s Carbon Neutral Initiative to the congregation for a vote on June 5th.

There will be a Zoom option for voting.

Created by Good Shepherd members Jim and Liz Fritz, the proposal provides a carbon-neutral solution to help the congregation eliminate fossil fuel use and create its own renewable energy.

Information about the Carbon Neutral Initiative for Good Shepherd can be found here:

Jim and Liz welcome in-person conversations and questions as well as email messages:


Jim and Liz Fritz

Mission Green, LLC

Zoom Meeting Information - from Good Shepherd

There is a brief meeting and vote THIS Sunday, June 5th after worship in the Sanctuary. We want to make sure that a quorum of 30% of the membership is present to vote: 82 people. Follow the instructions below (and posted on the website HERE) to join via Zoom. 

Click here to join: Congregational Meeting and click to Launch Meeting if prompted.

Meeting ID: 841 3467 1603

Passcode: 546768

To join by phone, call: 312 626 6799 and entering the meeting ID and passcode. 

  • You may be prompted to enter the Meeting ID 841 3467 1603 followed by #
  • You may be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. This does not apply to our meeting. Press # to skip.
  • You may be prompted to enter the Meeting passcode 546768 followed by #.

If neither of those options work, you can go to and click on the option to join a meeting. Then type in the meeting ID and passcode:


Meeting ID: 841 3467 1603

Passcode: 546768

Please email with any questions or concerns prior to Sunday.