Now that the Good Shepherd Carbon Neutral Initiative has been completed, we can see more of the future regarding our energy usage.
We previously received Energy Star certification in 2012. That is now quite dated, and a new recertification request is underway. Energy Star doesn't have a "Net Zero/Carbon Neutral" rating yet, but they are in the process of creating one. When it is available, we will apply.
Good Shepherd electric bills from Alliant have averaged $22.47 per month! This amount reflects the hook-up fee for the meter. We receive 110% net metering and send the excess energy we produce to the grid. There, it is "banked" to be used by Good Shepherd when the sun's energy is lower (wintertime). We have already "banked" 14,520 kWh hours….enough for several winter months! Additionally, there is no gas bill since we removed all gas furnaces and the meter in January 2023.
We have had questions about the option of being totally "off the grid." Keeping our meter connected with Alliant allows us to store all energy produced without a battery storage system. Using net metering on the grid is currently the most efficient path.
Efforts by Mission Green and Good Shepherd have recently been recognized by Interfaith Power and Light, a national organization whose mission is to encourage people of faith to work towards a sustainable energy future. The highest recognition of "100% CO2 Reduction" was given.
You may read the article about our project on their website:
We received a certificate suitable for framing, window clings to place at our entrances, and a bamboo plaque that will be displayed. Here is Pr. Amy accepting the plaque and certification on behalf of the congregation: