Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome!
Please email your contributions to David Baggett.
The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!
Announcements may be edited for content and space.
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Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment
Please note: the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd
in observance of Labor Day.
Pastoral Care Emergencies
Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.
Prayer Requests
Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request.
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A Message from the Rector
Dearly beloved,
Over the past several months, the Vestry and I have been reflecting on how to care for our neighbors - from new members and longtime parishioners to our staff, clergy, and community partners - by providing the safest environment possible in which people can worship, learn, and serve, particularly on Sunday mornings.
Earlier this week, the Vestry unanimously approved a motion to engage the services of a security company in providing us with an unarmed, uniformed security professional on Sunday mornings. They will be present to assist staff, ushers, and worship attendees; monitor activity in the Parish Life Center and sanctuary during services and formation offerings; and respond to emergencies as needed.
We will begin this trial arrangement on September 8, 2024. Over the coming months, please feel free to be in touch with me or any member of the Vestry, clergy, or staff with your feedback and impressions. This is a learning experience for all of us, and an opportunity to take a new step in allowing our Sunday rhythms to continue steadily with the added support of a dedicated professional trained to respond appropriately to a variety of situations as needed.
Yours in Christ’s love,
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Parish Office Closed for Labor Day
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. The Parish Office will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9 AM. As a reminder, regular Parish Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-5 PM, and on Friday by appointment. For Pastoral Care emergencies, please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008. The Pastoral Care Support Line is monitored by the clergy.
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Coming This Sunday
Community Lunch
Our monthly Community Lunch, sponsored by Beyond Our Doors Ministry Team, returns this Sunday after the 10:15 worship service. Everyone is invited and all are welcome! At this month's lunch, You Can Vote (a non-partisan voter education and information organization) will be providing information. Contacts: Shirley Sullivan and Gerard McNeill
DOK Offering Healing Prayers
During both the 8 and 10:15 worship services, Daughters of the King will be available during communion to pray with anyone desiring prayers. Daughters will be available during
- 8 AM in the West Transept (McDowell Street)
- 10:15 AM in the Bride's Room (small room at the back of the church, adjacent to the narthex).
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Outreach Opportunity
Supporting Those Cared for by Family Promise
Here are some opportunities to support those cared for by Family Promise of the Triangle.
We will be providing a meal and taking donations to the families staying in the temporary housing provided by Family Promise on Method Road. This will occur on Monday, September 9th.
Donations of paper towels and Shell and BP gas station cards have been requested to support the families. The collection bin for the paper towels and for sealed envelopes containing desired gas cards will be in the lobby of the Parish Life Center September 1st-8th. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Questions? Contact Marguerite Sullivan (919.602.8815) or Caryn Meade (919.889.4365).
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The Choir Season Returns!
Regular rehearsals resume on Wednesday, September 4 at 7 PM in the Choir Room. Join the choir! Sing with happy, committed, creative people in a great place. Be part of something greater than any one person. Come and see what all the excitement is about!
Handbell choir resumes rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4, too. Space is limited (because they're bells!) so see Cliff if you're interested. Contact: Cliff Badgley
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Registration Is Open!
Kid's Sunday School
Sunday school is coming soon! Beginning on September 15th, Sunday school will take place each Sunday at 9 AM. Kids 4-12 years old will experience mornings of singing, fun, and growing in faith together as they learn about God’s promises, saints of the church, and the many names for Jesus. Registration is now open! To learn more about the Sunday school curriculum and to register your child, please see Kid's Corner, later in this newsletter. Contact: Rev. Hershey
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The Seamen’s Church Institute
Contributed by Meriwether Walker & Jan Harris
Since 2006, the St. Francis Needlework Guild has crocheted or knitted hats and scarves as part of the ‘Christmas at Sea’ program (CAS) of The Seamen’s Church Institute. This program represents the “oldest and longest continually-running charter knitting program in the US. CAS delivers the highest volume of knitted gifts to international seafarers of any non-profit, and are the only chaplaincy delivering knit gifts to the thousands of professional US mariners at work aboard towboats, tugboats, harbor tugs and dredges on the Mississippi River system and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterways”.
The Church of the Good Shepherd is one of 33 groups/individuals who contributed hand-made gifts to this program in 2023. Contributors at Good Shepherd this year have been: Betty Dietz, Peg Dorer, Kathy MacLeod, Debbie Moyer, Jennifer Tlusty, Phyllis Vail, Bonnie Wheeler and Meriwether Walker (chair). On August 27th of this year, we sent 19 scarves and 16 hats to be distributed this Christmas.
Peg Dorer will be the chair beginning in October 2024. Won’t you join us?
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Can You Help?
Senior Luncheons – Host/Helper Volunteers Needed
On the third Thursday of most months of the year, Good Shepherd hosts its 70+ young people to a simple luncheon after the noon Eucharist. Over the last number of years, it was realized those who provide this luncheon and its staffing have actually been eligible to attend!
New Shepherds are being recruited to the fold so this enjoyable offering can continue for those Shepherds who have come before you. Volunteers needed are to head up the luncheons and recruit others to bring side dishes/desserts and clean up. Actual event commitment is 4 hours on luncheon dates (8 per year) + planning time of approximately 4 hours.
Please call or text Christie Barbee at 919-345-1494 or Jan Harris at 919-815-2556. For this to continue, your help is NEEDED! Thank you!
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Fellowship Is Foundational at The Church of the Good Shepherd
Contributed by Esther Hall
The basic definition of fellowship is: a friendly association with people who share similar interests as you.
Fellowship is the feeling of mutuality, enthusiasm and devotion that comes from being in a group setting.
Follows the Mission: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Diocese of North Carolina seeks to live God's dream by making disciples and making a difference
Framing Fellowship through the lens of the disciples:
They Were Together – “And all those who had believed were together…”
They Had a Common Interest – “…and they had all things in common.”
They Shared and Met the Needs of Others – “...and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.”
They Shared Meals Daily – “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart….”
They Praised God Together – “…praising God and having favor with all the people."
Mark Your Calendars for Fun Fellowship Events:
- September 8-Rally Day
- October 27-Stewardship Luncheon
- November 16-Jim Propst Memorial Oyster Roast
- February 9-Chili Cook-Off
May 10-End of Church Programming Year/Mike Beard Memorial Pig Pickin’ [please note date correction]
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Save the Date! September 21st
Flower Workshop to be Offered by the Flower Guild
WHEN: Saturday, September 21st at 10 AM
WHERE: Shepherd's Hall
Plan to join your friends to learn the art of creating beautiful arrangements with flowers and greenery.
Members of The Church of the Good Shepherd Flower Guild will lead this hands-on interactive workshop. It will include a demonstration followed by time and materials to create your own flower arrangement to take home. Bring clippers and greenery from your yard and we will supply the flowers. Please RSVP to Anne Doster by September 16th!
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Members of the Flower Guild procure fresh flowers and greenery each week and
create beautiful arrangements for our Sunday worship services.
Last week's flowers were lovingly arranged by Margaret Nordt.
Photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny
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Call to Action!
ONE Wake Petition for Affordable Housing
Contributed by Jeff Whittaker
Help The Church of the Good Shepherd reach our goal of 250 signed petitions. Currently
we have 150 names and more for those who signed up on-line. Petitions will be presented to candidates for City Council and County Commissioner on October 10, 7 PM at Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. The goal is 1000 people with 10,000 petitions. This will underscore how we support our neighbors for affordable housing. This is how democracy should work! And this is how Christians should help the poor among us.
Please help! Sign the petition in the Narthex after the 10:15 Sunday service or PLEASE CLICK HERE to sign on-line.
If you would like a petition so you can ask neighbors, friends and family to sign, please contact Jeff Whittaker (919.696.1612).
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Parish Finances
PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget report (through July 31st). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.
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Vision Accomplished Update
Pledges Made: $241,855.25 (increase from last week: $0)
Pledge Payments and Gifts Received: $155,719.85 (increase from last week: $1,385)
Thank you for your generous support of the Vision Accomplished campaign!
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Getting Ready to Rally!
Sunday, September 8th
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Don't Miss Our Rally Day Festival!
Join your Good Shepherd community on Sunday, September 8th as we begin our program year with offerings for everyone including Sunday School, Adult Formation, and lots of the outreach efforts we value.
This year's Rally Day Festival will feature fellowship, food, and fun PLUS ice cream, information, music and more! Learn how to Go Green with the Green Team. Sign up for ONE Wake and learn about Good Shepherd's Flower Guild.
Children’s activities will include bubbles and the bouncy castle, chalk art, and coloring.
Kids and adults: you'll definitely want to try your hand at corn hole!
Be sure to enjoy our Good Shepherd Grillers' yummy burgers and hot dogs and have fun creating your own ice cream sundae with a whole table full of toppings.
Help us raise funds to support the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry at the Dunking Booth featuring our rector and Jan Harris.
Eshter Hall says, "Be there or be square!"
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Can You Help?
We still need some help with Rally Day! Here's what's needed:
- Desire to antagonize fellow parishioners so they want to dunk you. Willingness to get soaking wet for a good cause. Seeking good sports for the Dunking Booth!
- Set up crew (tents, tables & chairs) from 9-11 AM
- Tear down & cleanup crew from 1:30-3 PM (probably earlier)
- Canopy tents (preferably 10'x10')
If you can help, please contact Esther Hall (919.740.5260) or Kay Stallings (919.649.5186). Thank you!
If you'd like to make a financial contribution to help offset Rally Day costs, please make your check payable to The Church of the Good Shepherd (noting Rally Day on the memo line) and place it in the alms basin on Sunday morning or mail it to David Baggett's attention in the Parish Office. Thanks very much for your support!
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Please keep reading...more news follows! | |
A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of
Our Youngest Beloved
Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!
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Children's Chapel Returns This Sunday!
Contact: Rev. Hershey
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Let the children come together and grow in faith and friendship!
Register your child for a morning of singing, fun, and growing in faith together.
Kid’s 4-12 years old will learn about God’s promises, saints of the church,
and the many names for Jesus.
Sunday School happens each Sunday at 9 AM beginning September 15.
Registration is now open!
Please Register Here
This fall through music, stories, and art we will explore:
The Promises of God
September 15-29
The Saints of the Church
October 6-27
The Names for Jesus
November 3-17
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Looking Ahead...
- Sept. 8 - Rally Day (11:30am-1pm)
- Sept. 15 - EYC (5:30-7:30pm)
- Sept. 22 - EYC Parents Meeting (5:30-7:30pm)
- Sept. 29 - EYC: Tower Escape Room (5:30-7:30pm)
- Oct. 6 - EYC (5:30-7:30pm)
- Oct. 13 - EYC (5:30-7:30pm)
- Feb. 14-16 - EYC Retreat at the Trinity Center
For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.
To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.
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Our altar last Sunday
Photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny
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Blessing of the Students
During the 10:15 worship service last Sunday, Rev. Hershey blessed students of all ages and their backpacks into a new school year. The parish joins in wishing all of our beloved students and teachers a safe, successful, and joyful school year!
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Photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny | |
From the Green Team
Caring for God's Creation: Learning about Recycling
On Friday, August 23rd, the Green Team sponsored a tour of Raleigh’s Sonoco’s State-of-the-Art Waste Services Facility. It was a great learning experience and fun! The Green Team looks forward to sharing and implementing some ideas for improving our recycling efforts. Stay tuned! Contact: James Joslin
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Learning, laughing, loving...Sarah Boney, Matthew Kershaw, Willie (from Sonoco's team), Jan Harris, James Joslin, Madeline Joslin (City of Raleigh), Kathy Whittaker, Meg Dreifuss, Jeff Whittaker, Reed Dreifuss, Vive Kershaw, Jean Knepley, Lynn Hoke, Marguerite Sullivan, Gregg Knepley, Gerard McNeill, Amanda Penny, and Beth Hahn (taking the photo).
Tour photos courtesy of Beth Hahn
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Gerard McNeill and Kathy Whittaker getting ready for the tour. | |
Sarah Boney and Jan Harris ready to go! | |
Stewarding One Another's Health
Contributed by Jennifer Tlusty, RN
As we head into fall and people are indoors more, it is a good time to remind everyone to practice good hand hygiene - that is, washing your hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer often and trying to refrain from touching your face. It is especially a good practice to use hand sanitizer after shaking hands and/or hugging others. When drinking from the chalice during communion, we encourage you to help steady the chalice by touching the base only. Please avoid touching the rim of the chalice where others will be drinking afterwards.
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A Culture of Care, A Culture of Love
Occasionally, life throws us curve balls, no doubt about it! Whether it's COVID, a pulled back, a sprained ankle, or a stomach bug, there are occasions when we could use a little help--maybe a friendly ear, a prayer, or a gallon of milk--none of us should feel timid to ask for some assistance from our parish family. After all, that's what families are for!
If you ever find yourself in need, please don't hesitate to contact the Parish Office (919.831.2000), Monday-Thursday, 9-5. Of course, for pastoral emergencies, please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008 anytime. This phone number is monitored by the clergy.
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Ways to Serve
If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.
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Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners
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The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List
Roy Wright; Carolyn Owens; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor; Martha Bailey; Peggy Hawks; Ginny Byrd; Mitchell Lawrence; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton; William Short;
Catherine and Bob Williams; Paul Hoch; Carolyn Watson; Brinley Harris; Don Caudill;
Shirley Caudill; Larry Bledsoe; Stephanie Rivers; Jane Mayhew; Jeffrey Halbstein-Harris;
Janet Watrous; The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University; John; Mary Best; Vince Manley; Tessa; Jeremiah Farmer; The Clayton Family; The Pritchard Family;
the people of Israel and Palestine; the people of Ukraine and Russia;
all victims of gun violence; and those affected by drought, heat, floods, and storms.
We pray for those who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom,
remembering Melvin Dawson Pritchard, Jr.
In the diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for St. Mary’s, Speed, and Trinity Church, Statesville.
In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola
(The Anglican Church of Mozambique and Angola).
The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request.
Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.
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Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of
Good Shepherd!
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Sunday, September 1st
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, & Children's Chapel
In Person & Livestream Worship
Service Bulletin
11:30 AM Fellowship &Community Lunch
Sponsored by Beyond Our Doors Ministry Team
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Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment
Please note: the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd
in observance of Labor Day.
Pastoral Care Emergencies
Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.
Prayer Requests
Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request.
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