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Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome! 

Please email your contributions to David Baggett.

The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!

Announcements may be edited for content and space.

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 


Top Of Mind

Planning Your End-of-Year Giving

Some folks have been asking how to ensure end-of-year gifts are properly credited to their 2024 giving contributions, especially since the Parish Office is closed between Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Here are some options for your consideration:

  • Make your online contribution by December 31.
  • Mail your contribution to the Parish Office (check dated December 31 or earlier & envelope postmarked by December 31).
  • Hand-deliver your contribution to the Parish Administrator during Parish Office hours:
  • Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM (regular office hours thru Monday, December 23rd)
  • Tuesday, December 24, 9 AM - 1 PM
  • Monday, December 30, 9 AM - 1 PM
  • Tuesday, December 31, 9 AM - 1 PM
  • Place your contribution in the alms basin during worship services on December 24, 25, and 29.

If you are planning to make a stock transfer to the church, please contact Parish Administrator David Baggett (919.831.2018) prior to December 24th for instructions.

If you should have any questions, please contact David Baggett (919.831.2018).

A Reminder

Funeral Service for Ginny Byrd

A service to celebrate the life of our dearly beloved sister in Christ, Virginia “Ginny” Anne Sears Byrd, will be held at The Church of the Good Shepherd tomorrow, Friday, December 13th at 2 PM. The parish will host a reception for family and friends at the church immediately following the service. Please continue to hold Ginny and her family and loved ones in your prayers.

Funeral parking options for your consideration:

  • 200 W Morgan Street (former Diocesan House lot) at the corner of McDowell and Morgan Streets (directly across McDowell Street from the church) from 1 PM until 5 PM.
  • The Municipal Parking Deck at the corner of McDowell and Morgan Streets (diagonally opposite the back of the church) offers two-hour free parking.

Please note that First Baptist Church's parking lot (directly across Hillsborough Street from the church) is not available for this service.

Stewardship Update

Our Annual Giving Campaign was highly successful because of your generosity. The Vestry meets on Monday evening, December 16th, to adopt the 2025 operating budget. Thanks to our culture of generosity this process will not be one of painful cuts. Your financial commitment to sustain The Church of the Good Shepherd is a strong testament to how God is showing up in all manner of ways. Thanks be to God!

 To date:

  • Pledged: $760,765 (101% of our $750,000 pledge goal)
  • Number of pledges received: 172 (92% of 2024 pledges)

Advent at Good Shepherd

What's Happening This Sunday

Bishop Sam's Visitation

This Sunday, our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Samuel Rodman, will visit with us! During the 10:15 worship service, Bishop Sam will preach, confirm, and celebrate. In addition to leading us in worship, Bishop Sam will also spend time with the vestry, meet our confirmand, and greet parishioners.

Please note: This Sunday cash offering at both the 8 and 10:15 worship services will go to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund. Your offering helps us to care for and reach out to those who are vulnerable and in need. If you choose to write a check, you may make it payable to The Church of the Good Shepherd, but please indicate your intentions by writing "Bishop's Discretionary Fund" on the memo line. Another way to give is by using the online giving link. Thank you for your generosity!

In addition to our Eucharist services at 8 and 10:15 AM this Sunday, the following events and activities are taking place:

8:30 AM - 12 Noon

Nursery Care Available (for infant to 4 yo)

9 AM

  • Adult Formation--The Infancy Narratives in Advent led by Rev. Nancy in the Ennis Suite

This class is a joint offering with the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study.

11:30 AM

Fellowship Time

5 PM

Celtic Service: Hope & Healing at Christmas

As we anticipate the birth of Christ, we recognize and honor that this season can be a time of sadness and grief. This worship service provides an opportunity for those seeking a liturgy that offers peace and comfort.

5:30-7:30 PM

EYC Christmas Party

Thursday, December 19th at 12 Noon

Shepherd's Lunch and Holy Eucharist

Parish seniors are warmly invited for a brief service of Holy Eucharist, lunch, and fellowship on Thursday, December 19th from 12 Noon. Please come if you can! If you're able to attend, please let us by Tuesday, December 17th by emailing David Baggett or by calling 919.831.2018. Please leave a voicemail if there is no answer. Thank you!

Thursday, December 19th at 2 PM

Music Ministry Christmas Outreach

Dwayne, Rev. Justin, and CGS Choir members will be caroling at Hillcrest Retirement Center, 3830 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh 27612 on Thursday, December 19 at 2:00 PM. All are welcome to join us for a casual, Christmas Carol Sing-a-long for the residents, staff and patients there. 

Saturday, December 21st at 8 PM

Longest Night Service Hosted by Raleigh Mennonite Church

On December 21st, at 8 PM, Mennonite Action will be holding a Longest Night service and time for fellowship on the third floor of The Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh (121 Hillsborough St.). The Longest Night is a service rooted in Christian tradition, which takes place on the winter solstice just a few days before Christmas—in the midst of twinkling lights, trees and gifts, and cheerful holiday music, it gives us space remember loved ones who are no longer with us and to lament our broken world.

We invite you to join us: to bring your grief and your anger, your sorrow and your fear. Come, as you are, and know that God meets us in the darkness.

For those who feel called and able we will also continue our vigil through the night,

8 PM - 8 AM followed by breakfast. For over a year, our siblings in Gaza have endured night after night of sleeplessness as the sounds of falling bombs, drones, airplanes and gunshots have surrounded them, and on the longest night of the year, Mennonites and allies throughout the country will sacrifice our own sleep as well in witness and solidarity.

If you would like to be part of the overnight vigil but don’t feel able to spend the entire night, you’re welcome to join us for what you can and to leave when you need. There is also opportunity to help provide breakfast for the overnighters and join them for the meal.

A Zoom link will also be available for the 8 PM service, for those who aren’t able to attend in person.

If you think you’d like to join us for any part of the service or vigil, or would like a Zoom link:

Sign up here!

Sunday, December 22nd at 10:15 AM

All-Ages Christmas Pageant

Join us at the 10:15 worship service next Sunday for this year’s parish-wide Christmas pageant featuring adorable livestock, Oscar-worthy cameo appearances, and good news of great joy on the final Sunday of Advent. Come celebrate the birth of Christ with us through a heart-warming pageant filled with music and the true spirit of Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 24th

Christmas Eve at The Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 2:00 PM Interactive Kids and Family Service
  • 4:30 PM Christmas Music
  • 5 PM Festival Eucharist
  • 7:30 PM Christmas Music
  • 8 PM Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, December 25th

Christmas Day Eucharist at 9 AM

ONE Wake Status and Update on St. Agustine University Fight

PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the latest update shared by Jeff Whitaker.

An Update from the Green Team

Battery Recycling Project

The Green Team is collecting batteries in the Parish Life Center lobby to dispose of them properly. To date, we have collected over 50 pounds of used batteries! Thank you and keep up the good work! Here are a few things to keep in mind:


  • Where do I leave my used batteries? There is a plastic bucket labeled for battery recycling in the lobby just inside the PLC front door. The recommendation we have received for storing used batteries is a non-metal container (preferably cardboard or plastic) in an indoor space at room temperature. The bucket was supplied by Raleigh’s Batteries Plus.


  • How often are batteries removed? We remove them every week.


  • What happens to them?  The batteries are taken to the Wake Convenience Disposal Site on Deponie Drive and deposited in the large plastic containers marked for battery disposal.  


If you have questions about the Battery Recycling Project, please contact Beth Hahn.

A Note about Livestreaming

We are continuing to experience technical difficulties with the livestream and apologize for the frustration. Kindly note that this Sunday's 10:15 worship service will be livestreamed; however, if the quality of the livestream is not satisfactory, it will be replaced on Sunday afternoon with a video recording of the service. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact David Baggett (919.831.2018).

It's Time for Vestry Nominations

Do you know a fellow parishioner who would be a good candidate to serve on the Vestry? If so, please nominate him or her to serve. Self-nominations are encouraged!

The Parish will elect four new Vestry members at the Annual Parish Meeting on January 26, 2025. New Vestry members will serve a three-year term beginning February 1, 2025. 


If the idea of a Vestry is new to you, it is similar to the governing body of a nonprofit company. According to the website of the national Episcopal Church, the vestry is the “legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property.” It helps define the mission of the congregation, supports the church’s mission “by word and deed”, selects the rector of the Church, ensures effective organization, and manages the Church’s resources and finances. There is a significant time commitment including monthly meetings, committee meetings, and participation in Church events.


The responsibilities of the Vestry fall into three categories: Financial oversight, Facilities oversight, and Development. A Vestry member serves a three-year term, attends monthly meetings and annual retreat, serves as a liaison to at least one other Church committee or ministry group, attends Church and Church events on a regular basis, and supports the annual stewardship campaign through giving and raising funds. In addition, according to our bylaws, a vestry candidate must be over 18 years of age, must be baptized and confirmed into the Episcopal Church. 


It is the duty of the Nominating Committee to seek out qualified parishioners to run for the Vestry and to screen nominees for eligibility. Please CLICK HERE to review the Vestry Member position description to better inform your decision to serve.  If you know a great candidate for Vestry or are one yourself, please get a nomination form by CLICKING HERE. Please contact Esther Hall committee chair to chat further serving. Nomination forms must be received by Friday, January 3, 2025.

To All Ladies of The Church of the Good Shepherd

The Daughters of the King will be hosting a short "get to know us" in January. If you are curious, come, ask questions, and get to know us...what we are about and what we do. The time and date are to be announced shortly. Contact: Mary Jezierny

Responding to Hurricanes Helene and Milton

The Diocese of North Carolina is suggesting ways to consider helping with hurricane relief efforts. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information.

And here's another opportunity to consider: North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster is a central source for indicating volunteer and donation assistance interest. 

God, we ask You to bless each and every person affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton and surround them with Your love, protection and angels. Let them know of our prayers for them and their loved ones. We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord, and know that even in the darkest hours, You are always with us. For the love of your only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Keep Reading...Because There's More!

Be sure to see below for more news, including

  • Info about kids and youth programs and activities
  • Parish Life
  • St. Nicholas Tree
  • October Finance Update
  • Vision Accomplished Updates
  • Opportunities to Serve
  • Parish Prayer List
  • News from the Diocese

Please keep reading...more news follows!

A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of

Our Youngest Beloved

Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!

Let the children come together and grow in faith and friendship! 

Sunday School for kids 4-12 years old happens each Sunday at 9 AM.

Children’s Ministry Advent Activities

The Advent Wreath, as the name somewhat implies, is a circle having no beginning and no end. Just as God has no beginning and no end. It can also remind us of the unending love of God for us that brought Jesus to earth to save us from our sins so that we might in turn have eternal life in Heaven! This Adventide the Children of The Church of the Good Shepherd will embrace the advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love in our time together each Sunday at 9 AM.


Sundays in December - Pageant Practice

We are working with the incomparable Ian Finley, Elizabeth Gant and others to put on this year's pageant. Friends of God, ages 0-99, are encouraged to join the CGS Christmas Players. There is a role for everyone who would like to participate. Please email Rev. Hershey for more details.


To join in the fun this season meet us upstairs in Room 329 at 9 AM each Sunday morning! 

Episcopal Youth Community

Looking Ahead...


  • Dec 15 - EYC Christmas Party (5:30-7:30 PM)
  • Dec 22 - All-Ages Christmas Pageant (10:15 AM)
  • Dec 29 - EYC Open House


  • Feb. 14-16 - EYC Retreat at the Trinity Center

For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.

To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.

Parish Life

It's a Wrap! St Nicholas Tree 2024

Thank you! Thank you! Thank everyone who contributed so enthusiastically, generously, and quickly to our 2024 St. Nicholas Tree project to benefit children and families served by Episcopal Farmworker Ministry. And special thanks to Jennifer Tlusty for her efforts to coordinate this year's St Nicholas Tree project. What a success! The gifts were picked up at the church today (Thursday) and will soon be distributed to excited boys and girls.

There were lots of gifts this year for lots of girls and boys!

photos courtesy of Jennifer Tlusty

Ways to Serve

If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.

Parish Finances

PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget report (through October 31st). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.

Vision Accomplished

  • Pledges Made: $242,295.25 (increase from last week: $0)
  • Pledge Payments and Gifts Received: $181,455.10 (increase from last week: $3,050)

Thank you for your generous support of the Vision Accomplished campaign!

Meet Our Partners

Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners

From The Diocese

Be sure to check out the latest news and information from the Diocese.

The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List

Roy Wright; Catherine and Bob Williams; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor;

Martha Bailey; Peggy Hawks; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton; William Short; Paul Hoch;

Brinley Harris; Don Caudill; Shirley Caudill; Larry Bledsoe; Jane Mayhew; Janet Watrous;

The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University; Rebecca Lamb;

Bob Kirchgessner; Josephine Placa; Kathy Acton; Noah Cassion; Patricia Harris; Marilyn;

Amy Proseus; Reginald Fuller; The Lawrence Family; The Tyson Family; The Rivers Family;

The Owens Family; The Byrd Family; The Davidson Family; The McComas Family;

The Fuller, Longerbeam, and Spencer Families; the people of Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon;

the people of Ukraine and Russia; victims of gun violence; and those affected by drought, heat, floods, and storms, especially those impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

And we pray for those who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom, remembering especially Mae McComas.

In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for The Diocese of North Carolina.

In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Tanzania.

The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request

Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.

Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of

Good Shepherd!

Submit My 2025 Online Pledge Card
Submit My 2025 Pledge Using Realm
Give Toward My Pledge
Give A One-Time Gift 
Give Toward Vision Accomplished Campaign 

Come Worship with Us!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Third Sunday of Advent

8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I

8:30 AM - 12 Noon Nursery Care Available (infant to 4 yo)

9 AM Sunday School for Kids & Adult Formation

10:15 AM Holy Eucharist with Confirmation

and Children's Chapel

The Rt. Rev. Bishop Sam Rodman, preacher & celebrant

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin

11:30 AM Fellowship

5 PM Celtic Service of Hope & Healing at Christmas

5:30-7:30 PM EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 

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