Calendar & Events
Schedule for February 2, 2025:
8 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
8:30 AM - 12 Noon
Nursery Care Available (infant-4 yo)
9 AM
Sunday School (kids 4-12 yo)
Adult Formation (info below)
10:15 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Children's Chapel & Godly Play
11:30 AM
Daughters of the King Information Session (info below)
Community Lunch
Sponsored by Beyond Our Doors Ministry Team. Everyone is invited and welcome!
5:30-7:30 PM
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
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Adult Formation- How to Read the Bible
The final session of How to Read the Bible, led by Debbie Moyer, will take place next Sunday at 9 AM in the Ennis Suite. Please know you are welcome to attend next Sunday even if you have missed the previous sessions!
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To the Women of the Church
The Daughters of the King will host a short "get to know us" on Sunday, February 2nd in the Ennis Suite, immediately following the 10:15 worship service. If you are curious, come, ask questions, and get to know us...what we are about and what we do. Contact: Mary Jezierny
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Wednesday Noonday Eucharist Services
Our Wednesday Noonday Eucharist services provide a brief opportunity in the midst of a busy week to pause, rest, pray, and worship.
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David is on Vacation!
David Baggett, Parish Administrator, will be on vacation February 4-25. While he's away please make note of the following contacts:
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including key Fobs and PLC space reservation | Stephen McCann, Facilities Coordinator 919.831.2004 | Finances
including pledges & gifts | Laura Dearth, Book Keeper
919.831.2002 | General Information | Parish Office 919.831.2000 | Newsletter | Dana Deaton, Communications Specialist | Parish Prayer List | to add someone
CLICK HERE | Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Support Line | monitored by clergy 24x7
919.831.2008 | Emergencies | Rev Justin: 859.630.2835
Sr. Warden Dan Harris: 828.446.3635 | | |
New Adult Formation Offering on Sundays
Beginning February 9th
Origin Stories & Outreach Legacies: Good Shepherd Church & Saint Augustine’s School led by Lynn Hoke, Diocesan Archivist, at 9 AM in the Ennis Suite.
Using documentary resources from both the parish and diocesan archives, Lynn will chronicle the launch of several early physical sites and programs to serve the residents of Raleigh and beyond. The series will highlight the following institutions and organizations: Free Church of the Good Shepherd; St. John’s Guild & Hospital; Parish Woman’s Auxiliary Branch & Guilds; the Pro-Cathedral, Church of the Good Shepherd; Saint Augustine Normal School & Collegiate Institute; Saint Augustine’s Theological Department; Saint Agnes Hospital & School of Nursing; and Bishop Tuttle Memorial Training School.
Handouts with chronologies and online “history” links will be provided each Sunday. At the final session on March 2, Lynn will offer a guided tour of the main Diocesan Archives collection currently housed on the second floor of our Parish Life Center, in a lease arrangement with Good Shepherd.
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We offer our sincerest thanks to members of the Vestry Class of 2025 for their 3 years of service and leadership:
John Boyne, Jr.
Peg Dorer
Cheryl Cozzi
Grace Sved
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We give thanks for our 2025 Vestry!
2025 Vestry
Dan Harris, Sr. Warden
James Deal, Jr. Warden
Gregg Knepley, Treasurer
Carolyn Manley, Registrar
Class of 2026
Ed Gavin
Esther Hall
David Howard
Gregg Knepley
Class of 2027
James Deal
Dan Harris
Leslie Gilbert
Kay Stallings
Class of 2028
Drew Elliot
Harry Johnson
Susan Lewellen
Michael Riddle
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Volunteers Needed - Provide a Meal for the Cheshire House!
The Cheshire House is the Episcopal Campus ministry at NCSU. We partner with other local Episcopal churches to provide lunches to their staff and students (about 15 people). Good Shepherd provides lunch one Sunday each month.
We have two more meals to provide for this calendar year (February 9 & March 9) and are hoping to recruit a few more volunteers to help out on March 9! Please sign up, if you are able to help!
If you are unable to help on March 9, but interested in helping this ministry in the future, please contact: Karen Boyne
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Let the children come together and grow in faith and friendship!
Kids 4-12 years old enjoy
- Sunday School every Sunday at 9 AM.
- Children's Chapel & Godly Play every Sunday at 10:15 AM.
Nursery care for younger children is available every Sunday from 8:30 AM until 12 Noon.
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A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of Our Youngest Beloved
Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!
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Save the Date!
Vacation Bible School 2025
June 23- 26 (Monday-Thursday), 9 AM - 12 Noon
Ages Pre-K through 5th Grade
(nursery care will be available for younger children)
Hey kids! Start packing your bags for an incredible Vacation Bible School journey this summer. Registration will open on February 1 and close on May 31.
Visit the VBS webpage for more information!
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Episcopal Youth Community
Click here to read the latest EYC News, including upcoming activities and events.
Looking Ahead...
- Feb. 2 - EYC Meeting
- Feb. 9 - Super Bowl Party
- Feb. 14-16 - EYC Retreat at the Trinity Center
- March 2 - EYC Meeting
- March 4 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
- July 20-16 - EYC Mission Trip
For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.
To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.
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Last Sunday at the conclusion of the 10:15 service, Rev. Justin led us in blessing Rev. Imogen into her Sabbatical.
Photos courtesy of Jack Boyne
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Monthly Men’s Fellowship Lunches in 2025
The newly reinvigorated group will meet on the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at 12 NOON at High Park Grill. A table will be reserved so drop in and enjoy lively fellowship and a reasonably priced meal--a winning combo! No reservation is required, and everyone is welcome to join the group at 625 E. Whitaker Mill Road.
Next Gathering: Thursday, February 13th at 12 Noon
Church Mouse - Volunteers Needed!
The Church Mouse Program is a program of volunteers who reach out to young adult members of our parish in their first year away from home (college, military, etc). Each volunteer joins a team of CGS members and our goal is that each volunteer is in charge of one care package over the course of a year. This helps to keep our young people connected to the Good Shepherd community and know that we are cheering for them and praying for them as they go out on their own for the first time. Interested in helping? Contact: Karen Boyne
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Outreach Opportunity!
Needed: Men's Winter Clothing and More!
Cleaning out your closets? Food Not Bombs is a long-running mutual aid group in need of men's winter clothes and shoes, blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, socks, underwear, sleeping bags, and tents for distribution every Saturday in Moore Square. Items should be clean and in decent condition. Please place your donations in the labeled bins in the PLC foyer during church and Parish Office hours. Contact Bethany Pergerson with any questions! Thanks for helping us spread the warmth!
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Battery Recycling Project
The Green Team is collecting batteries in the Parish Life Center lobby to dispose of them properly. To date, we have collected over 50 pounds of used batteries! Thank you and keep up the good work! If you have questions about the Battery Recycling Project, please contact Beth Hahn
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The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List | |
- Roy Wright
- Catherine and Bob Williams
- Janet Gilliam
- Ralph Sanders
- Pete Taylor
- Martha Bailey
- Peggy Hawks
- Darrell Dennis
- Janie Ward-Newton
- William Short
- Paul Hoch
- Jerry Smith
- Branch Alexander
- Brinley Harris
- Don Caudill
- Jane Mayhew
- Janet Watrous
- Reginald Fuller
- Kathy Acton
- Derek Tahj'e Corron
- Gary Blaettler
- Pam Zullinger
- Carrie Petr
- David Lovelace
- Glenda Farmer
- Judith Fernandez
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- Pete Crum
- Bob Kirchgessner
- Josephine Placa
- The Rev. Sallie Simpson
- Dorothy Allen Smith
- Tammy Gregory
- Suzy McPherson
- Alison Kindt
- The Andrews Family
- The Holloway Family
- the people of Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon
- the people of Ukraine and Russia
- victims of gun violence
- those affected by drought, heat, floods, storms, and fires, especially those impacted by Hurricane Helene and wildfires in Southern California.
- In the diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for Church of the Holy Comforter, Charlotte; St. John’s, Charlotte; St. Martin’s, Charlotte.
- In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
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The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request.
Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.
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Sunday, February 2, 2025
8 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
8:30 AM - 12 Noon
Nursery Care Available (infant-4 yo)
9 AM
Sunday School (kids 4-12 yo)
Adult Formation
10:15 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Children's Chapel & Godly Play
Service Livestream
Service Bulletin
11:30 AM
Daughters of the King Information Session
Community Lunch
Sponsored by Beyond Our Doors Ministry Team
5:30-7:30 PM
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
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Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of
Good Shepherd!
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Ways to Serve
If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.
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