Parish Newsletter Banner.jpg

Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome! 

Please email your contributions to David Baggett.

The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!

Announcements may be edited for content and space.

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 


A Message from the Rector

Dearly beloved,

This Sunday I'm thrilled to invite you to a special fellowship hour on the Second Floor of the Parish Life Center where we will not only gather for refreshments and nibbles, but we will also bless our new Godly Play room.

Godly Play, as many of you know, is a Montessori-based curriculum that follows the liturgical year in providing a spiritually rich, welcoming, and accessible space to explore the narratives on which our faith rests. There is a great deal of intentionality not only with the stories themselves and the way in which they are told, but also with the configuration and composition of the room itself.

Through the deep generosity of our beloved brother in Christ, Paul Hoch, we have been able to create a beautiful new space for our Godly Play offerings each Sunday. Elizabeth Gant and Carolyn Wilson made a dream into a reality through their faithfulness, their passion for Godly Play and its impact on Christians of all ages, and their following this project from conception to completion. Our invaluable staff members David Baggett, Stephen McCann, and AJ Weyandt provided essential support and coordination through numerous stages, without which we would not have met with such swift and happy success.

Join me this Sunday as we thank them, bless this holy space and the children who will be shaped within it, and celebrate what God is bringing about in our Children's Ministries and in our church.

Yours in Christ's love as ever,


Our New Godly Play Room -- Room 304 on the

Second Floor of the Duncan-Giersch Parish Life Center

Photo courtesy of Carolyn Wilson

What's Happening This Sunday

8 AM Holy Eucharist with Baptism

8:30 AM-12 Noon Nursery Care Available (infant-4yo)

9 AM

  • Sunday School for Kids (4-12 yo)

  • Adult Formation: How to Read the Bible

Led by Debbie Moyer in the Ennis Suite 

Start the new year with us as we explore how to read and understand the Bible. You may feel like a novice and don’t know how to start, or you may be looking for opportunities for spiritual growth and deepening your Bible reading and study. This four-week class will cover a variety of topics and methods and resources. Please click here to read more about it...

Did you miss last week? Don't let that stop you from coming this week!

10:15 AM Holy Eucharist with Baptism + Children's Chapel & Godly Play

11:30 AM Blessing of the Godly Play Room & Fellowship

Please join us on the 2nd floor of the Parish Life Center to explore and learn about our new Godly Play room, to join in blessing it, and to enjoy fellowship.

5:30-7:30 PM Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

Contact: Rev. Justin

If you're feeling anxious about this weekend's weather...

  • The plan is for all services and activities to proceed as scheduled.
  • The #1 guiding principle -- everyone should do what they feel is best for them to ensure their safety and comfort.
  • Please keep in mind that the 10:15 worship service will be livestreamed, so if you can't make it to church you can still come to church.

If the situation should necessitate any updates, they will be shared by email, and the parish website ( will be updated accordingly.

Top Of Mind

Vestry Nominees

The parish is richly blessed to have a slate of most wonderful vestry nominees for this year's election, to be held at the Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26th. Nominees are

  • Drew Elliot
  • Jason Hingerton
  • Harry Johnson
  • Susan Lewellen
  • Michael Riddle

Over the next weeks, leading up to the Annual Parish Meeting, you'll have the chance to meet and learn more about the candidates:

  • Candidates will be introduced during Sunday worship services.
  • Next week a special email will include information about the candidates and their photographs (hardcopy will also be published and made available).
  • The Chili Cook Off on January 19th will include a "Meet the Candidates Forum."

Contact: Esther Hall (919.740.5260), Nominations Committee Chair

Final Stewardship Report

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

Our Annual Campaign was a testament to the blessings and abundance we experience as Church of the Good Shepherd members. Thanks be to God!

  • Total raised: $783,365
  • Total number of contributors: 174

Announcing the Annual Chili Cook Off on January 19

Following the joint worship service with our dearly beloved siblings in Christ from Raleigh Mennonite Church, we will enjoy sampling the outstanding offerings of our chili makers. Yummy cornbread will complete the meal. Bragging rights belong to Gigi Gersch, but rumors are flying about new recipes in the offing to tempt taste testers. Join the fun in Shepherd's Hall! Can you contribute chili or cornbread? Can you help with set up or clean up? PLEASE SIGN UP HERE. Contact: Esther Hall (919.740.5260)

Wednesday Noonday Eucharist Services

Our Wednesday Noonday Eucharist services provide a brief opportunity in the midst of a busy week to pause, rest, pray, and worship.

Sunday Afternoon at 4

You're Invited || Saint Mary's School Smedes Parlor Concert

Clementine McCard, sister of our beloved Kate McCard, will offer a free concert at Saint Mary's as part of the Smedes Parlor Concert Series. Clementine will be performing a concert dedicated to her love for musical theatre. The audience can expect some old favorites, but also new songs you maybe haven’t heard before. Read more about Clementine and her concert...

Saturday, January 25

Out & About Supper Group

OUT & ABOUT is a longstanding Supper Group at our Church of the Good Shepherd that affirms our LGBTQ families and friends. We gather monthly at a host's home for a potluck supper, fun & fellowship. Contact: Brother Paul Henry, OSF (954.448.8931)

Next Gathering: Saturday, January 25th at 5 PM

Where: 391 Virginia Water Drive, Rolesville 27571

Host: Brother Paul Henry, OSF

RSVP to Brother Paul (954.448.8931) if you're able to attend.

Sunday, January 26

Don’t Miss Our Annual Parish Meeting

On the 26th, we’ll have one combined worship service at 9 AM, immediately followed by the Parish Meeting in the church. Nursery, Kids’ Sunday School, Children’s Chapel & Godly Play will be available. 

Sunday, February 2

To the Women of the Church

The Daughters of the King will be hosting a short "get to know us" on Sunday, February 2nd immediately following the 10:15 worship service. If you are curious, come, ask questions, and get to know us...what we are about and what we do. Contact: Mary Jezierny

Parish Life Center Re-Keyed

Please be aware that all of the Parish Life Center's exterior doors (including the double doors from the glass ambulatory) have been re-keyed. If you are still relying on a key (rather than a key FOB) to access the Parish Life Center, please be aware that your key will no longer work. If you have any issues or questions, please call the Parish Office or email David Baggett. Thank you! 

Did You Order 2025 Pledge Envelopes?

Your box of pledge envelopes is ready for you to pick up at the Front Desk in the Parish Life Center.

Keep Reading...Because There's More!

Be sure to see below for more news, including

  • Info about kids and youth programs and activities
  • Parish Life
  • Monthly Men's Fellowship Lunches
  • Outreach Opportunity...Collecting Men's Clothing
  • Battery Recycling
  • November Finance Update
  • Vision Accomplished Update
  • Opportunities to Serve
  • Parish Prayer List
  • News from the Diocese

Let the children come together and grow in faith and friendship! 

Kids 4-12 years old enjoy

  • Sunday School every Sunday at 9 AM. 
  • Children's Chapel & Godly Play every Sunday at 10:15 AM.

Nursery care for younger children is available every Sunday from 8:30 AM until 12 Noon.

A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of Our Youngest Beloved

Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!

Episcopal Youth Community

CLICK HERE to read the lasted EYC News, including upcoming activities and events.

Looking Ahead...


  • Jan 12 - EYC Meeting, 5:30-7:30 PM
  • Feb. 14-16 - EYC Retreat at the Trinity Center
  • July 20-26 - EYC Mission Trip

For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.

To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.

Parish Life

Our altar last Sunday

Photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny

Monthly Men’s Fellowship Lunches in 2025

The newly reinvigorated group will meet on the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at 12 NOON at High Park Grill. A table will be reserved so drop in and enjoy lively fellowship and a reasonably priced meal--a winning combo! No reservation is required, and everyone is welcome to join the group at 625 E. Whitaker Mill Road.

Next Gathering: Thursday, February 13th at 12 Noon

Outreach Opportunity!

Needed: Men's Winter Clothing and More!

Cleaning out your closets? Food Not Bombs is a long-running mutual aid group in need of men's winter clothes and shoes, blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, socks, underwear, sleeping bags, and tents for distribution every Saturday in Moore Square. Items should be clean and in decent condition. Please place your donations in the labeled bins in the PLC foyer during church and Parish Office hours. Contact Bethany Pergerson with any questions! Thanks for helping us spread the warmth!

Battery Recycling Project 

The Green Team is collecting batteries in the Parish Life Center lobby to dispose of them properly. To date, we have collected over 50 pounds of used batteries! Thank you and keep up the good work! Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Where do I leave my used batteries? There is a plastic bucket labeled for battery recycling in the lobby just inside the PLC front door. The recommendation we have received for storing used batteries is a non-metal container (preferably cardboard or plastic) in an indoor space at room temperature. The bucket was supplied by Raleigh’s Batteries Plus.
  •  How often are batteries removed? We remove them every week.
  • What happens to them? The batteries are taken to the Wake Convenience Disposal Site on Deponie Drive and deposited in the large plastic containers marked for battery disposal.  
  •  How are used batteries recycled? It depends on the type of battery, but to learn more, please see: How Batteries Get Recycled: The Process Explained | GreenerIdeal

If you have questions about the Battery Recycling Project, please contact Beth Hahn

Ways to Serve

If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.

Parish Finances

PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget report (through November 30th). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.

Vision Accomplished

  • Pledges Made: $242,604.34 (increase from last week: $0)
  • Pledge Payments and Gifts Received: $185,776.52 (increase from last week: $1,000)

Thank you for your generous support of the Vision Accomplished campaign!

Meet Our Partners

Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners

From The Diocese

Be sure to check out the latest news and information from the Diocese.

The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List

Roy Wright; Catherine and Bob Williams; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor;

Martha Bailey; Peggy Hawks; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton; William Short;

Paul Hoch; Brinley Harris; Don Caudill; Jane Mayhew; Janet Watrous;

The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University;

Rebecca Lamb; Kathy Acton; Patricia Harris; Reginald Fuller; Dawn Downs;

Elise Abernathy; Mike Newton-Ward; Derek Tahj'e Corron; Glenda Holloway;

Gary Blaettler; Pam Zullinger; Carrie Petr; David Lovelace;

The Andrews Family; The McComas Family;

The Fuller, Longerbeam, and Spencer Families;

those affected by the wildfires in Southern California;

the people of Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon; the people of Ukraine and Russia;

victims of gun violence; and those affected by drought, heat, floods, and storms,

especially those impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

And we pray for those who have died, that they may have a place in

your eternal kingdom, remembering especially Kirk Andrews.


In the diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for St. John’s, Battleboro;

Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington; and St. Paul’s, Cary.

In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church of the Province of West Africa.

The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request

Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.

Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of

Good Shepherd!

Give Toward My Pledge
Give A One-Time Gift 
Give Toward Vision Accomplished Campaign 

Come Worship with Us!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The First Sunday after the Epiphany

The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

8 AM Holy Eucharist with Baptism

8:30 AM - 12 Noon Nursery Care Available

9 AM Sunday School for Kids & Adult Formation

10:15 AM

Holy Eucharist with Baptism + Children's Chapel & Godly Play

Service Livestream

Service Bulletin

11:30 AM

Blessing of Our Godly Play Space & Fellowship

Please join us on the 2nd floor of the Parish Life Center

to explore and learn about our new Godly Play space, to join in blessing it,

and to enjoy fellowship.

5:30-7:30 PM Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 

Connect With Us!

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