Announcements or photos to share with the CGS family are welcome!
Please email David Baggett by Sunday evening.
Announcements may be edited for content and space.
Please be sure to scroll to the bottom for all of this week's newsletter content.
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Sunday, May 28
Living Our Faith On Purpose
Rev. Imogen will lead this class in the Ennis Suite on Sunday mornings at 9 AM from May 28th - June 25th.
Read more about it...
To register for the class, please click HERE.
Creation Care/Green Team
This group will meet at 9 AM in Room 304. Please contact James Joslin for more information.
Thursday, June 1
Books & Bagels at Benchwarmers
Please join us for a good book, a good bagel, and best of all good fellowship and conversation!
We meet weekly on Thursday mornings at 8:30 am at Benchwarmers Bagels. Come join us! Questions? Please contact Jean Knepley.
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Saturday, June 3
A Special Invitation!
Andrew Phillips to Be Ordained at
Good Shepherd
By the Grace of God
and with the consent of the people
The Right Reverend Jennifer Brooke-Davidson
Assistant Bishop of North Carolina
will ordain
Ryan Paul Parker
Andrew Ryan Phillips
Karen Connor McGugan
Taylor Davis Vines
to the Sacred Order of Deacons
in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Saturday, the third of June
two thousand and twenty-three
at eleven o’clock in the morning.
The Church of the Good Shepherd
125 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Your prayers and presence are requested.
Light Reception following
Additionally, the ordination will be livestreamed at
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Sunday June 4
Summer Picnic in the Hall
Join us for a picnic potluck in Shepherd’s Hall immediately after the 10:15 service. Bring a picnic dish to share (preferably nothing to heat up). Please contact Grace Sved (919-247-6426) if you can help with set-up or clean-up. The next potlucks will be July 2 and August 6.
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Monday, June 12-Thursday, June 15
Kanuga Retreat - Returning and Becoming with
Pádraig Ó Tuama
Consider joining me for this upcoming retreat, Returning & Becoming, June 12 – 15 at the Kanuga Conference Center in NC where you will be invited to become renewed in your commitment to continual learning and return to a Love-centered life.
Be inspired by Pádraig Ó Tuama, Hillary Raining, Ana Hernandez, Westina Matthews, Roger Hutchinson, Ryan Hawthorne, and Zack Nyein. Nurture the body, mind, and heart by co-creating a space with like-minded siblings and spiritual leaders to nourish and transform the soul for your ministry in spreading Jesus-love and in co-creating Beloved Community.
In the love and service of the Risen Lord,
Mother Joyce†
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Are You Thinking about Attending the Revival?
As you read in last week's issue of Parish News, the Episcopal Church is holding a churchwide festival and revival in Baltimore, Maryland, July 9-12. Discounted rates are available for groups of 10 or more. If you are interested in joining a Good Shepherd group OR in trying to form a Good Shepherd group, please contact David Baggett in the Parish Office so he can help coordinate and facilitate.
If you missed the invitation from Presiding Bishop Curry last week, click HERE.
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Ministry Opportunities
Ways to Get Involved at Good Shepherd
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Please Consider Supporting These Outreach Opportunities
You will find collection bins for both of these worthy causes in the Parish Life Center lobby.
Our next Family Promise day of giving is June 5. The Family Promise collection bin will be available through Sunday, June 4. To see Family Promise's current wish list, please click HERE. For more information please contact Marguerite Sullivan or Caryn Meade.
ReNew Mobile Showers is seeking donations of personal hygiene items for next month's Project Reach Out on Friday, June 9. The ReNew Mobile Showers' collection bin will be available through Thursday, June 8. As you may recall, Pamela Owens, founder of ReNew Mobile Showers, made a presentation during Adult Formation hour earlier this spring. It was very informative with a Q&A session as well. To see ReNew Mobile Showers' wish list, please click HERE. For more information please contact Gerrard McNeill.
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PS to Needleworkers: Meriwether shares that St Francis Guild has been gifted with a lot of yarn. She would welcome hearing from anyone who would like yarn. Thank you! | |
King's Ridge Update
King's Ridge Director Erin Yates shares, "As the temperatures start to heat up we are seeing a lot of work happening at King’s Ridge. The sewer pipes are going in and the ground is getting ready to start pouring concrete. It is only up from here!"
"You probably knew that King’s Ridge will have 100 apartments of permanent supportive housing, but did you know that 73 units will be studio units, 22 will have 2-bedrooms and 5 will have 3-bedrooms? This means that we will be ending homelessness for at minimum 136 people! We will be focused on housing people who are currently homeless. We will utilize our community partners and neighbors to ensure the message gets out when the time is right."
"King’s Ridge will focus on housing people who are Chronically Homeless. This definition is used to describe people who have experienced homelessness for at least a year – or repeatedly - while struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability. The Raleigh-Wake Continuum of Care reports in 2022 that 1 in 5 people who are homeless in Wake County meet the definition of Chronically Homeless. "
Read more about it
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Retreat Update
Drawing as Prayer
By all accounts, last Saturday's retreat, Drawing as Prayer, was inspiring, enriching, and meaningful. Thanks to parishioner Mike Newton-Ward for facilitating the retreat and sharing his gifts and passion.
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Facilitator Mike Newton-Ward | |
Retreat participants Dennis Allen, Mother Joyce, and Jean Knepley. | |
Retreat participants Viv Kershaw, Carolyn Edge, Diane Pergerson, and Diane's sister, Donna Robbins. | |
Adult Formation
This Week's Adult Formation Offerings at 9 AM
Living Our Faith On Purpose with Rev. Imogen, meeting in the Ennis Suite
Creation Care/Green Team with James Joslin, meeting in Room 304
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This Week's Sunday School Classes at 9 AM
Sunday School Formation Hour for grades K-5:
- Grades K-3 meet in Room 316
- Grades 4-5 meet in Room 329.
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Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners
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Raleigh Youth Choir Music Camps
The Raleigh Youth Choir (formerly Raleigh Boychoir) is EXCITED to offer music camps this summer to singers of all ages and we want YOUR MUSICIANS to participate in these camps! All camps take place at Good Shepherd. For more information, please click HERE.
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Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul
Four-part series begins June 12, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. via Zoom
Are you interested in exploring the spirituality of creation care? Would you like to learn to go deeper in your practice of caring for God’s Creation? Join us for a pilot spirituality group using John Philip Newell’s Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul on Mondays beginning June 12, 11 a.m. via Zoom.
For more information, contact Jenny Beaumont, missioner for adult and lifelong formation.
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Register for "Introduction to Dismantling Racism"
Next Offering: June 23-24, 2023 via Zoom
The next offering of "Introduction to Dismantling Racism" is taking place June 23-24. The interactive workshop designed to deepen our spiritual commitment to dismantle racism as participants in the Jesus movement.
Through presentations, prayer, story sharing, videos, and small group discussion, we will explore how the sin of racism impacts all of our lives. We will ground our work together biblically and sacramentally by renewing our Baptismal vows—to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of all human beings.
If you can't make the June class, be sure to join one of the remaining 2023 sessions:
- June 23, 5-8 p.m., and June 24, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- July 28, 5-8 p.m., and July 29, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- September 29, 5-8 p.m., and September 30, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- November 10, 5-8 p.m., and November 11, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Join a waitlist or be contacted for future sessions.
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HUGS Camp Needs Staff and Buddy Campers!
July 10-15 | Haw River State Park
HUGS is a unique camp for unique people, bringing together young people of diverse abilities. They overcome barriers of real and imagined differences and build bridges of understanding. HUGS is about acknowledging the good creation in each of us and more fully knowing and loving our God through it. The great differences among campers and staff help all of us learn to appreciate and celebrate our diversity as we recognize our common ground.
Now, HUGS needs help. More than 50 campers have applied, and, in order for camp to happen, HUGS needs buddy campers (formerly helper campers) and staff to sign up for a truly life-changing week. Rising high school freshmen through seniors are eligible to apply as buddy campers, and rising college freshmen and older can apply as staff.
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Prayers of the People
Roy Wright, Carolyn Owens, Janet Gilliam, Ralph Sanders, Pete Taylor,
Janet Watrous, Martha Bailey, Mary Beth, Peggy Hawks, Ginny Byrd,
Mitchell Lawrence, Jim Spodatto, Douglas Warden, Josephine Gallo-
Caldero, Marion Harmon, Lori Spencer, Peggy Fee, Betsy Cheshire,
William Short, James Mattox, Aileen Wood, Carol Sehnert, Mike
Samsen, Will Barbee, William Caldwell, Gail Heyer, Rosemary Krieger,
Magen Colgan, Phil Kirk, Martha Hays, Markell Cavillo, Rose Hoppe,
Catherine and Bob Williams, Fran and Paul Hoch, Olivia Adams and
Family, Elizabeth Alexander and Family, Debbie and J.D. Harrod, Gary
B., Jonathan, Jeffrey, The Wavrik Family, The Sullivan/Strahan
Family, The Carpenter Family, The Cheshire Family, The Family of
Marilyn Kelley, The Nobles Family, and The Prentice Family.
Please contact the Pastoral Care Coordinator with additions or deletions to the
Prayers of the People by noon on Mondays.
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Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of
Good Shepherd!
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Come Worship with Us!
Sunday, May 28th
The Day of Pentecost
8 AM Worship
In Person
9 AM Formation for All Ages
In Person
10:15 AM Worship
In Person & Livestream Worship
Sunday Bulletin
11:30 AM Fellowship Time
In Person
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CGS Mask Guidance
Masks are optional for all ages in all parts of the CGS campus.
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