
Unitarian Universalist Church

323 Locust Street

Danvers, MA 01923


[email protected]


Upcoming Sunday Services


in-person in the Sanctuary

and on Zoom (link below)

February 4th

On Repentance and Repair

Rev. Caro Barschow

February’s monthly theme is “the gifts of justice and equity.” This service will delve into our human nature to make mistakes as individuals and collectively. It will explore the work of accountability as a moral and spiritual practice, including the insights of Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, author of the book On Repentance and Repair. Musician Akili Jamal Haynes will provide original music for this service, as part of the guest artist series "Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion in the Arts."  

  About Guest Musician - Akili Jamal Haynes

Multi-instrumentalist and composer, Akili Jamal Haynes has performed with Illinois Jacquet, Winton Marsalis, Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, McCoy Tyner, and numerous recognized jazz greats. He can be heard playing the acoustic bass, percussion, trombone, saxophone, trumpet, and is an excellent vocalist. Akili has also worked with hundreds of students at Boston University, Berklee College of Music, New England Conservatory and Curry College. 

Currently, Akili is Chair of the Percussion & Popular Music Department at the Community Music Center of Boston. He also creates and performs in his own multi-media work Becoming Chibuzo and Chibuzo Dunun.

For this service, Akili will be performing original music and vocals, accompanying himself on the guitar. All are welcome to attend and meet Akili at a coffee reception following the service. 

February 11



This will be a comprehensive review of the founding and evolution of Unitarianism, Universalism and Unitarian Universalism. Dr. Vincent and Fedela, his wife of 65 years have been long time members of NSUU and residents of Brooksby Village. They have both been very active volunteers throughout their years together. His PhD. is in Psychophysics.

To attend services via Zoom,

please go to the Northshore Church website

& click on "Join Service."

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Our Caring Community

A Note from Rev. Edwin Lynn

Marj Lynn died in her sleep early this week at Kaplan House hospice after a long illness with acute leukemia. Marj was an active member of our church, but is best known in Newburyport, where she was Executive Director of the YWCA for 22 years. She also provided leadership to numerous community organizations including the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and Harbor Schools. I called her ‘Mrs. Newburyport’ and was known in Newburyport not as ‘Edwin Lynn’, but as ‘Marj’s husband’. We were married for 65 years. I want to thank everyone for the many words of support and cards we have received. She will be missed by her many friends. The funeral service will be held at The First Religious Society of Newburyport, Unitarian Universalist, on Saturday, February 17th at 1pm followed by a Celebration of Life at the nearby Steeple Hall at Mission Oak Grill.

—Edwin Lynn

Remembrance Circle for Marj Lynn

Wednesday, February 7th

7PM on Zoom

Beloved church member Marj Lynn died peacefully in her sleep on Sunday night. Our hearts grieve this loss and the loss of the Lynn family, particularly Rev. Ed Lynn, NSUU minister emeritus.

Minister Rev. Caro Barschow and members of the NSUU Caring Team will host a circle for remembrance and grieving on Wednesday, February 7, at 7pm. The circle will meet via Zoom. It will be an informal community time to share stories and remembrances of times with Marj. This space is open to all who wish to attend.

Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 938 2774 1859 Passcode: 029527) 

An obituary for Marj Lynn was published on January 31st here

Church Announcements

This week! New to UU Workshop

Monday February 5, 2024

7-8:15p Via Zoom


If you are new or newer to Unitarian Universalism and/or NSUU this workshop will provide you with an orientation to help you find your own path within the larger community. You’ll learn more about who we are and what we believe by sharing your story through the lens of Unitarian Universalist tradition and heritage. You’ll also have an opportunity to hear from members of the congregation about what brought them to Unitarian Universalism and what keeps them here. Great for visitors and members who have joined the last few years. Led by Rev. Caro, please RSVP to [email protected].

American Muslim Society School Program

On Friday afternoons for the past six years, the American Muslim Society of the North Shore has held weekly prayers in the NSUU sanctuary. The Muslim Society now seeks to expand its offerings to include a Saturday School Program. In December, the Board of Directors voted to approve a rental agreement for this new program. It will meet Saturday mornings from 10am-1pm in the Library and RE Classroom, from February through June. If you are at church for an event on Saturdays, you might hear the bustle of preschool and elementary-aged children and teachers practicing Arabic, enjoying a snack or watching a movie in the library. Please join in welcoming our Muslim neighbors, of all ages, to NSUU on Saturdays. 

Office Announcement

We have a new mailbox outside the office! Please put any checks, pledges or other important envelopes in the mailbox rather than in any of file folders. Thank you, Ariana

From the Board of Directors

Update from the Board:

Respiratory Illnesses


The Board is monitoring the rates of respiratory infections which include COVID, RSV and seasonal flu. According to statistics available on the website, the North Shore is currently experiencing a “ high” rate of these infections, though not the highest rate currently.

During the Winter months when doors and windows are closed, it is particularly important that we protect ourselves and others as we gather together on Sundays. It is possible to be unknowingly infectious with Covid prior to testing positive. Many of us have friends or family members who have had Covid or other respiratory illnesses in recent days.

While we are not moving to a mask mandate for church attendance currently, we strongly urge everyone to wear a mask if you have been in large social gatherings. Some of us have begun to wear masks again when going out as a general precaution.

Wearing a mask in church is a small inconvenience compared to being sick or unknowingly infecting a fellow church member. We ask that you consider this measure as a way of caring for each other.

The Board will continue to monitor rates of infection, and will update our guidance as necessary, as we move through the Winter months.


The NSUU Board of Directors

Minutes from November 12, 2023

Special Congregational Meeting-

click link below

View Minutes

Minutes from January 10, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting -

click link below

View Minutes

NSUU Social Action Announcements


Operation Troop Support continues to need our help,

The following items are needed:

White crew socks for men and women, small toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream in non-aerosol containers, razors, small Kleenex, cotton swabs, toothpaste, toothbrushes). Food items in individual servings such as cup of soup, mac and cheese, applesauce, cans of deviled ham, chicken salad, tuna salad are especially needed right now. Also playing cards, puzzle books and snacks such as cookies, crackers nuts, beef jerky, pretzels, These items can be placed in the basket in fellowship hall. Barbara Haight will take these items to the Director of Operation Troop Support. 

Any questions: Call Barbara at 978-729-5422.

This week!


The Zoom link for the Common Read discussion events will be the same as the Sunday services link.

Rev. Caro Barschow will lead a discussion series about On Repentance and Repair. This page-turning book by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg draws from the wisdom of the great 12th century Jewish scholar, Maimonides, with challenging and poignant modern examples of mistakes and accountability. The Religious Service on Sunday, February 4th will focus on themes of the book. 

Part 1: Repentance and Repair in Our Lives 

Sunday, February 4 


(Zoom and in-person)

Part 2: Repentance and Repair in Our Covenants 

Sunday, February 11 


(Zoom and in-person)

Pizza lunch served for in-person attendees. You are welcome to join one or both of the sessions.

Please RSVP on the Church Activities Bulletin Board or email [email protected] for Zoom link.

5 copies of the book are available for sign-out (and return) in the Church Library. 

Green Sanctuary

Current Availability and Types of EV Chargers:

Have you noticed the 240 V EV charging station at Northshore UU Church, by the front door, generously provided by Roberta and Marty Riddle?  The availability of EV chargers is steadily increasing to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles. Read about the three main types of EV chargers and how they perform.   

Click Here to Read More

Art Committee

Artist Exhibit - Feb/Mar 2024

The Lynnfield Art Guild, a vibrant and diverse community of artists, artisans and art explorers, is exhibiting during the months of Feb & March.  The exhibit features 40 pieces of fine art and photography by 13 Guild members, representing a variety of styles, mediums and themes.

An artists’ reception is planned for Sun Feb 25th from 12-2 pm after the service.  All church members and the public are welcome to attend.

The following artists will be exhibiting with examples of their art:

Beth Aaronson - watercolor

Dan Abenaim - oil on canvas

John Abisrama - photography

Ann Bowen - watercolor, pastel, acrylic

Mary Connor - pastel

Beverly Cook - fabric

Sheila Falco - watercolor, mixed media

Catherine Grassello - photography

Kendall Inglese - acrylic with pen + ink

Mary Lynch - watercolor

Greg Pronevitz - photography, acrylic on canvas

Frank Tomasello - acrylic

Community Events

 ECCO Organizing Hub Begins 2/6

Announcing ECCO’s new Organizing Hub program. The Organizing Hub will gather people from all around the North Shore on the first Tuesday of each month to learn together from seasoned coaches how to organize for change from start to finish. The February session will focus on base building and selecting an issue. 

All are welcome, whether you’ve been involved with ECCO for many years or have never attended an event. For more information, email Colette Lima ([email protected]). 

When: Tuesday, February 6th, 6-8:30pm, and the first Tuesday of each month through May

Where: First Church in Swampscott. 40 Monument Ave. Swampscott, MA 01907

What: Join us to connect, eat delicious food, and learn how to make your team bigger and more powerful.  Dinner and childcare provided. Stipends available for low-income attendees!


Local Announcements

Danvers Black Excellence Celebration

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Friends of Danvers Human Rights and Inclusion Committee invites you to a joyous celebration of Black History and Culture on the North Shore and beyond. Please join neighbors and community members with international & soul food, music, performances, and opportunities to learn more about North Shore history. Featuring an Afrobeats Dance Lesson at 6p. This in-person event will be an incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and celebrate together. This event is free and open to the public. Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Danvers Senior Center, 25 Stone Street, Danvers. RSVP on Eventbrite

Minister’s Schedule

Rev. Caro Barschow weekly schedule:

Sunday-Thursday and occasional Saturdays

Monday is a writing/study day

Friday is a Sabbath day 

Minister’s Office Hours:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment (in-person or Zoom) 

Please call or email Rev. Caro directly to make an appointment.

Rev. Caro’s February week off is February 20-27.

Rev. Caro works full-time 3 weeks a month and takes 1 week off, to fulfill NSUU’s 3/4 time contract. During this time, Rev. Caro is available for pastoral emergencies - please call them directly by cell phone.

How to be in touch:

Email: [email protected]

Cell phone: 978-473-7980

Church Administrator’s Schedule

Ariana LaMay-Colon works in the office Tuesday through Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Please call or email to schedule a meeting beforehand as office hours can vary from time to time.

How to be in touch

Email: [email protected]

Office phone: 978-774-7582

Online Calendar

The NSUU website features an up-to-date calendar of church activities. Follow the link to view the calendar. On the calendar page, hover your mouse over the title of the event to find out the time and location.

Good Things Are Happening

Please contribute announcements by Wednesday at noon for NSUU's weekly e-newsletter "Good Things Are Happening." You can do so by sending an email with the announcement to [email protected]. Please put in the subject line "For Good Things Are Happening." Please indicate how long you would like the announcement to appear and a contact email or phone number for readers to get more information.

Deadline: Wednesday at noon 

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