Unitarian Universalist Church
323 Locust Street
Danvers, MA 01923
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Upcoming Sunday Services
in-person in the Sanctuary
and on Zoom (link below)
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January 28
Spiritual Callings
Speakers: Jennifer Revill, Carolyn Hughes, Paula Flynn, and Paul Nason
What exactly is spirituality? And how does it show up, ready to get to work in the world? Four graduates of Merrimack College’s Graduate Spirituality Program will talk about their personal spiritual foundations, and share how these inform their "callings" toward service to others.
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February 4
Multi-instrumentalist and composer, Akili Jamal Haynes will bring his music to the Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church at 323 Locust Street in Danvers, MA on Sunday, February 4th at 10:30 am as part of the service under the leadership of Reverend Caro Barschow and Music Director, Ethan Hackett.
He has performed with Illinois Jacquet, Winton Marsalis, Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, McCoy Tyner, and numerous recognized jazz greats. He can be heard playing the acoustic bass, percussion, trombone, saxophone, trumpet, and is an excellent vocalist. Akili has also worked with hundreds of students at Boston University, Berklee College of Music, New England Conservatory and Curry College.
Currently, Akili is Chair of the Percussion & Popular Music Department at the Community Music Center of Boston. He also creates and performs in his own multi-media work Becoming Chibuzo and Chibuzo Dunun.
For this service, Akili will be performing original music and vocals, accompanying himself on the guitar.
All are welcome to attend and meet Akili at a coffee reception following the service.
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Febuary 11
This will be a comprehensive review of the founding and evolution of Unitarianism, Universalism and Unitarian Universalism. Dr. Vincent and Fedela, his wife of 65 years have been long time members of NSUU and residents of Brooksby Village. They have both been very active volunteers throughout their years together.
His PhD. is in Psychophysics.
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To attend services via Zoom,
please go to the Northshore Church website
& click on "Join Service."
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New to UU Workshop - Date
Monday February 5, 2024
7-8:15p Via Zoom
If you are new or newer to Unitarian Universalism and/or NSUU this workshop will provide you with an orientation to help you find your own path within the larger community. You’ll learn more about who we are and what we believe by sharing your story through the lens of Unitarian Universalist tradition and heritage. You’ll also have an opportunity to hear from members of the congregation about what brought them to Unitarian Universalism and what keeps them here. Great for visitors and members who have joined the last few years. Led by Rev. Caro, please RSVP to
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Caring Community
Marion Olsen shared that Marj Lynn's health has declined in recent days. Cards are welcomed at this time to the home:
Rev. Ed and Marj Lynn
Nichols Village
1 Nichol's Way Unit #2105
Groveland, MA 01834
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From the Board of Directors | |
Update from the Board:
Respiratory Illnesses
The Board is monitoring the rates of respiratory infections which include COVID, RSV and seasonal flu. According to statistics available on the website, the North Shore is currently experiencing a “ high” rate of these infections, though not the highest rate currently.
During the Winter months when doors and windows are closed, it is particularly important that we protect ourselves and others as we gather together on Sundays. It is possible to be unknowingly infectious with Covid prior to testing positive. Many of us have friends or family members who have had Covid or other respiratory illnesses in recent days.
While we are not moving to a mask mandate for church attendance currently, we strongly urge everyone to wear a mask if you have been in large social gatherings. Some of us have begun to wear masks again when going out as a general precaution.
Wearing a mask in church is a small inconvenience compared to being sick or unknowingly infecting a fellow church member. We ask that you consider this measure as a way of caring for each other.
The Board will continue to monitor rates of infection, and will update our guidance as necessary, as we move through the Winter months.
The NSUU Board of Directors
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Minutes from November 12, 2023
Special Congregational Meeting-
click link below
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Minutes from January 10, 2024
Board of Directors Meeting -
click link below
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NSUU Social Action Announcements | |
Operation Troop Support continues to need our help,
The following items are needed:
White crew socks for men and women, small toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream in non-aerosol containers, razors, small Kleenex, cotton swabs, toothpaste, toothbrushes). Food items in individual servings such as cup of soup, mac and cheese, applesauce, cans of deviled ham, chicken salad, tuna salad. Also playing cards, puzzle books and snacks such as cookies, crackers nuts, beef jerky, pretzels, These items can be placed in the basket in fellowship hall. Barbara Haight will take these items to the Director of Operation Troop Support.
Any questions: Call Barbara at 978-729-5422.
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The link for the Common Read discussion events will be the same as the Sunday services link.
Rev. Caro Barschow will lead a discussion series about On Repentance and Repair. This page-turning book by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg draws from the wisdom of the great 12th century Jewish scholar, Maimonides, with challenging and poignant modern examples of mistakes and accountability. The Religious Service on Sunday, February 4th will focus on themes of the book.
Part 1: Repentance and Repair in Our Lives
Sunday, February 4
(Zoom and in-person)
Part 2: Repentance and Repair in Our Covenants
Sunday, February 11
(Zoom and in-person)
Pizza lunch served for in-person attendees. You are welcome to join one or both of the sessions.
Please RSVP on the Church Activities Bulletin Board or email for Zoom link.
5 copies of the book are available for sign-out (and return) in the Church Library.
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Green Sanctuary
Current Availability and Types of EV Chargers:
Have you noticed the 240 V EV charging station at Northshore UU Church, by the front door, generously provided by Roberta and Marty Riddle? The availability of EV chargers is steadily increasing to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles. Read about the three main types of EV chargers and how they perform.
Click Here to Read More
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Community Events
Please send your announcements to be listed in Good Things Are Happening.
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Local Announcements
Please send your announcements to be listed in Good Things Are Happening
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Minister’s Schedule
Rev. Caro Barschow weekly schedule:
Sunday-Thursday and occasional Saturdays
Monday is a writing/study day
Friday is a Sabbath day
Minister’s Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment (in-person or Zoom)
Please call or email Rev. Caro directly to make an appointment.
Rev. Caro’s January week off is January 22-28.
Rev. Caro works full-time 3 weeks a month and takes 1 week off, to fulfill NSUU’s 3/4 time contract. During this time, Rev. Caro is available for pastoral emergencies - please call them directly by cell phone.
How to be in touch:
Cell phone: 978-473-7980
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Church Administrator’s Schedule
Ariana LaMay-Colon works in the office Tuesday through Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Please call or email to schedule a meeting beforehand as office hours can vary from time to time.
How to be in touch
Office phone: 978-774-7582
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Online Calendar
The NSUU website features an up-to-date calendar of church activities. Follow the link to view the calendar. On the calendar page, hover your mouse over the title of the event to find out the time and location.
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Good Things Are Happening
Please contribute announcements by Wednesday at noon for NSUU's weekly e-newsletter "Good Things Are Happening." You can do so by sending an email with the announcement to Please put in the subject line "For Good Things Are Happening." Please indicate how long you would like the announcement to appear and a contact email or phone number for readers to get more information.
Deadline: Wednesday at noon
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