
Unitarian Universalist Church

323 Locust Street

Danvers, MA 01923



Upcoming Sunday Services


on Zoom

Join Sunday Service Via Zoom

Reminder: Zoom only service this week,

no in-person services until Aug 4th

June 23, 2024

Weaving Our Lives

Worship from UUA General Assembly

Zoom Only

Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, Worship Leader

of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia, MO

Rev. Caro will lead a NSUU Cares and Celebrations

during this special Zoom only service

We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in care?

Rev. Molly Housh Gordon will be joined by Violet Vonder Haar, Jamila Bachelder, and a host of other ministers from around the US. Musicians include Natasha Steinmacher, Lea Morris, Francisco Ruiz; beheld, and Paul Winchester. Choirs from 8 churches, including First Parish UU in Lexington, MA.

*This will be NSUU's final Zoom service prior to a summer break.

Join Sunday Service Via Zoom

Summer Services Schedule

There will be no weekly Sunday services June 30-Sept 1.

Please mark your calendar for a special midsummer service:

Sunday, August 4th

The Wisdom of Trees

Edith Fenton and Judith Putnam

10:30am In-Person

Together we will explore “The Wisdom of Trees” including readings, poetry, music and stories reflecting the world of trees around us all the time.  A walk in the woods, rest in the shade of a favorite tree, listen to the birds, feel the breeze…..take time to contemplate the deeper meaning of our planet, floating in a a vast universe. Trees provide so much to our world and this morning will allow us to experience that world for a little bit.  

Weekly Sunday services will resume on September 8th.

Church Announcements

Good Things Are Happening on Summer Break

NSUU's weekly newsletter, "Good Things Are Happening," will be on summer break in July and August. Weekly newsletters will resume on September 5th. Check your inbox this summer for occasional updates from NSUU.

Summer Office Coverage

As previously announced, Ariana LaMey-Colón moved on from her position as Church Administrator at the end of May. We wish her the best. A team of wonderful volunteers will staff the office through the summer. Thank you! A Personnel Committee was formed by the Board to hire for our open positions.

Summer Office Volunteers

Please call or email the church office with inquiries about church matters. You can contact the office as usual at or 978-774-7582.

  • Building/rental management
  • Rentals - Susan Haas
  • Contractors, Supplies, Repairs - Hal Morse/Bob Ferris
  • Cleaning - contract cleaner, every 2 weeks

  • Office Administration
  • Postal mail - Lynette Gray
  • Calendar and Zoom Meetings - Bo Batty
  • Newsletter - on break until September
  • Phone messages - Susan Haas
  • Emails - Maureen Dunham

  • Financial Management
  • Deposits - Lynette Gray
  • Payments - Jason Beringer and Barb Reeder
  • Payroll/Benefits - Rev. Caro 

Many thanks to our Buildings and Grounds volunteers who are re-stocking paper goods and taking out the trash to provide Sexton coverage. A contract cleaner will be in the building to sweep and wash the floors, as well as clean the restroom facilities a few times this summer.

A Send Off for Ethan

Last Sunday was Music Director Ethan Hackett's final Sunday at NSUU. We will miss him dearly! He begins at Boston Conservatory in the fall as a full-time student and we wish him every success. We hope to have him back as a guest musician soon. See below for a photo from the send-off -- Ethan surrounded by singers and bell choir musicians.

A Personal Note from Ethan:

This past year has been an enormous gift, and though I will not be returning next year as music director, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who made this year so impactful. Thank you to Judy Putnam, your guidance was the foundation of this year and will stay with me forever. Thank you to Andrea Kaiser, Rev. Caro, and each member of the Religious Services Committee, for all your leadership and support. Lastly, thank you to every member of the Singing Group for welcoming me with open arms, and being there for me on every step of the way. I will miss you all dearly next year. - Ethan

General Assembly is June 20-23

Each June, Unitarian Universalist Association holds a national conference called General Assembly. This year, the conference will take place exclusively online . Registration and program schedule available now.

You can livestream the General Sessions, including discussions about Article II at

Your GA Delegates Seek Feedback

Many thanks to Judy Putnam and Marty Langlois who volunteered to represent NSUU at the General Assembly business meetings. As Delegates, they will vote on the Article II Bylaws changes and other denominational business. If you'd like to share your input on Article II Bylaws changes, please contact Judy at and Marty at . You can also offer feedback at the workshop on June 9th. For more information on the proposed changes go to: Article II Study Commission

Office Notes

You are invited to complete your 2023-24 pledge year payments before June 30, 2024. July 1 is the start of NSUU's new financial year. We continue to collect payments for the current year while also initiating the process for the new pledge year. To ensure clarity and smooth processing, please specify in the check memo:

  1. That it's intended for a pledge payment, and
  2. Which pledge year the payment corresponds to.

Example: Pledge 2024-25, or Pledge 2023-24

Providing this information in the memo facilitates accurate depositing of payments into the correct account. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

From the Board of Directors

Minutes from April 17, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting -

click link below

View Minutes

From the Social Action Committee

North Shore Pride Parade and Festival

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Several NSUUers will be marching in the parade holding our banner. We will be meeting at Shetland Park in Salem at 11:45 am to start the parade. (Leave time to find parking).  We would love to have you join us. It’s a big and exciting event.  Email Cheryl for more information at 

UU Mass Action

NSUU has a partnership with UU Mass Action, a statewide UU advocacy group. They help us to put our values into action. You can get involved by joining a team, showing up for rallies and events, and supporting legislation actions in person and on line.  We urge you to sign up to get their newsletters.

  • Monthly UU Action Hours: Tuesday June 25 RSVP
  • Get involved with our teams!
  • Sign up for our June UU Immigrant Justice Team meeting (June 11, 12-1pm)
  • Flyer
  • RSVP 
  • Get on our list: Immigrant Justice Team
  • Join our Indigenous Rights Solidarity Team 
  • Sign up here for the list
  • Next Meeting: Monday, June 24 from 7-8pm
  • Join our Climate team!
  • Virtual Climate Legislative Update! June 10, 7pm. RSVP 
  • Join the virtual advocacy Day Thursday, June 20th, 2024! RSVP
  • Join your Regional Team’s email list!
  • UU Mass Action’s Ceasefire gatherings .Wednesday, June 5, 5-6PM. Statement on Ceasefire here
  • Become a member of UU Mass Action and support our work with a gift! Contributions of all sizes make you a member of UU Mass Action. We have 150+ members of UU Mass Action - join us! We are working to raise $8k before the end of June!
  • NSUU is a UU Mass Action Partner Congregation. This is a new program - email Tali if you want to learn more!

From the Green Sanctuary

NSUU Community Garden

The Green Sanctuary Team maintains a garden plot at the Endicott Park Community Garden in Danvers. Volunteers are needed to water and maintain the beds. If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Iain Goddard at 978-854-2716 or email

From the Art Committee

New Exhibit!

Merrimack Valley Quilters Guild

The Merrimack Valley Quilters Guild was formed in the summer of 1980 to encourage and develop the art of quilting. Members come from all age groups and live in Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire towns in the Merrimack Valley. Seven quilters are exhibiting 22 quilts during the months of June and July.

Local Announcements

Minister’s Schedule

Rev. Caro will take vacation and study leave during the month of July. They will be available for pastoral emergencies, by calling their cell phone.

How to be in touch:


Cell phone: 978-473-7980

Office Schedule

There will be no posted offices hours for July and August.

Please email or call for assistance.


Office phone: 978-774-7582

Online Calendar

The NSUU website features an up-to-date calendar of church activities. Follow the link to view the calendar. On the calendar page, hover your mouse over the title of the event to find out the time and location.

Follow us on Facebook

Photo credit: Loren Cutler on Unsplash