Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church

June 10, 2022

323 Locust Street

Danvers, Massachusetts 01923




Interim Minister

Rev. Carol Strecker

Sage at Northshore Church Garden at Endicott Farm 

Sunday services are held via Zoom at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday services Zoom link

Zoom service link

June 12 , 2022 Sunday 

10:30 a.m. In-person and Zoom Service

Flower Ceremony

Rev. Carol Strecker speaking

This Sunday we’ll gather in community to celebrate the Flower Ceremony, a distinctly Unitarian tradition symbolizing the beauty of unity enhanced by diversity. Come in person if you can. We’ll meet on the patio (weather permitting). Thanks to a downturn in COVID numbers we’ll meet in the sanctuary if the weather doesn’t cooperate. We simply ask that you wear a mask inside the building. There will also be the option to join the celebration on Zoom. However you’re able to participate, bring a flower or two symbolizing the beauty of your unique gifts. Together we create a beautiful bouquet. A highlight of this special day will be a celebration of the amazing gifts of volunteers and staff. 

June 19, 2022 Sunday Service

10:30 a.m. via Zoom 1

“Blessings on Your Journey”

Religious Services Committee

As we go from community to our own separate journey over the summer, whether they be far or near, we consider the journey, what it means, how to deepen it, and what we will bring back to the whole when we come together again in September. We will explore this theme through poetry; including a recitation by our own prize-winning poet reciter, Ava Beringer. This service will be broadcast from the sanctuary via zoom without an in person congregation.

From the Board

At a meeting of the new board held after the annual meeting on June 5th, Andrea Kaiser was re-elected as Northshore UU Church Board Chair and Susan Haas was elected Vice Chair. They are both looking forward to serving the congregation in this pivotal new fiscal year.


Important: Please

Complete your 2021-2022 pledge to Northshore Church

before this fiscal year ends on June 30th


Send your pledge card for the next fiscal year 2022-2023


  • If you haven't completed your 2021-2022 pledge commitment, we urge you to please mail your final pledge check before June 30th to NSUU Church, 323 Locust St., Danvers, MA 01923.

  • If you haven't mailed your 2022-2023 pledge card for next year, please mail your pledge card as soon as possible to help reduce the deficit. Send your card to NSUU Church, 323 Locust St., Danvers, MA 01923 or save time and postage by emailing your pledge amount to the church at

Summary of Annual Meeting held June 5, 2022     

Submitted by Rev. Carol Strecker

Click on the link below:

Annual Meeting Summary

Social Action News

Please join us!

North Shore Pride in Salem  June 25, starting at 11 a.m.

A group from Northshore Church will walk. In the past this has been a festive and fun event as we join other area residents walking in support of our LGBTQ friends and neighbors. If you would like to join our Northshore Church group, please contact Jean Koulack Young (978-587-2935) or to let us know and for further information.

Afghanistan Refugee Family

A family who escaped from Afghanistan after US pulled out our forces has settled in Beverly. The father was involved in security for US military forces and he is here with his wife, who will soon have their third child, and two preschool sons. The local organization supporting them as they settle into life in the United States is eager to talk to our congregation about the family’s experience coming to this country and their needs as they start new lives here. Stay tuned for information about when this will occur. They need financial support as they begin their journey, and we will be letting you know how Northshore Church can help.

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