Social Action News
Please join us!
North Shore Pride in Salem June 25, starting at 11 a.m.
A group from Northshore Church will walk. In the past this has been a festive and fun event as we join other area residents walking in support of our LGBTQ friends and neighbors. If you would like to join our Northshore Church group, please contact Jean Koulack Young (978-587-2935) or to let us know and for further information.
Afghanistan Refugee Family
A family who escaped from Afghanistan after US pulled out our forces has settled in Beverly. The father was involved in security for US military forces and he is here with his wife, who will soon have their third child, and two preschool sons. The local organization supporting them as they settle into life in the United States is eager to talk to our congregation about the family’s experience coming to this country and their needs as they start new lives here. Stay tuned for information about when this will occur. They need financial support as they begin their journey, and we will be letting you know how Northshore Church can help.