Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church is a dynamic, creative congregation, providing an inclusive and welcoming spiritual home for all. We are guided by principles that promote caring relationships and the active pursuit of social, racial and environmental justice. | | |
From the Minsterial Search Committee
he Ministerial
Thank you for getting the Congregational Survey back to us so quickly!
We are now approaching another way for you to share your personal interests and thoughts as we begin the search for our next minister.
This coming Sunday, October 30, we have scheduled our “Cottage Meetings” for all members and friends.
We invite everyone to join us for conversations about our hopes and desires for Northshore Church in the future. We are planning two different ways for you to join a small group—either via ZOOM format (from the comfort of your own home), or “live” after church in one of the meeting rooms. The ZOOM meeting will begin at 12:30 and will use “Breakout” rooms to create small groups, as needed. The “live” gathering in the church building will begin at 12:00—we will also breakdown into smaller groups, as needed.
These one-hour meetings will focus on another set of questions designed to discover more information than in the Survey. We will have an opportunity to dig deeper, more thoughtfully, than with the first set of questions. We hope to see as many of you as possible!
The questions/points for discussion are:
· Ongoing momentum we would like to continue
· Programs and traditions we want to maintain
· How trust is built between the congregation and the minister
· Questions you would like to have been asked
Remember, you are also welcome to individually contact any member of the Search Committee to share your interests. See you soon!
Your Search Committee
Julie O’Meara, Bo Batty, Beth Blanchard, Jeri Kroll, Terri Hansen
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Sunday Service
October 30, 2022
10:30 a.m.
In-person service and on Zoom
All Souls Service
Rev. Carol Strecker speaking
Each year we pause on the Sunday, (October 30) closest to All Souls Day (November 2) to remember our loved ones who have died. We remember them to be continually encouraged, uplifted and inspired by the lives they led and their many gifts that live on in us.
You are invited to submit a photo of your loved ones who have died for a slideshow that will be part of our service.
Submit photos by Friday, October. 28
• Send pictures (in jpeg format) to Gary Nelson at ammodytes2000@yahoo.com by Friday, October 28.
• Be sure to include: your loved one's name and their relationship to you (include your name too. Thanks!
Sunday Service
November 6, 2022
10:30 a.m.
In-person service and on Zoom
"Navigating Transitions"
Rev. Carol Strecker speaking
The only thing that we can really count on is change. It’s just the way life is. We have no idea what’s coming, nor can we bend the future to our will. In truth, we live our lives in the interim, betwixt and between life and death.
What we can do is learn to navigate transitions, the inner process that accompanies change. Moving from endings through a liminal time when things that were no longer are, and things that will be, are not yet — and embracing the possibilities for new beginnings. Becoming more conscious of this process can help us let go of what was, without grasping prematurely for something new.
Creating A Congregational Covenant - together!
Congregational Conversation
Nov. 6th at Noon
In person and on Zoom
Please plan to stay after the service for an important congregational conversation where we’ll continue the process of creating a congregational covenant; the promises we want to make to one another about how we want to be together.
During the Sunday Service on October 16th, we began this process when I invited those attending to begin to think about those promises. They included:
- To listen and respect each other
- To be honest
- To encourage each other
- To engage with each other in the work of the church
- To be curious about each other
- To try to understand others more fully, without presumptions or rigid expectations
- To disagree with compassion and respect
- To be supportive and appreciative
- To seek creative solutions to difficulties*
- To have open eyes, minds and hearts
- To be open to new ideas and ways of doing things
- To welcome and embrace change as a way to learn and grow
- To forgive each other and ourselves
- To welcome newcomers
This is already an amazing list! Can you imagine what Northshore Church would be like if we all strived to keep these promises? They really say that the way we do things is just as important, if not more so, than what we do together.
We’ll review all your suggestions on the 6th. Those of you who haven’t had an opportunity to add your ideas, will have an opportunity to do so. Together we’ll create a list of the most important promises we want to include in Northshore Church’s covenant. The Board will take that list, create a draft covenant and present it to you, the Congregation, for feedback. My hope is that you’ll have an opportunity to affirm Northshore Church’s Congregational Covenant by the end of the year.
See you in church, Rev. Carol
Sunday services Zoom link
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Music notes from
Georgia Bills
Northshore Church Director of Music
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Article Heading
I am delighted to share that David Coffin will be our guest musician at Northshore Church on Sunday, November 13 singing for us and leading us in song.
From his website: Well-known as the Master of Ceremonies of The Christmas Revels, David has performed throughout New England since 1980. His venues range from concert halls and coffeehouses to schools, radio, and museums. He has performed for weddings, birthdays, memorials, festivals, bonfires — you name it. He is equally adept at firing up a crowd to sing or playing music in the background to create atmosphere (often during the same occasion).
Widely known for his rich baritone voice, his impressive collection of musical instruments includes concertinas, recorders, penny whistles, bombards (loud Breton double reeds), gemshorns, cornamuse, shawm, rauschphieffe — or, as he explains, “generally anything that requires a lot of hot air.”
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A Ritual Sword Dance for the Solstice Service in December
I would love to have a group dance a traditional Morris sword dance as part of our celebration.
I have been teaching this dance to teenagers for many years (we use wooden swords), it is a very stunning and satisfying dance to learn. It can be danced with 6 people (or multiples of 6). It is a series of stylized movement that only needs a basic sense of rhythm - it is danced at a steady walk with a series of easy movements. It is a group of 6, no partners. With adults it can easily be learned in two to three 30-minute practices.
If you would like to learn this lovely tradition please contact me at gbills01915@gmail.com
While your calendar is out, also mark Sunday, December 11 when Tim Deik, trumpeter will fill the room with his beautiful sound.
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Art in the Woods Fundraiser
We are so happy to report that the fundraiser held last Saturday, October 15 was very successful. We raised over $2400, and more is still coming in. Even more importantly, it brought church members together for a beautiful day of being and working together. We enjoyed sun, good conversation and socializing, music, and beautiful art donated by church members. Thank you to Judy Putnam and the Uke Group for supplying beautiful music to enhance the experience. Thank you to all who attended, purchased art, made food, set up
and cleaned up. Thanks to Shirley Guerriero and other church artists who donated their work. Thanks to Nancy Paskowski for all her help making flyers and brochures. And thank you to the art fundraiser committee: Andrea Kaiser, Jean Koulack-Young, Marcia Lassar, Maureen Duram, Barbara Haight, Hal Morse, Shirley Guerriero, Beth Blanchard, Cheryl Ferris, Jeri Kroll and
Jodi Smith
Buy more art
Yes, we are still selling. There are bins in the fellowship hall and framed artwork in the RE room, all half off. Make checks out to NSUU with art in the memo line. Someone from the committee will be available to collect checks after the service.
New art exhibit
A new art exhibit is in our sanctuary. See the works of Priscilla Serafin with themes of the local marshes and boats. serafinstudio.com
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Social Action Committee
Food Donation Day
We will be at the church on Saturday, November 12 from 10 am to 12:30 pm collecting food for the Danvers Food Pantry. Canned items, peanut butter, pasta, rice, paper products such as paper towels and toilet paper, cereal, and food donations are all welcome.
UU Mass Action
Some church members are working with Mass Action, ECCO and the Beverly UU church to support Ballot Questions #1 Fair Share and Question #4, keeping the law to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. There are dates available to join with phone banking and canvassing. Contact Cheryl for more information by e-mail cbferris@gmail.com or call 978-660-7104.
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Sunday Strolls
This fall Bob Ferris is the Coordinator of the Sunday Strolls, and is looking for people to suggest locations, to lead strolls, and to join in the fun.
Rejoin your friends face-to-face and join us for Sunday Strolls.
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