Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church | |
323 Locust Street
Danvers, Massachusetts 01923
Interim Minister, Rev. Carol Strecker
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Sunday services Zoom link
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January 23, 2022 Sunday Service
10:30 a.m. via Zoom
"Intention and Intentionality"
Ed Vaeni speaking
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, where does the road of bad intentions lead? Intentions, good and bad, are only thought. Intentions need an action plan in order to enter into the world; this action plan is called intentionality. Let's reflect on intentionality together this morning and see if we can repave that road, directing it to a more just and kind place.
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January 30, 2022 Sunday Service
10:30 a.m. via Zoom
"Hidden Signs of Life
Rev. Carol Strecker speaking
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Imbolc is the Earth-centered celebration of the first stirrings of new life. Believe it or not, this is the time of year when seeds begin to germinate, and the sap starts to rise in the trees. These signs of new life are so subtle, we hardly notice them, but they’re there. | |
Update on Multi-Platform Services
With the number of COVID cases currently on the rise in Essex County, our plans for initiating in-person Sunday services have been postponed. While recognizing that this is a disappointment for those of us who long to gather together in person on Sundays, the Multi-platform Service Task Force has been continually monitoring the status of COVID indicators, and in tandem with church leadership has made this decision for at least the month of January. All services in January will be produced from our homes, not from the church sanctuary.
We recognize, however, that this is a dynamic situation which requires regular review and consideration. Beginning this month, the Task Force has made a commitment to meet every two weeks to assess and decide when, in accordance with health metrics and COVID safety guidance, we may begin to safely offer in-person services. We also plan to survey the congregation at some point in the future to find out from members to what extent, and under what conditions, you would be comfortable returning to in-person church. The results of this survey will guide other decisions related to tech resources, staffing, and protocols for those services.
The health of our congregants, staff, tech crew, musicians, and guests will always be the church's first priority. The Task Force will continue to communicate with church members through Good Things Are Happening and through email updates as necessary keep you as informed as possible.
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NSUU Church Board of Directors
The next congregational meeting will take place on
Sunday, February 27, 2022 following the service.
The congregational meeting will be held immediately following the service. All members are urged to attend, as important votes will be taken on amendments to the by-laws; updates on the Search Committee for a settled minister; and a kick-off of the Nominating Committee's search for new board members. New board member's terms of service will begin on July 1, 2022. Proposed by-law revisions will be published in mid- February.
November Board Meeting Minutes can be found
by clicking on the button below.
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A note from the Administrator...
In the interest of safety, we are asking anyone using the sanctuary or fellowship hall not to block the door open once they are in the church. Please post someone near the door for late arrivals.
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From the Caring Team...
The Caring Team announces that Loring Bradlee (978-887-3630) is heading the Transportation Services for those in need of a ride to/from a medical appointment. She can contact the volunteers who are willing to help. Please let her know if you need a ride.
- The Caring Team is exploring the idea of creating a list of people who would like to have a "buddy" during these times when we are unable to meet in person. If you are feeling isolated and wishing to connect with another person in our congregation, please call Barbara Reeder at
(978-697-7417), This includes anyone wanting to be a buddy! Thanks.
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Indigenous Study Group
The Indigenous Study Group has started meeting. Our next meeting will be in the form a forum on Sunday, January 30 from 12 to 1 pm where we will explore Myths of Native American History and Culture. You will be able to go straight from coffee hour to the forum. Please join us for an informative and lively discussion on the topic. Also, please go to this link to see information about 5 legislative bills regarding indigenous rights that are in process and how to support them.
MASC (Mass. Against Solitary Confinement) Pen Pal Program
There are over 50 people who are incarcerated and patiently waiting for a MASC pen pal. Are you ready to answer this call? There will be a training on: Thursday, February 4 at 6 pm. Please use this form to sign up and you will be given a zoom link before the training. LINK Let us know that you’d like to complete the training on your own by completing this form LINK. If you have questions, email the program volunteer, Hale,
“Moving From Grief to Justice” Speaker for Feb 6th Church Service
In a world where devastation is palpable every day, it is difficult not to default to despair and fear. Though despair is so present, there is hope in letting oneself grieve. Join Rev. Jo Murphy the new director of UU Mass Action in investigating the importance of not defaulting to grief and despair, but to find space to grieve and then move from grief to justice work, sustaining ourselves and our community.
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Hello, members and friends of Northshore Church--
Last September, when a friend of mine introduced me to her Reformed Jewish online congregation, "The Shalom Collaborative," with roots in Boston, but with members from across the United States. I attended a few services and decided to join in order to reconnect with my Jewish roots.
I began to see a lot of similarities between The Shalom Collaborative and Northshore Church, and I talked both with Reverend Carol and Rabbi, Howard Berman about ways in which we could connect this small, adult congregation of about 45 members. Since their congregation is virtual, and we have a beautiful building, I thought that when the opportunity to meet in person returns, perhaps we could hold some joint services or even host a Passover Seder with The Shalom Collaborative.
Like Northshore Church, they are supported by many committees, including an Advisory Committee, a Membership Committee, a Services Committee, a Social Action Committee and a Program Committee. At its most recent meeting a few days ago, the Advisory Committee reached out to me and suggested that an upcoming event on February 14, 2022 from 7 to 8:15 pm might be of interest to members of Northshore Church. I offered to take their invitation to the Board, and at last night's meeting, the Board agreed that developing a relationship with The Shalom Collaborative is an idea that we should pursue, and the Board authorized me to send out the notice of this unique opportunity to join The Shalom Collaborative for this lecture demonstration exploring the history of Klezmer music. I am going to attend, and I hope many of you will want to join me.
This is not a fundraiser, so the ticket money will go directly to pay the guest artist. Please let me know if you have any questions, need help in making a reservation to attend. I hope this is only the first of many opportunities to join The Shalom Collaborative and to have them join us for some of our events and programs, as well.
Anyone wishing to sign up for the event on February 14 should click on the "Donate" button on the website. Both debit and credit cards are accepted. Andrea is happy to help anyone needing assistance. Please call 781 235 0555.
Sincerely, Andrea Kaiser, Board Chair email:
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TSC is pleased to welcome Abigale Reisman, Klezmer violinist and historian, who will present a musical history of this traditional Jewish art form.
Abigale Reisman is a violinist, composer, improviser, and educator. She is a co-founder of Thread Ensemble, an experimental trio that creates music out of interactions with their audiences. She is a member of Tredici Bacci, which was featured in Rolling Stone's "10 Artists You Need to Know: November 2016." She is also a composer, arranger, and performer in the International Jewish Music Festival award-winning band, Ezekiel's Wheels Klezmer Band. Abigale earned her bachelor's degree at The Manhattan School of Music in Classical Violin Performance and went on to receive her master's degree at The New England Conservatory in Contemporary Improvisation. She has toured the world performing klezmer, classical, pop, and experimental music. Abigale has had the privilege to share the stage with great musicians such as Father John Misty, David Krakauer, Amanda Palmer, Jeffery Zeigler, Sarah Jarosz, Hankus Netsky, The Ballroom Thieves, and Anthony Coleman.
The Zoom presentation includes historical pictures, a timeline of Klezmer music, artwork, music, and the function of Klezmer music historically and now.
Cost for this presentation is $18.00 per person. Process payment at by using the donate button on the upper right corner of the TSC homepage and in the note field, indicate this is for the Klezmer presentation.
Please note: This is a per person, not a per device/household fee.
Please RSVP to Barbara Roberts at:
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