Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church

323 Locust Street

Danvers, Massachusetts 01923




Interim Minister, Rev. Carol Strecker

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February 27, 2022 Sunday Service

10:30 a.m. via Zoom

"And So - The Search Begins"

Rev. Strecker speaking

At the congregational meeting following this Sunday Service, the Board will announce the slate for your Ministerial Search Committee. They will be representing you, the congregation, in selecting a candidate that can work with you live more fully into your mission and vision. What will you do with this opportunity? What’s your charge to the Search Committee? What kind of minister are you looking for? How might a new minister help you live more fully into who you are and who might become as a congregation? Rev. Strecker will explain the search process and share a few observations based her experience about the exciting adventure that awaits! 

The congregational meeting will be held immediately following this morning's service.  All members are urged to attend. Important votes will be taken on amendments to the by-laws, updates on the Search Committee for a settled minister, and a kick-off of the Nominating Committee's search for new board members.

Click here for the agenda. Congregational meeting agenda

March 6, 2022 Sunday Service

10:30 a.m. via Zoom

"Life Calls Us On"

Reverend Olav Nieuwejaar speaking

Aging! For some of us, it’s the worst thing possible, full of aches and pains, loss of mobility, fear of dying – or death, the ending of our beautiful self. For others of us, aging is the best time of life, full of new discoveries, having the kinds of experiences that our work, whether in an office or caring for children at home, prevent. It’s all “golden” years of opportunity. But the reality is, growing old isn’t always the easiest time, so what shall we do about that?


Ordained in 1968, Reverend Olav Nieuwejaar served the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Milford (NH) for twenty-four years, the last twelve with his wife, Jeanne, as co-minister, leaving that position in February 2000. Returning from Cambridge, England, where he was Interim Minister of the Unitarian Church of Cambridge during the spring of 2000, he served (again with his wife) as the Interim Co-Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, Manhasset, Long Island, NY for two years. He has served the Northern New England District in many capacities over the years, and, from 2002 to 2006, was Co-District Executive with Jeanne. After retirement in 2996, he served as the District’s Ministerial Settlement Representative. He is a lifelong Universalist. He grew up next door to a small New England village Universalist church, where he met his future wife, the minister’s daughter.

From the NSUU Church Board...

The Investment and Trust Committee is looking for an additional member who brings knowledge of and has experience with investing. Please email Board Chair Andrea Kaiser or call (781)789-4841.

Get the minutes of the January NSUU Church

Board of Directors meeting by clicking on the button below.

January Board meeting minutes

Update on Multi-Platform Services


 Northshore Church is pleased to announce the opportunity to attend

Sunday services IN-PERSON beginning on March 20.


The Hybrid Service Task Force and the Communications Committee have been working continuously since the beginning of the church year preparing to deliver NSUU Sunday services in a simultaneous in-person and remote attendance format. Beginning on March 20, you will be able to choose how you attend Sunday services.

Here are the basics:

  • Social distancing guidelines limit the number of people who can safely assemble in the sanctuary, so pre-registration will be required for each week you wish to attend in person.
  • Proof of vaccination will need to be provided prior to, or on the date of, your first in-person attendance.
  • All attendees are required to be masked at all times.
  • There will be no congregational singing.
  • There will be no shared food or beverages.
  • The services will continue to be simultaneously broadcast on the Zoom platform for those who wish to continue remote participation.


It will be wonderful to have the option to be together in person for services again! We know you will have questions, which will be answered in more detail in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience and support during these evolving times.

Book Discussion Group


Rev. Carol Strecker and Samantha McCune will be co-facilitating a discussion of Braiding Sweetgrass; Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. The author, Robin Wall Kimmerer, is a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and a botanist. She weaves indigenous wisdom with science in a way that passionately and poetically grounds her writing, her work and her life in the interconnected web of life. 


From the cover: In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these lenses of knowledge together to show that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgement and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For only when we can hear the languages of other beings are we capable of understanding the generosity of the earth and learning to give our own gifts in return. 


We’ll meet on Fridays from Noon to 1:30pm on the following dates:

  • March 25 Planting Sweetgrass and Tending Sweetgrass (pages 3-117)
  • April 8 Picking Sweetgrass (pages 121 - 201)
  • April 22 Braiding Sweetgrass (pages 205 - 300)
  • April 29 Burning Sweetgrass (303 - 390)

 Cheryl Ferris ordered a few copies that are available for loan. You can contact her at if you’d like to borrow one. Please contact Rev. Carol at to let us know you’d like to participate. 


We’re looking forward to discussing this

powerful and beautifully written book with Rev. Carol and Samantha.

Social Action

Indigenous Peoples Study Group

Sunday, March 6th from 12 pm to 1:30 pm (This is a Change)

“Home From School: Children of Carlisle” video screening and discussion. This is a film about the removal of Native American children to residential schools in an attempt to force assimilation (“Kill the Indian, Save the Man”). Film is 55 min and will be followed by a discussion. 


Legislative Action: As we expand our knowledge, let’s also support actions being taken to support Massachusetts Native Americans and insure their true history is kept alive in our culture and schools. Go to UU Mass Action website ( to learn more about their Indigenous Peoples campaign.

Help Afghanistan Women and Families

Donations are urgently needed to help Afghanistan women and families get through the winter. If you want to donate by check, please make your check payable to “Help Women Heal” and mail it to NSUU Church, 323 Locust Street, Danvers, MA 01923. Rachel Williams has sent out an email related this cause and will send donated funds directly to these people. To contribute online, click on the link below that is posted on the NSUU Facebook group page. 

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