Aging! For some of us, it’s the worst thing possible, full of aches and pains, loss of mobility, fear of dying – or death, the ending of our beautiful self. For others of us, aging is the best time of life, full of new discoveries, having the kinds of experiences that our work, whether in an office or caring for children at home, prevent. It’s all “golden” years of opportunity. But the reality is, growing old isn’t always the easiest time, so what shall we do about that?
Ordained in 1968, Reverend Olav Nieuwejaar served the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Milford (NH) for twenty-four years, the last twelve with his wife, Jeanne, as co-minister, leaving that position in February 2000. Returning from Cambridge, England, where he was Interim Minister of the Unitarian Church of Cambridge during the spring of 2000, he served (again with his wife) as the Interim Co-Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, Manhasset, Long Island, NY for two years. He has served the Northern New England District in many capacities over the years, and, from 2002 to 2006, was Co-District Executive with Jeanne. After retirement in 2996, he served as the District’s Ministerial Settlement Representative. He is a lifelong Universalist. He grew up next door to a small New England village Universalist church, where he met his future wife, the minister’s daughter.