Harbin Hot Springs text over a photo of a statue in the garden of a woman that appears to be holding a watering can standing looking at their garden. A tree and plants surround the statue.





Patience, Love and Dedication

September 9, 2023

It takes time for a garden to grow, and it may be years before you taste the first avocado or apple from your tree. Planting a garden or fruit trees requires patience and dedication. Your garden or tree changes slowly from day to day, so you may hardly notice. In time it becomes clear how big and strong the branches have become. Birds arrive and life begins to flourish. Patience pays off.


This month we’re reflecting on eight years of Harbin's growth since the Valley Fire destroyed 95% of our structures, including hotel buildings, conference centers and the temple, leaving little behind. In the years since, Harbin Hot Springs and many of the surrounding areas have been steadily rebuilding. Like a garden, rebuilding requires patience, love, and dedication. Progress isn't always apparent from day to day. Yet, when we look back, we're reminded just how far we've come.


Harbin's original historic retreat was built over generations and rebuilding certainly takes time. As beloved people, animals, and lands experience disasters around the world, it's a call for each of us to offer our deepest compassion, love, and patience to all beings. Perhaps Harbin's milestones may offer hope and even a bit of comfort that healing and recovery is possible and can happen over time.

Here are a few photos showing some milestones we’ve made over the past eight years. See more "before and after" rebuilding progress photos on our website and stay informed about rebuilding news on our blog page.

Mainside Pools:

Two pools sit beneath a shaded canopy of plants and a lattice.
A burned area shows unrecognizeable destruction in a black white photo.
Newly rebuild patio with various shaped pools beneath a lattice covered in plants

Harbin Domes:

Two round shaped buildings with triangle windows.
A burned area shows unrecognizeable destruction in a black white photo.

Fern Dressing Room:

A two story building sits next to a large poolside patio.
A burned area shows unrecognizeable destruction in a black white photo.
A two story building in the process of construction.

Project for Land & Trees:

Scorched hills with dead trees and dirt show no life.

A priority after the fire was restoring trees to Mainside and the surrounding hills. Our relationships with organizations like Cal-Fire and our guests allowed us to do just that. Many of you contributed to bring large shady trees to the pool and picnic areas. The olive trees (pictured below) and many trees in the garden and pool area were lovingly donated. Support from our dear guests during the Project for Land & Trees helped bring life, beauty, and needed shade back to the scorched land and watershed. With trees, birds, pollinators and wildlife arrived.

Two large olive trees sit aside lawn chairs.

Construction Update

As you can see in the photos above, Fern Dressing Room and the Steam Sauna are progressing on schedule. We’re working hard to complete this project at which time the pool area will return to quiet… at least for a bit of time. Be sure to check the construction noise and disruptions information on our website prior to booking your reservation.

A newly built open aired pavilion structure is almost completed. The sun shines above the top of the roofline. Hillsides are in the background.

The Garden Pavilion was an unexpected construction project after rare, heavy snow collapsed our temporary events tent in February.

To help offset the costs of the construction we've begun a commemorative gift plaque wall. We invite you to visit to learn how you can become part of this special project.

We have completed necessary repairs to the Health Services Pool surface which will greatly improve the pool for our health practitioners. The pool will be reopened in a few days for water therapy treatments.

Our next construction projects are already in progress. Plans are approved for the Harbin Restaurant and Mainside Hotels Buildings.

The Harbin Altar

A handbuilt stone altar sits under a wooden deck. Trinkets are placed on tiny shelves made of stone in the back wall. The Altar stretcheds forward in an oval shape made of stone and colored rocks. Trinkets are placed inside the altar which is filled with sand.

When you're next exploring Harbin, take a moment to visit the former social gathering area "the smoking deck", now transformed into a sacred altar space. The new Harbin Altar space beckons our members to experience a moment of profound reflection and reverence.

We ask guests to observe certain guidelines to ensure the tranquility and sanctity of the altar. As you approach the altar, you will notice a collection of carefully placed artifacts and mementos left behind by previous visitors. These altar pieces hold deep personal significance and are a testament to the spiritual connections fostered within this space. It is of utmost importance to be mindful and respectful of these sacred offerings.

Leave Something, Take Something…

The altar space welcomes visitors to engage with its energy. If you feel drawn to a particular item, you may take it with you as a token of your experience. However, it is essential to maintain a harmonious balance. In the spirit of reciprocity, it is kindly requested that you leave something in return. This act of exchange ensures the ongoing vitality and communal nature of the altar.

A jade statue sits in the gravel aside the new Harbil Altar.

The conversion of the former smoking deck into an altar space represents a transformative journey for both Harbin and its visitors. This sacred sanctuary offers a unique opportunity for personal reflection, spiritual connection, and a sense of peace amid the chaos of daily life. It is a place to find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. On your next visit to Harbin, please be sure to visit this remarkable space.

The former Harbin Temple sits in the sunset lit with a glow. Built by SunRay Kelley the earthen building is a circle shape with a pinnacle point at the top and windows around all sides..

Honoring Harbin's Temple Artist SunRay Kelley

As we celebrate the rebuilding of Harbin there are some parts of Harbin that are irreplaceable such as the Harbin Temple built by artist SunRay Kelley. SunRay brought his love and creativity to Harbin with the beautiful and cherished Harbin Temple. It is with deep respect and gratitude that we honor the passing of SunRay Kelley who left this realm on July 16, 2023 at age 71. The Harbin Temple will live on forever in so many of our hearts with memories of song, celebration, dance and prayer. We send our deepest condolences to SunRay's loved ones. Thank you SunRay!

Sun Ray Kelley New York Times Obituary

Lake County Love!

Do you live in Lake County? Did you know we offer a local 3-hour pass available only to Lake County Residents? The pass is valid for three hours and offered to you at a discounted rate. Inquire with a Receptionist upon arrival, or call 1-707-987-2477 for details.


Be sure to check our calendar for the full list of upcoming events and classes. Events are free with paid admission to Harbin Hot Springs unless otherwise noted.

Donations Greatly Appreciated

Heart Consciousness Church presents

Remember the Sacredness of Fire

9/12 Fire Anniversary

Join us for a Blessing Ritual, Songs and Stories for those affected by Fire.

September 12th,

6:30pm - 8pm

at the Fire Circle

Moon Ceremonies

With R.Lane Hairston, Harbin Minister, all on the Alcove Lawn

A Chakra Balancing Meditation enhanced with singing bowls and mantra chants for the Ultimate Sound Bath. Prayer support for realizing your Heart’s Desire and the Highest Good for loved ones in a Unified Heart Meditation.

New Harvest Moon Ceremony:

Thursday, Sept. 14, 5-6pm

Full Harvest Moon Ceremony:

Friday, Sept. 29, 5-6pm

Fall Equinox

Awaken Your Inner Rhythm with Bettina Neumann

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2-3:30pm in the Garden

In this equinox ritual and sound healing journey, you will bring yourself into balance and connect with your heartbeat and breath. Deeply relax, let go of old energy and invite the rejuvenated you to prevail. Access your inner rhythm and the season's wisdom by embodying it through movement, image-making, and creative writing. Craft your medicine to nourish your soul.

Harbin Yoga

Friday through Monday 10am & 5pm, Events Center

Friday and Monday:

10am and 5pm Harbin Yoga

Saturday and Sunday:

10am Harbin Yoga

5pm Special Yoga / Movement

The Harbin Dance

Wednesdays, 8-10pm, Events Center

Come dance and move in joyful bliss on to specially curated music! This dance is a sacred space where all are welcomed, leaving alcohol, technology and verbal communication off the dance floor. Move as you wish and prepare to be Danced!

A Spiritual Gathering of Harbin Ministers

Sunday, Sept 17, 3-4:30pm at Dee's Fountain

Each month our Spiritual Gathering is filled by a sharing from one of our Harbin Ministers, discussion on new HCC business and a Visioning Session guided by R. Lane with a closing Affirmative Prayer. Afterwards one of our ministers will be available for individual prayer or to answer any questions. Non-HCC ministers and guests are very welcome to attend as observers. Pot luck lunch to follow.

View the full Events Calendar

Plan Your Visit

Grove Cottages

Harbin Domes

Creekside Caravans

Camping and Day Visits

Are you dreaming of a weekend away in one of our lovely private Grove Cottages? Or perhaps you'd love to immerse yourself in nature while camping beneath the starry sky. We offer a variety of accommodations so you can plan your own perfect retreat. View room details and rates then book your retreat online, or call 707-987-2477.

When looking back at the milestones we've made since September 2015, it's the love and patience of so many dedicated people that is the most apparent. Without the hard work and support of our amazing team and of our guests like you we would not have made it this far. We take great care in thoughtfully planning for Harbin's future as we heal and rebuild. We're so glad you are on this journey with us.

Like the sweet fruit off a tree, we hope you'll agree, the best things are worth the wait.

We encourage you to reflect this harvest season and celebrate the milestones in your life and the world around you. And may we all offer even more patience, love and understanding to all beings, everyday.

~ Harbin Hot Springs





Harbin Hot Springs, P.O. Box 782, Middletown, CA 95461

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