Click above for Pastor Chris' message from last weekend.

Hello Jan,

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

(Romans 10:15)

This weekend we examined another essential part of the "full armor of God" (Ephesians 6): Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. In the battles of life, a good soldier needs to be sure-footed, nimble and ready. Take a look at the message video above to see why Paul placed the "Gospel of Peace" as part of our spiritual armor.

Men, our monthly fellowship dinner is tonight at 6 pm. Walt Musser is cooking for us and Ted Mattan is our speaker. We will meet at South Campus.

Our own Juliun Coquit is hosting the Southern Gospel group Greater Vision at Geneseo High School auditorium on Saturday, May 13 at 6pm. Tickets at $15 and can be obtained by text or phone call to Juliun at 309-714-3623

We have a special Mother's Day Weekend planned at First Methodist. There will be specialty drinks for the ladies and a photo spot for families in The Commons.


Because People Need Jesus,

Pastor Chris



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Completion of Confirmation

During our Saturday Night Service this past weekend, Jerry Maciejewski had the opportunity to profess his faith and share his memorize Bible verse from Confirmation. We then prayed for Jerry as we celebrated his completion of Confirmation and asked the Lord to continue to bless him as a leader and young man of God.

Jerry was unable to participate in our Confirmation Sunday service last month due to illness so we were glad to take time to celebrate and bless him this weekend. We're proud of Jerry and every one of our excellent eighteen Confirmation students this year.

Want to Get More Connected at First Methodist? Join Us for Dinner!

If you are new to First Methodist, want to get plugged in, or are looking to take steps toward church membership, we invite you to join us for a Get Connected Dinner. Join us from 6:00-8:00p.m. on Friday, May 19 at His Place in South Campus. Please RSVP at the Information Center. Nursery care and childcare are available with your RSVP.

More Upcoming Events at First

Red Cross Blood Drive - Every other month, First Methodist sponsors a blood drive by the American Red Cross that is held at our South Campus building (main room). Our next drive will be held on Thursday, May 11 from noon till 6:00p.m. You can reserve a time slot online at or you can always just stop by. Donations are highly needed right now so this is a great way to help save a life in need.

Women’s Ministry presents “Responding to God’s Call.” Join us for a one-night event featuring missionary Becky Johnson. You will be inspired and equipped to hear how God is calling you, whether it’s serving Him in your home or serving Him abroad. We’ll meet on Friday, May 12 from 6:30-7:30p.m. at His Place in South Campus. Dessert will be served. All women are invited. Bring a friend!

Sewing Fellowship – Our next Sewing Fellowship is Monday, May 15 from 9:00am till noon in Fellowship Hall. Anyone who would like to join us, whether you sew or would just like to sort or iron fabrics, and enjoy wonderful fellowship, please feel free to join us.

Senior Ministry – If you are 55 or better, you are invited to a special outing on Thursday, May 25. Join Linda VanDerLeest, Senior Ministry Coordinator, for lunch at the Pizza Ranch followed by a tour of the Isabel Bloom studio. Details and registration can be found at the Information Center.

VBS Registration is Now Open

Vacation Bible School is June 5-9, 2023!

Click on the graphic above to register

Prayer Requests This Week

Prayer Requests for Week of 5/7/23:


Today (5/9) from Helen Johnston: Pray for comfort for the family of Serenity Van Raelty, specifically for her mom, Vania, and dad, Roger. Serenity was greeted by Jesus today as she entered into her eternal home. Praising God for her new body that is free from pain and illness.

An UPDATE & PRAISE on Gary Bourne from his family: Gary is doing much better today. The brain bleed has completely stopped, and the immediate threat is past. He is still in Neurological ICU at OSF Peoria, but the plan is to have him in a regular room ASAP. He is speaking and is generally himself. All of this is a HUGE answer to prayer. His wife, Marilyn, has flown back from Alaska and will be arriving at the Moline airport this afternoon (Tuesday). Jeff (Gary and Marilyn's son) and Jenn will pick her up and then they will all head to Peoria to be with Gary. Please continue praying for Gary for healing and strength and for minimal long-term effects from the stroke.


From Bobbi Bolton: I would like to thank my church family for all your prayers and thoughts during my recovery from surgery.


From Nora Minnaert: Praise that my biopsy and a co-worker’s biopsy both came back benign!


From Sherry Lyford: Its good to be back from Arizona. You’ve all been in my prayers.


From Harley Hepner: Healing mercies for (daughter) Ella Hepner, and Alvin Hepner (surgery on Tuesday).


From Doreen Borton: Please continue to uplift my daughter in prayer as she is not doing very well. Thank you, Church Family, for all your prayers and concerns regarding my daughter, Danielle.


From Rosalie Michalski: Prayers for upcoming surgeries – right knee replacement and before that, in May, vein procedures in both legs.


From Junior & Cathy Bear: Please pray with us for our friend, Steve, who has a mass on his kidney. May mercy, peace, and healing cover him.


From Wendy Gatter: My co-worker, Jenny, was in an accident and is in the ICU in Iowa City. Prayers for her healing. Continued prayers for (daughter) Brandi as she is changing meds.


From Jerry & Darcy Enyeart: Prayers of protection for Darcy and Michele traveling this week. Prayers for Marion (Darcy’s stepmother) who has stomach issues and upcoming testing. Prayers for Vicki (Jerry’s sister) who has stage 4 kidney failure.


From Neal Erdman: Pray for my cousin, Mike Erdman, as he is battling pancreatic and colon cancer.


From Jenna Munoz: Aldo is working in Pennsylvania. Pray for him as he is away and for us as he is gone.


From Jennifer Whittington: My best friend is pregnant. I just found out last night! Please pray for a healthy pregnancy for Amanda Ritter and her second child.


From Becca Good: Pray that my four grown children be drawn back to their faith. Prayers for my oldest daughter’s job.


From Jessica Kaiser: Prayers for my son and boyfriend to get on track again! Pray for myself and my battle of wanting to float back to my old life/ways.


From Jim Allen: Heidi had a couple of falls but, true to her form, she was back doing laundry, etc. Thank you for prayers for (our daughter) Heidi.


From Lorraine Brooks: Prayers for my father-in-law who is having hip replacement surgery May 8th. Prayers for (husband) Curt’s health. Prayers for Gina’s health.


From Mike & Janie Derr: 1.) Marcia Christopherson’s knee replacement is Tuesday, May 9th. 2.) Janie has a consultation for a hip replacement on June 1st. 3.) Mike is having a cancer removed on the right side of his head by the eye on June 2nd. 4.) Janie had a safe trip to and from New Mexico.


From Bruce & Carolyn Searle: Prayers for a friend, Cyndi Weaver, for another heart cath on Thursday. She already had open heart surgery and 13 stents.


From Shane Meis: Prayers of healing for the family of a co-worker.


From Joye Chizek: Prayers for Henry Augustine.


From Peggy Mowers: Karen Mowers will be having cataract surgery on Wednesday at HHH.


From Brenda Holman: Please continue to pray for God’s will, grace, and healing in our family.


From Jim & Linda Washburn: Prayers for Kris having surgery at Mayo; Diane who is battling cancer in California and all who are battling cancer; prayers for all our church family in all situations.


From Jim & Pat Stout: Prayers of healing for Kay and for Deborah caring for her. Also, healing prayers for Jean, Betsy, Marie, Mary, and Cam.


From John Pivovarnik & Jamie Kaiser: Remain steadfast Holy Spirit; continue to lead our lives and pour His love over our family – lost and sacred alike.


From Ken & Darcy Schnowske: Pray for all people that are in need with health or whatever they are struggling with.


Anonymous: Please pray for my family through some hard times.

By the Numbers


Saturday, May 6, 2023

6:00: 87

Sunday, May 7, 2023

8:00: 52

9:00: 158

10:30: 114

9:00 & 10:30 Online: 32 & 10

Total: 453

Children's Church & Sunday School: 63

Wednesday Youth Groups: 42


"All In" Ministry Operating Budget Giving for the week: $29,629.84

  •  YTD Weekly Operating Budget Giving Average: $22,280.82
  • Weekly need: $17,193.93
  • Cumulative "All In" giving since January 1, 2022: $1,565,463.39
  • Total "All In" Pledged (2 years): $1,788,169.00

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