April 1, 2022
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ADHD: Allergies, Allergy Medications, and Medication Interactions
Allergies in and of themselves generally make it more difficult for most people because it kicks off histaminic responses that can affect the way the brain functions. As an ADHD coach, I’ve noticed that many of my clients have seasonal allergies, and when the allergies flare up, they tend to have difficulty with cognition.

But seasonal allergies have an impact on cognition whether or not you have ADHD, but those with ADHD already have a taxed system, so the allergies just increase the burden on the body. Those who have allergies and ADHD might be surprised at the negative impact allergies can have on their day-to-day lives. The allergy can completely disorganize a person's reaction to life in general. Some people are laid up and totally sick, but others may just sniff it up and go on down the road.

To explore the impact of allergies on ADHD, medications, and interactions between allergy medicines and ADHD stimulant medications, please check out my blogpost, “ADHD, Allergies, Allergy Medicines, and Medication Interactions.”

Jeff Copper
ADHD and Attention Coach

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Got ADHD? Can you relate to the notion of crash and burn? Have you been so on top of the world or hyperfocused on a topic only to find yourself burnt out at another time? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) has a candid conversation with David Greenwood of the Overcoming Distractions Podcast (www.OvercomingDistractions.com). David shares his topic research, as well as his personal experience, to help you avoid the pitfalls of running out of steam. If you relate to the term "burnout," this is a show you won't want to miss.
Got ADHD? Ever hired an ADHD coach or considered hiring one? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) interviews ADHD coach Christine Robinson (www.addactioncoach.com). They talk about their experiences as coaches, their successes and failures, as well as the challenges of coaching those who won't put down their smartphones. If you have ADHD and spend more than three hours a day on your phone, you have to listen to this show.
Interoceptive awareness is the ability to identify, understand, and respond to internal signals in our body. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia around the nature of interoceptive awareness and its impact on ADHD and executive function. They discuss how to improve and manage interceptive awareness to help those with ADHD conduct themselves with more intent.
Athletes train their bodies and their minds. What can those with ADHD learn about mental fitness from athletes? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) talks about mental fitness and his take on mindfulness guru Dr. Lidia Zylowska (www.lidiazylowska.com) and her presentation at the 2001 International Conference on ADHD. If mental fitness appeals to you and you're a fan of mindfulness, tune into this show as Jeff takes a big picture look at the topic and the practicality of it all.
Got ADHD? Do you struggle to activate? Recently, on his podcast Overcoming Distractions (www.overcomingdistractions.com), David Greenwood interviewed ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.comon the challenges of activation. The conversation was engaging. Thanks to David for allowing us to release the exchange on Attention Talk Radio. If you struggle with activation and want insights on the topic, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD is an executive function impairment. Thinking inside your head requires a host of executive functions to learn or digest information. Given the impairment, those with ADHD need to understand their dominant learning modality as a means to learn efficiently. Schools expose students to a variety of ways to learn. The question is how do you come to understand what is the most efficient way to learn? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) interviews Brendan Mahan, executive function coach, (www.adhdessentials.com). They talk about the different learning modalities and thinking processes and share their experiences of learning their dominant learning modalities. They also share how they help others with the art of self-observation to come to understand theirs. If the concept of learning efficiently speaks to you, then you won’t want to miss this insightful interview.
Latest Videos
Brought to you by ADDCA Coach Training
ADHD and Freewill

Got ADHD? Do you struggle with procrastination? Have you ever thought through what the root cause might be other than just straight willpower and focus? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) talks about the concept of Six Sigma problem-solving techniques like the five whys. He then shares his methodology in working with people with ADHD and the power of just asking yourself what's hard. If you are struggling and want to get to the root cause of the problem, watch this video to gain valuable insights and techniques to move forward: https://youtu.be/64iviOWuy7k

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ADHD: A Problem-Solving Technique

Got ADHD? Do you struggle with procrastination? Have you ever thought through what the root cause might be other than just straight willpower and focus? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) talks about the concept of Six Sigma problem-solving techniques like the five whys. He then shares his methodology in working with people with ADHD and the power of just asking yourself what's hard. If you are struggling and want to get to the root cause of the problem, watch this video to gain valuable insights and techniques to move forward: https://youtu.be/BiZQBtlqIoY

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ADHD Correlations: Procrastination and Motivation

Got ADHD? Struggling to find motivation? Do you have a long procrastination list? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) shares his insights and experience around two very important correlations that seem connected and helpful in understanding the realm of getting things done. If you have ADHD and struggle with motivation or procrastination, this is a video that we guarantee you will find useful: https://youtu.be/0ipd19OQVJw

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ADHD: Scheduling Versus Thinking

Do you have ADHD? Do you struggle with scheduling? What's the root cause of the problem? Is it actually scheduling or could it be thinking that is the challenge? In this video, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) shares his thoughts and insights around the nature of scheduling. People talk about the outcome of scheduling, but isn't the process actually thinking? Should it be done in your head or outside your head? Watch to understand the fundamentals and gain insight to help yourself move forward: https://youtu.be/rUNMzW1vqe8

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ADHD: Getting in the Flow and Taking Breaks

Got ADHD and struggle to focus? Are taking breaks a good idea? Sometimes yes, other times no. In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) talks about taking breaks, the impact of a break on working memory, and insights on situations when taking a break might not always be a good idea. If you struggle with focus and getting into the flow, watch this video: https://youtu.be/IbBjLnW0_kU

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ADHD: Budgets and Cash Registers

Many with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) struggle with managing money. In turn, they focus on producing budgets in order to get their arms around finances. In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (www.digcoaching.com) discusses his experience coaching those with ADHD and budgets. How so often they have difficulty putting budgets together, and when they do, nothing happens. Is managing money about budgets or is it about managing your emotions and ability to self-regulate at the cash register? Tune in for insights: https://youtu.be/G1uQeGSMg1g

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Other Stuff
Attention Talk News is part of the Attention Talk Network that includes sister channels Attention Talk Radio and Attention Talk Video.
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