Career Navigator Newsletter Issue 7 - May 29, 2020
Newsletter to Help you Navigate Your Career Search
I never dreamed for success. I worked for it. -Estee Lauder

LinkedIn & Your Personal Brand

Recently, TFS held a webinar on LinkedIn & Your Personal Brand. The webinar, which was presented by Melissa Soong of Northeastern and covered the basics of using LinkedIn to network and develop your personal brand. Here are some highlights:

What is LinkedIn? - LinkedIn is a professional networking site. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is used for business and career related posts. It allows job seekers to connect to current or stay connected with past colleagues. It is also used by recruiters to uncover prospective candidates, helps you uncover new business opportunities and much, much more.

Your Profile - Your profile on Linkedin should include these things: 1) a professional headshot, 2) your industry and location, 3) your most recent and past positions, 4) your educational level, 5) a list of your skills, at least three, that uses "impactful verbs" (i.e., implemented, redesigned), 6) have a really good headline and 7) you should personalize your public profile URL (i.e.,

Join Groups - There are hundreds of groups you can join on LinkedIn. Select the groups that are relevant to the industry you are interested in. After joining, make sure to engage with the group by commenting, liking and sharing posts to start a networking conversation.

How do you have a "networking" conversation? Networking in a virtual world is a simple as reaching out and connecting with people you know on LinkedIn. Make sure not to just request a connection, but add a personal note so that they will know why you are connecting with them. Never send invitations to connect to people you don't know, it's more important to connect with people you know (i.e., 1st or 2nd connections) as they will be more beneficial to you.

What is a personal brand and how do I get one? - A personal brand is your public persona. Whether you've intentionally created one or not, according to The Brand Called You by Peter Montoya, "it should stand for something clear, powerful and compelling in the minds of people you come in contact with"; think Oprah, Bill Gates and others.

There is a replay of Linkedin & Your Personal Brand on Tailored for Success YouTube Channel if you want to view the entire webinar, for detailed information on these topics.

Stay Motivated & Good luck!

TFS Resources for your Job Search

Styled by You! - Videos on how to put together the perfect interview outfit, decode business dress codes, dress for your body type and much more! Check out our
TFS Youtube Channel and subscribe so you'll be notified of new videos.

Facebook and LinkedIn Groups - Join our TFS FaceBook Group and TFS LinkedIn Group pages for information and times for live webinars.

About Tailored for Success, Inc.
Tailored for Success, Inc., is a not-for-profit agency whose mission is to empower job seekers of all genders by providing resources, skills training and supportive reinforcement needed for them to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Our core programs include a Career Closet Program, Boots2Suits for Veterans and Reimagine Your Career - Professional Development Training.

Contact us:

Elizabeth Hart
Executive Director
(781) 324-0499