Got Questions?
We've got QUICK answers!
We are committed to providing you with the best customer experience possible. This systematic change provides a faster response time and improved accuracy.

General Questions?

We have a new ticketing software for this inbox so your email will be answered by the correct person in a timely manner! This software ensures that your email doesn't go unnoticed for an extended period of time.

Order Status Questions?
  • Go to the Online Order Site and click on the Order History link in the top menu bar

This tab will give you updated information on all of your PLACED orders. Information including: if a job is in production, if the acknowledgment was sent, if we are waiting on payment, order date, estimated ship week, and scheduled ship date.

This information is always up-to-date, so please look at this screen BEFORE contacting Customer Service about the status of an order.

Need a Warranty Item?
  • Go to the Online Order Site, click Warranty in the top menu bar, and complete the Warranty Form in full

This form has replaced the old electronic PDF form. We will no longer accept those PDF forms for warranties.

Thank You once again for relying on RiverRun Cabinetry.

Please Note: 
Dealers should no longer SEND emails to You will RECEIVE emails from that address such as warranty acknowledgments and emails that need a response. Please REPLY to those emails but do not send new emails directly to that address.

Questions? Contact Customer Service at 540-438-5973 or