Working on a new business idea? A new way of running your business? Time to get back to Business Basics.
Getting Started
Testing your ideas before you plan. Turning a side gig into a business.
So you want to start a business? (8/4)

Are you thinking of going out on your own, but not sure if you’re ready yet? What do you need to know and do first? How do you test your idea against reality? What should your support team look like? When do you decide to go ahead?
So you're ready to start a business? (8/11)

Get clear answers about the start-up checklist: business name, location, legal structures, business license, fictitious business name announcement, federal tax ID, business bank account, retail seller’s permit, and much more!
Financial Thinking for Start-ups (8/18)

Get exposed to business financial thinking and learn a bit about how to manage your business taxes, start up costs, risks, cash flow, and more!
Business Basics
For new or experienced business owners
Think Like a Marketer (9/8)

What is brand identity. How can you create yours. How to find and reach your target markets. Create key customer personas. Analyze your competition. When, why, and how to advertise, etc. Leave with a basic marketing plan.
Financial Basics for Business Owners (9/15)

Using a case study, learn how to read your business' financial statements and calculate your breakeven point. Learn how to identify the management information you will need to run your business successfully. Using this knowledge of your financial statements, we show you how to plan your business' future with a quick overview of how to do financial projections.
Business Planning for the Real World (9/22)

Learn how to create a living plan with a Business Model Canvas. Who is your competition and what makes you different? What are your true costs? This approach works for new businesses and growth strategies for existing businesses.
North Coast Small Business Development Center
Humboldt: (707) 445-9720 | Del Norte: (707) 464-2168
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