Governor DeWine Circumvents State Law – Brings Radical California Program to Ohio 

Prior to DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, he announced that he would soon bring to Ohio a radical California program for children, The Child Mind Institute Child Mind Institute | Transforming Children's Lives. The Governor has embraced this radical program for Ohio’s children based upon his video communication and announcement: DeWine Announces " Ohio Healthy Minds" Partnering With Child Mind Institute - YouTube

How does the Child Mind Institute go about “Transforming Children’s Lives” at the pre-K level? Here are a few links to review the Child Mind Institute:

Universal Pre-school anyone? Foundationally, Child Mind Institute cannot define 'girl' or 'boy'. Gavin Newsome piloted this project in California.

"Why gender affirmation at school matters, and how families can help"

"Children may start to question their gender identity as young as two or three years of age, when they become aware of the notion of gender and they may assert, “No, I’m a boy,” or “No, I’m a girl.”"

"In recent years, the way kids and teens think about gender and sexuality has moved beyond the simple binaries of male/female and gay/straight. This gives them a lot more flexibility to understand and express their gender and sexual orientation in ways that feel right to them."

"The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project

A partnership between the State of California and the Child Mind Institute to provide evidence-based video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills."

"With the support of California Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom successfully led efforts to secure funding for this first-of-its-kind project."

"The Healthy Brain Network is an ongoing research study focused on creating and sharing a biobank comprised of data from 10,000 New York City area children and adolescents (ages 5-21). The Healthy Brain Network has adopted a community-referred recruitment model, seeking the participation of families who have concerns about psychiatric symptoms in their children. The Healthy Brain Network Biobank houses data about psychiatric, behavioral, cognitive, and lifestyle (e.g., fitness, diet) phenotypes, as well as multimodal brain imaging, electroencephalography, digital voice and video recordings, genetics, and actigraphy. The open access Biobank exists to accelerate transdiagnostic research and advance related areas, such as biophysical modeling, voice and speech analysis, natural viewing fMRI and EEG, and methods optimization."

Prior to the passage of Senate Bill 1 (transferring education authority to the Governor), Ohio Value Voters worked closely with the Senate and House Education Committees to provide parental safeguards and transparency by the Governor’s office. It is obvious that the Governor is attempting to circumvent the law by calling this a pre-K initiative. If the Governor had referred to this as a K-12 program, his administration would be subject to adhere to the following chapters of the Ohio Revised Code:

ORC 3301.13(E) 1-2 Section 3301.13 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws     

ORC 3301.137 Section 3301.137 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws

ORC 3301.138 Section 3301.138 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws

The before-mentioned Ohio laws provide not only parental oversight to the Governor’s rule making authority, but gives the state legislators the ability to eliminate any radical initiative by Mike DeWine. Once again, the Governor is attempting to circumvent the law in the State of Ohio.

Ohio Value Voters urges you to contact the Governor’s office and tell him, pre-K children should not be exposed to the “Child Mind Institutes – Transforming Children’s Lives” and this radical program.” The Governor’s office can be reached at:

Leave a voice message: 614.644.4357

Written message: Contact Us | Governor Mike DeWine (

John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters, states: “Ohio parents must send a clear message to the Governor, pre-K and K-12 should not be exposed to this radical program.”


Thank you for your prayers and support.


John Stover, President

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