Also, keep your eyes on your inboxes over the next couple days for the announcement of our 2016 Fellows Program! 不要错过!
Weekly Readings
The Central Party School put out a series of essays Monday on the challenges of governing China. These essays chart the changes in how the party describes its modes of governance, arriving at the present day formulations of Xi Jinping and placing them in their historical context. Regardless whether China was ruled as an imperial dynasty, a frail republic, or a Leninist party-state, China's size, diversity, and evolution require the rulers to change with it or else fall. Does the party today -- in an era of centralizing power -- have a clear enough vision and the power to change with China?
Meaning: keep fighting or struggling despite setbacks
On Sept. 28 Xi Jinping gave a speech on the 100th anniversary of PLA general Liu Huaqing (who passed away in 2011). Liu contributed significantly to the modernization of China's navy and in forming its long-term strategy. Xi uses a number of chengyus in the original below.
When cereal or a toasted bagel with cream cheese in the morning just isn't cutting it, many of us think back to some of the breakfast choices in China: dumplings, buns, noodles, warm soy milk, and even Chinese crullers (or, to those electronic dictionaries of yesteryear "deep-fried twisted dough sticks"). Today's short video (<5 minutes) is a brief introduction to Taiwan's breakfasts, including the shaobing [烧饼], the fantuan [饭团], and one version of Taiwanese pancakes and eggs with a little bit of background about the dishes. 别流口水!
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