Pet Lover's License Plate Press Conference, May 2, 2012, Westwood, CA (Governor Jerry Brown, Pierce Brosnan, Judie Mancuso, Cesar Millan, Sutter Brown)
Press Release
Governor Signs Bill to Fund Spay and Neuter Surgeries
Sponsor Social Compassion in Legislation Thanks Governor Brown For His Help Once Again For the Animals
Sacramento, CA October 14, 2017 - Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 673 Pet Lover's Specialized License Plates
, authored by Senator Josh Newman (D - Fullerton). SB 673 allows the funds generated from the Pet Lovers Specialty License Plate program to be distributed to providers of no-cost or low-cost spay and neuter services by the Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in cooperation with the California Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund, Inc. (Fund).
Senator Newman - Thank you!
"Since its introduction, the Pet Lover's Specialized License plate fund has raised a signific
ant sum in support of low-cost spay and neuter programs. Unfortunately, due to a
dministrative issues, those funds have not been disbursed as the original sp
onsors and donors intended. SB 673 is a straightforward solution to this problem that will ensure these funds are applied in the service of this admirable init
iative. Getting these funds disbursed will go far to spare the lives of the over half-million innocent cats and dogs that are euthanized in California's shelters each year," said the bill's author
, Senator Josh Newman.
The plate has been available for sale through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) since September 2013. Unfortunately, there were several administrative challenges when the California Veterinary Medical Board was the sponsoring state agency that prevented the funds from being distributed. "Spay and neuter saves lives," said Judie Mancuso, President of the California Spay and Neuter License Plate Fund, Inc. the founder and sponsor of the plate. "I had no idea how complicated this effort would be when we started it over a decade ago. The process was plagued with administrative challenges, but we are now thrilled and eager to work with CDFA on the proper distribution of the grants. We look forward to getting out the grant applications and overseeing the distribution of funds in 2018."
The California Spay and Neuter License Plate Fund, Inc. was established in 2010, with the sole purpose to administer and manage the California Pet Lovers License Plate Specialty Program. Since 2008, the founder of the Fund, Judie Mancuso, along with co-founder, Dr. Gary & Alya Michelson, partnered with the California Veterinary Medical Board to meet the statutory standards under AB 84 (2001) to establish the plate (design, marketing, collection of pre-order sales and accounting services). The Fund administered all aspects of the Program from its inception and submitted all documentation to the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) once they passed the 7500 pre-order threshold in 2013.
"The Pet Lover's License Plate serves as an example of a sea change in the way we address the problems facing us statewide," said Dr. Gary Michelson, Co-founder, California Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund, Inc. "The Pet Lover's License Plate brings solutions by partnering with business, government and the community to provide a sustainable funding mechanism at no cost to taxpayers. This program will save local governments thousands of dollars annually and save the lives of countless dogs and cats."
May 2, 2012: Lisa Avery, Dr. Gary Michelson, Dr. Tom Kendall, Dr. Richard Johnson, Assemblymember Jose Solorio, Pierce Brosnan, Judie Mancuso, Cesar Millan, LA City Councilman Tony Cardenas, Linda Starr, Dr. Stephanie Ferguson |
Social Compassion In Legislation (SCIL) has been a vanguard voice sponsoring pioneering legislation since our founding in 2007. Whether local, state, or federal our mission is saving and protecting animals. SCIL's achievements have transcended into many other states also passing SCIL's sponsored humane laws. Thanks to SCIL, the animals have a strong voice in the halls of the Capitol. SCIL's vision is to instill greater compassion into society for the welfare, protection, and rights of all animals.
Deepest gratitude,
Judie Mancuso, Founder / CEO
Social Compa
ssion In Legislation