Current county count per tier:
1. Widespread – 38 Counties
2. Substantial – 9 Counties
3. Moderate – 8 counties
4. Minimal – 3 counties
Initial step applied on August 28, 2020:
Each county is assigned to a tier based on an adjusted case rate and test positivity from the prior two reporting periods. If a county's case rate and test positivity measure fall into two different tiers, the county will be assigned the more restrictive tier. This tier status will be effective on Monday, August 31, 2020.
If a county is initially assigned to Purple Tier 1 and has met the criteria for a less restrictive tier the prior week, the county only needs to meet the criteria for a less restrictive tier for one more week to move to the Red Tier 2. (For the September 8, 2020 assignment, a county does not need to remain in the Purple Tier 1 for three weeks. For all subsequent assessments, a county must remain in a tier for three weeks and meet the criteria to advance as described above.)