CBHA General Alert

May 12th, 2023

Governor Newsom's May Revise Budget Plan

For Immediate Release 

May 12, 2023


Contact: Katie Orr

Phone: 619-209-1532

Email: Katie@paschalroth.com



Sacramento, CA – The leaders of California’s county and community behavioral health system appreciate Governor Gavin Newsom’s commitment to maintaining and prioritizing the state’s behavioral health programs and progress in his May Revision budget proposal for 2023-24.


“In a time of both fiscal uncertainty and great need, we appreciate the critical attention to strengthening our behavioral health workforce and look forward to continuing to work together to ensure California has the robust and diverse workforce needed to heal our communities,” 

said Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey, CEO of the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA).


“We’re also pleased to see the allocation of additional funds to help counties implement the CARE Court program as well as supporting 988 call centers. We look forward to working with the Administration to support the fully funded implementation of both programs,” said Michelle Doty Cabrera, Executive Director of the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California (CBHDA)


CBHA and CBHDA members, who together represent California’s behavioral health safety net, applaud the Governor’s focus on expanded access to naloxone, and other substance use programs to save lives and address the state’s opioid crisis. They also commend the state’s continued commitment to housing investments, particularly for individuals with significant behavioral health needs experiencing homelessness.


CBHA and CBHDA continue to champion a strong and effective behavioral health safety net for the Californians they serve and look forward to engaging with the Legislature before a final budget is adopted by mid-June.



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The County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California (CBHDA) is a nonprofit advocacy association representing the behavioral health directors from each of California’s 58 counties, as well as two cities (Berkeley and Tri-City).


California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is a statewide association of mental health and substance use disorder community agencies and businesses that provide behavioral health services to nearly one million clients.

We appreciate UST, long-time Affinity Member, for their partnerships that both provide our members exceptional services and sponsor our advocacy efforts.
We appreciate our Business Associates for their partnerships that both provide our members exceptional services and sponsor our advocacy efforts.
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