CBHA Press Release

September 30th, 2022

Press Release: Governor Newsom Signs AB 988, the Miles Hall Lifeline & Suicide Prevention Act, Into Law


FOR PRESS INQUIRIES CONTACT: Sage Miller at smiller@cccbha.org

Sacramento, CA – Last night, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 988 (Bauer-Kahan, AD 16), also known as the Miles Hall Lifeline & Suicide Prevention Act, which provides sustained funding and a long-term implementation plan for the 988 crisis call centers.


It is estimated more than 45,900 people die by suicide each year in the United States, making suicide the 12th leading cause of death. In June, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Legislature announced they had come to an agreement on the 2022-23 State Budget, including a budget proposal for $8 million for 988 (Bauer-Kahan, AD 16) sponsored by CBHA, Steinburg Institute, The Kennedy Forum, and other partners.


On July 16th, 2022, the national crisis hotline 988 went live, allowing anyone in the United States to text or call 988 to reach trained counselors who can help them cope with a behavioral health emergency and direct them to resources for mental health and substance use treatment.


Yet, California still needed long-term funding and an implementation plan to support the crisis call centers fielding emergency calls. AB 988 is a critical step in accomplishing that goal.


“With the signing of AB 988, California once again leads the way in creating behavioral health infrastructure and providing innovative solutions to the behavioral health crisis we face. 988 reimagines crisis response, ensuring that mental health and substance use crises are met with a healthcare response,” said Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Chief Executive Officer of CBHA.


“I’m thrilled that Governor Newsom has signed AB 988, strengthening California’s leadership on mental health support. We could not have achieved this without the tireless advocacy of our amazing coalition partners,” said Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan. “When people call for help, with 988, they will get care and not criminalization. This will save lives.”


“Thank you, Governor Newsom, for signing this critical legislation. The bipartisan support it received in the legislature shows just how important it is for California to transform mental health crisis response. We look forward to working with partners to ensure the 988 crisis care continuum truly lives up to its potential,” said Karen Larsen, Chief Executive Officer of Steinberg Institute.


CBHA represents four of California’s crisis call centers including WellSpace Health, Didi Hirsch, Kings View, and Felton Institute which provide vital services and key technical assistance. CBHA was in proud support of AB 988 and applauds Governor Newsom, Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, and lead sponsors Steinberg Institute and The Kennedy Forum for their leadership on AB 988.


The signing of AB 988 is particularly timely as September is dedicated as National Suicide Prevention & Awareness Month. The work is far from done, and we look forward to working with the Administration on implementation. The signing of AB 988 is a monumental step in caring for all who have suffered trauma, thoughts of suicide, and mental illness, including youth, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities.



California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is a statewide association of nonprofit community-based organizations who provide mental health, substance use, housing, education, and vocational rehabilitation services to over a million children, youth, adults, and older adults in California.

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