Greetings Behavioral Health Allies,
Today, Governor Gavin Newsom introduced his proposed 2022-2023 budget. CBHA is pleased to share our reflections with you.
While the past few years have been extremely difficult for programs and the safety net, California is in a very strong financial position. In fact, the state is anticipating a $45.7 billion surplus for this year and is very close to the Gann limit. Even though the pandemic continues to impact our state and the behavioral health community, the proposed 2022-2023 budget helps us envision a path forward.
The California state budget is estimated at $286.4 billion in 2022. In addition to reducing the state’s long-term liabilities, including retirement, rainy-day savings, and other items, Governor Newsom anticipates over $231 billion in General Fund dollars.
Our budget reflects our spending values, creates a blueprint for health policy, and gives a futuristic look into what we can anticipate this legislative session. Below, and linked here, we have included excerpts of import to behavioral health providers, clients, and allies that comport with our policy priorities.
As you know, this estimate by the Governor is a proposed draft of our state budget. CBHA staff will participate in the budget committee meetings and work with policymakers throughout this multi-month process. We will continue to advocate for behavioral health providers and the clients they serve. Thank you to the Governor for his Administration’s commitment to behavioral health and to our allied behavioral health organizations for your partnership.
If you have any questions about this budget overview, please contact CBHA’s Senior Advocate for Policy and Legislative Affairs, Robb Layne, at:
In Service,