Autumn Term 2023

In this edition:

  • A message from the Diocesan Chief Executive
  • A message from the Director of Education
  • Senior Leaders' Briefing
  • Safeguarding
  • Inspection Updates - SIAMS
  • Inspection Updates - OFSTED
  • Model Code of Conduct for Church Schools
  • Admissions
  • Reinforced Autoclave Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
  • Industrial Action
  • National Funding Formula 24-25
  • School Sport
  • Finance
  • Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis
  • Foundation Governors
  • Governors Supporting Leadership
  • Governor Briefing Series
  • Chair of Governors' Network
  • School Leaders' Conference 23
  • Additional Updates

A message from Jonathan Wood, Chief Executive (Diocesan Secretary)


Dear All

I am writing on behalf of the Bishop of Leeds to inform you that Richard Noake has notified the Diocese of Leeds that he intends to leave the post of Diocesan Director of Education on 31 December 2023. Richard will be moving onto a new permanent role as CEO for Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust and will take up the role full time on 1 January 2024. We will be very sorry to see him go.

Richard has made a significant impact during the 10 years he has had working in diocesan education. We are enormously grateful for the skill in which he has led this work. During his time as DDE Richard has established a strong education team and ably supported the Diocesan Board of Education in its statutory duties. He leaves the DBE in a strong position and he can rightly be proud of the contribution he has made.

We are also pleased to be able to confirm that Simone Bennett has agreed to take on the DDE role on an interim basis from 1 January 2024. Simone, who will be known to many of you, is currently Deputy Director and she will ensure there is a continued focus on excellence from the diocesan team. We are grateful for all you do and remain committed to doing all we can to provide support to you. I will be working with the Bishop of Leeds and the Board of Education on a recruitment process in due course. If you have any questions then please do get in touch with me (

Your sincerely,

Jonathan Wood

A message from Canon Richard Noake, Director of Education


Dear Colleagues

Welcome back from what we all hope has been a relaxing and restful summer break.

Well, it wouldn’t be a return to school without some first-day issue and the RAAC controversy has all the hallmarks of an issue not well managed. Please be assured that we are supporting schools where necessary.

We are hoping that everyone can get over this challenge and that the new year is a positive one for you all. Please remember we are here to support you throughout the year. The vast majority of our schools have now signed up to the diocese’s SLA our Enhanced Service Plan – please check that this has been done.

As we enter the new academic year I just want to encourage you all to hold tight to the vision you have for your school. It should encourage the whole community to be the best versions of ourselves and to always keep at the forefront of our minds what motivates and sustains us in our work. For our Church Schools there will be some link in your vision between the foundation of your school and the reality that God is very much in this with us – no matter how implicit that might be stated. Know, that as you begin your year, all of us in the Diocesan Education Team and the Board of Education will be praying for you and holding you in our thoughts.

Finally, you will have read (above) that I will be moving on at the end of this term. The ten years I have spent in diocesan education work have been challenging and amazing in equal measure. Working with our schools and Trusts has been an education in itself and I feel I have personally grown as a result of the relationships I have made with many and the opportunity to lead the work of the DBE and the Team. If there is any legacy of my time in the Diocese it will likely be that I have managed to gather an outstanding team around me who do a fantastic job of professionally supporting our 238 schools and 11 Church Trusts. If you think the work of the DBE is vital and effective it will be because of the work of the Team and I thank them all, past and present, for all they have done and continue to do.

I will be in touch throughout the term and look forward to catching up with as many of you as I can.

Have a great year. Take care and God bless.

Take care and God bless.

Canon Richard

Enrol now

Senior Leaders' Briefing

Thursday 21st September 5 pm - 6 pm

FREE to schools in the ESP

A termly meeting for senior leaders, including governors, to update them on national, local and diocesan matters. An excellent opportunity to keep up to date and network with colleagues from across the diocese.

Please note that you will need to enrol on each termly briefing separately this academic year.


The 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' document was updated and shared with schools before the summer but came into force at the start of September. Updates include:

  • clarification around the roles and responsibilities of education staff in relation to filtering and monitoring
  • clarification that being absent, as well as missing from education can be a warning sign of a range of safeguarding concerns, including sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or child criminal exploitation
  • additional information about online pre-recruitment checks for shortlisted candidates
  • information on responding to allegations related to organisations or individuals using school premises

You can access the NSPCC CASPAR Briefing here.

The Prevent Duty Guidance was updated on the 7th of September ready for the start of the new academic year. The original guidance was written in 2015 so it has been amended to better represent the increased use of social media and amended threat levels in the UK. You can read the updated guidance here.

We know that attendance is an issue many schools are having to address and that this is a concern for governors. Headteachers were sent a letter on 5th September regarding mild illness and attendance from the heads of a range of medical professional organisations.

You can read the letter and access guidance here.

Inspection Updates 


As you will be aware, a new SIAMS Framework comes into force this term. Whilst the essence of what being a good church school hasn't changed there are some significant changes to the way schools are to be inspected moving forward. In addition to support from your named adviser, there are some additional training opportunities for schools. In October, we are running a half-day session on the requirements of the new framework.

We are also delighted to be introducing a programme for whole staff teams, which could include governors, called SIAMS: Inspection Questions Unpicked. This course is threaded throughout the year and designed to slot into a schedule of staff meetings. This is so that whole staff teams can learn about the new framework whilst also exploring and self-evaluating the distinctiveness of their school.

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New to the SIAMS Framework 2023

Tuesday 10th October

online via Zoom 9.30 am - 12


Inspection Questions Unpicked

A six-session, staff meeting series exploring the inspection questions of the new SIAMS framework Begins November 15th

Find out more

The National SIAMS team have published their annual report covering last academic year. There are some key messages in the report on governance in our church schools. These include:

  • How strong, informed and insightful governance has an overwhelmingly positive influence on schools
  • How deeply committed governors are to their schools and communities
  • How the level of foundation governor vacancies negatively impacts on the work of an increasing number of boards
  • How an improved understanding of their purpose and role would enhance the work of some governors
  • How underdeveloped monitoring and and particularly evaluation by governors inhibits the development of church schools

A summary of findings from the annual report and those that relate specifically to our Diocese will be shared at the Senior Leaders' Briefing on 21st September. The report can be accessed here.

Our support offer for governors has a strong focus on monitoring and evaluation. Look out for our Governor Briefing Series, outlined below, which is FREE to schools in the ESP.

Inspection Updates 


The latest version of the Ofsted Inspection Handbook came into force on September 1st. There have been a few minor amendments. Some of which you may remember were made in the late summer as part of the response to the sad loss of Ruth Parry. Changes include:

  • A new section on conduct during inspection, including an updated section on how to raise concerns
  • Clarity over what is meant by the 'capacity to improve'
  • Clarity over what is meant by a 'culture of safeguarding'
  • Refining throughout the handbook who are referred to as leaders and some clarifications over governance responsibility in a MAT context

Ofsted released a blog earlier this week where they summarise their changes, you can read this here.

In July, Ofsted published their latest subject reviews of Maths and History.

Ofsted described a 'resounding positive shift' in provision for maths in primary schools. Improvements in the secondary sector were also recognised as well as the recruitment crisis and its effects on provision. Maths Hubs are making a positive contribution. The report encourages schools to ensure that all teaching assistants receive maths-based CPD where they are supporting pupils in this area. Maths subject review.

The review of history revealed an improving picture recognising the significant work that schools have done on their curriculum. Developmental themes included careful thought about how the early primary curriculum can support later learning and the need to improve approaches to assessment. History subject review.

Ofsted has released the second of a review series on early years education titled 'Best Start in LIfe'. This part focuses on the prime areas of learning and can be read here. Best Start in Life Part 2/3.

Of course, this term is the last where Amanda Spielman will be leading Ofsted. In July, the DFE named Sir Martyn Oliver as their preferred candidate to be the next Chief Inspector. Sir Martyn is Chief Exec of the Outwood Grange Academies Trust. He has already stated that if successful he would want to listen to the sector. Governors may or may not be reassured that he stated recently, “the last thing the system needs right now … is a revolution”. If successful, he will start his five-year term on January 1st 2024.

Model Code of Conduct for Church Schools

At the start of each term, many clerks or chairs ask board members to sign a code of conduct document. This is seen as best practice. The NGA has updated their governor code of conduct document for September 23. As usual, we have amended this to meet the needs of being a governor in a church school context. Our model version can be accessed through The Resource Library on ESP Online where it can be downloaded. Or if you would like a copy email

You can access The Resource Library here.


For those schools that are responsible for their own admissions.

Just a reminder that we advise schools to revise their admissions policies on an annual basis. The result of this review will be that you either wish to amend your policy for 2025-26 or keep it the same.

If you are keeping it the same you merely need to ensure it is up to date (amending dates, checking links etc.). If so, it still needs to be officially adopted at a full governing body meeting before February 28th 2024. 

If you are making changes to your policy then you need to go through a consultation process. The draft policy needs to be sent to the Diocese in advance of the consultation. Please send it to Consultation must take place for six weeks between October 1st and January 31st. For schools wishing to make changes to their policy, Diocesan guidance is to use the Church of England Admissions Builder tool. This is an online tool where governors simply upload a logo, answer questions and select oversubscription criteria and it produces a PDF of a compliant admissions policy.

Click here to access Admissions Builder online.

Diocesan Guidance and Admissions Information

Reinforced Autoclave Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Governing boards should seek assurance that senior leaders are aware of potential risks from RAAC and are addressing these. Day-to-day building management and maintenance is an operational matter, boards should focus on strategic oversight ensuring pupils and staff are kept safe. Governors and trustees should ensure that senior leaders have completed the DfE RAAC survey and are following the guidance.

All schools and academies have been asked by the DfE to establish if RAAC is present on site using the identification guidance. You can read this here. Please be advised that the Department for Education is asking all responsible bodies to look for RAAC in their buildings. If you are a VA school, this is the diocese; if you are a VC school, it is the local authority; and if you are part of a MAT it is the MAT who carries this out. It may be that your site does not need an inspection, but everyone is being encouraged to undertake one where possible. If you have any concerns or questions about the process, please contact Kevin Matthews, our School Buildings Officer, at

Industrial Action

Governors will be relieved that the pay dispute with the government was resolved earlier this year and the prospect of serious joint industrial action by the unions was avoided. However, governors should be aware that the NASUWT teachers’ union has instructed members to limit their working time as part of industrial action starting from September 18. The union represents 280,000 teachers who voted in favour of the government’s 6.5 per cent teacher pay deal but had previously warned industrial action would go ahead over workload. The action includes:

  • only attending one hour-long meeting a week
  • refusing to be directed to undertake extracurricular activities
  • refusing to be directed to undertake midday supervision
  • refusing to do work-related tasks in their lunch breaks, weekends or bank holidays
  • refusing to cover some absences
  • refusing to cooperate in mock inspections

National Funding Formula 24/25

Just before the end of the summer term, the Department for Education (DfE) announced details of the National Funding Formula (NFF) for 2024-25, which determines how schools will be funded next year. The additional funding for teachers’ pay will come through an additional grant paid on top of the NFF in both 2023-24 and 2024-25. For those who missed it, the NFF can be read here.

School Sport

In July, the government updated their school sport and activity action plan. You can read it here. The plan aims to improve the quality of, and equality within, PE and sports. provision. Governors should be aware that there is an updated planning, reporting and evaluation template that must be published on the school website. The government will be introducing additional guidance on best practices as well as a digital reporting tool to improve accountability.

Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis

NFER has just published a report focused on the impact cost-of-living pressures are having on pupils and their families, as reported by teachers and school leaders. Findings include:

  • An increase in the number of pupils requiring additional support
  • The increased level of need of these pupils
  • The rise in the wellbeing and mental health needs of pupils
  • The particular pressures for special schools and schools serving the most disadvantaged
  • The increase in the scope and range of support offered by schools

This is the first in a series of three cost-of-living reports being published in September. The second will focus on the impact on school provision and will be published on September 13. The third will be published on September 21 and looks at school workforce issues resulting from cost-of-living pressures. 

You can read the first report here.

Foundation Governors


We are very aware of the challenges faced by schools in filling governor vacancies. This is especially the case with regard to foundation governors. At the Diocesan Education Team, we are regularly asked if we can supply a foundation governor when a vacancy arises. We are sorry to say that we don’t hold a list of prospective governors as useful as that might be. It is the role of schools, alongside their local church community, to seek out new governors. Anecdotal evidence demonstrates that schools that take a proactive recruitment approach to fill vacancies are more successful. If you have a vacancy for a foundation governor there are some useful tips in our document: So you have a vacancy for a Foundation Governor? What next? This is available on the school governor page of the Diocesan website. Here is a link to the page.

Forthcoming Changes to the Application Process

We are in the process of amending the application process to become a foundation governor. The process will move from a paper-based form to an online process. We will be emailing all chairs of governors over the next few weeks, once the process is finalised. We will also share this update with local authorities and ask them to pass the information on to their clerking services. There will be a brief transition period but we will share the date after which paper-based applications will no longer be accepted. Please keep an eye out for communication from the team.

Induction Expectation

It is an expectation on the part of the Diocesan Board of Education that new foundation governors complete the online Foundation Governor Induction course within the first six months of being in the role. The Foundation Governor Induction course covers the role of a foundation governor and being an effective church school governor. It should be seen as an expected element of induction in addition to that provided by the local authority, trust or NGA. The course is available through ESP Online, link below.

Foundation Governor Induction course

Governors and Training

Training for school governors is not statutorily compulsory. However, each governing board has a general responsibility for the training of its members to ensure that they carry out their roles effectively. Most codes of conduct make explicit the requirement for board members to attend training. Board training should include matters related to church school distinctiveness. To support schools a range of governor briefings and networks are free of charge to governors in schools that are part of the ESP.

Governors Supporting Leadership

Governors play a key role in ensuring that staff have access to appropriate professional development. This includes headteachers and other senior leaders who often put others first when allocating training budgets. The annual SIAMS report is clear about its findings in this regard:

One of the most defining and important findings of inspection in 2022-2023 is the need for strong leaders who understand what it means to lead a Church school. It is essential that all those involved in recruitment and development take note of this finding, and devise recruitment campaigns and leadership and development strategies accordingly. 

We are delighted to have already thought this through and we are in our third year of our career pathway series of training that goes from strength to strength. From teachers to experienced headteachers we have a professional development pathway that supports all through a church-school lens.

Governors have specific responsibility for the performance management of headteachers. In fact, the board has a statutory duty 'to assess the headteacher’s professional development needs and actions needed to address them.' Our pathways are a great way to ensure that leadership development is prioritised. Click on the links below to find out more depending on the leadership situation of your school.

Governors may also want to ask whether the following developmental pathways have been accessed:

The Governor Briefing Series

We are delighted to offer briefings for Governors this academic year. They are free for governors of schools that have signed up for the Enhanced Service Plan with the Diocese. They can all be booked through ESP Online. The focus of each is as follows:

  • The Academies Programme
  • Monitoring Collective Worship
  • Disadvantaged Pupils
  • Monitoring Religious Education
  • Monitoring the Impact of your Vision
  • Headteacher Appraisal

Governors who wish to attend all six can book with one click through ESP Online.

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Governor Briefing: The Academies Programme

Thursday 5th October 6 pm - 7 pm

FREE to schools in the ESP

This briefing will explore the Diocesan strategy and will include answers to the following questions:

  • What is an academy and what are the opportunities and challenges of becoming one?
  • As a church school, what support and advice can the diocese offer?
  • What should we be doing as a board in considering the academies programme?

Those who have attended this briefing previously need not attend.

Click Here for Governor Training and Briefings
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Chair of Governors' Network

Tuesday 24th October 6 pm - 7 pm

FREE to schools in the ESP

A termly opportunity for those in the role of Chair of Governors to share ideas and resources and discuss matters relating to the leadership of the board. You may wish to invite your vice-chair of governors as part of your succession planning process.

Additional updates

Other items of news which may be of interest...

  • An estimated 20,000 pupils are being taught in unregistered alternative provision units – some of which do not meet basic safeguarding standards, new research has found. A study by the Centre for Social Justice found that neither local authorities nor the DfE had accurate data on vulnerable children, many of whom had been excluded from mainstream schools. You can read the 'Out in the Open' report here.
  • The Local Government Association has revealed that almost 9 in 10 local authorities fear that levels of nursery closures since the pandemic, have undermined capacity and will not be able to meet need. It also highlights the pressures providers are under due to escalating costs and difficulties recruiting qualified personnel. The report can be read here.
  • Pearson published their state of education report in the summer. This report gives an insight into the views of 6,000 teachers and 1,000 students. It can be read here.
  • The Government has set out plans to encourage more primary school children, particularly girls, to learn to play chess. The Department for Education will award grants of up to £2,000 to at least 100 schools in disadvantaged areas across England, subject to interest. The grants will be to purchase chess sets, provide access to weekly online chess tutorials, and set up online learning platforms and curriculum planning materials for teachers. You can read the Government's announcement here.

© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2023

Diocesan Education team

Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX

 0113 200 0540

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