March 27, 2020
For Immediate Release
Senator Alberta Darling
Senator Darling Statement on Evers Impossible, Unworkable, and Too Late Election Plan
Madison - On Friday, State Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) issued the following statement after Governor Evers directed the Legislature to send millions of ballots to voters in Wisconsin.

"Again, the Governors' actions create more confusion for Wisconsinites throughout our state. Earlier this week he released a "Safer-at-Home" order with little detail and today he offered a "simple solution" to send millions of ballots and return them in just 10 days. 

Instead of working with clerks throughout our state who have been working on smart and safe solutions for election day, he picked an extreme that will hamper our democracy.

The April 7th election is scheduled to go on as planned. There is simply no way the state can print that many ballots, ship them off to voters -including thousands of addresses that are questionable, and return them in time for the election.

I thank our clerks who are doing a great job to make sure early voting can be done in a safe way. Instead of delivering a workable plan at a critical time, the governor is playing politics and creating more and more confusion.

I continue to encourage people to vote by absentee by visiting  if they do not plan on showing up at the polls on April 7th. 

I also urge voters to be smart and take extra precautions if they vote on election day. Remember to bring you own black ink or felt pen, maintain a safe distance from others, and to be patient."

Senator Darling represents portions of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties.
