Governor's School News
New Student Orientation 2023
Here's what's happening at The Governor's School for Science and Technology.
Director's Notes: Ms. Vikki Wismer
WELCOME, New Students!

I'm excited to greet all of you as you begin your journey with us. It's wonderful to see such a strong turnout during the recent New Student Orientations for the three academic strands. The sessions were recorded, so you can easily access the important information shared. Don't forget to check the New Student Checklist link for details on Dual Enrollment and Math Placement.

GSST's goal is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where you can thrive. Our dedicated faculty is passionate about their fields and ready to help you reach your potential. Embrace the opportunities ahead, make friends, and explore the wealth of knowledge available. I have no doubt that each of you has the ability to achieve great things, and I can't wait to see your growth and accomplishments.

Welcome to the GSST academic family!

Director Wismer

New Student Orientation Information:

New Student Orientations were held on May 16 for the Biological Sciences strand and May 18 for the Computational Science & Engineering strands. We were delighted to see so many new students and families.

Recordings were made for each session and important information was shared. Please see the New Student Checklist for information you need now about Dual Enrollment and Math Placement.

*Note: PowerSchool and Canvas cannot be accessed until mid-August.
Please wait until closer to the beginning of the school year to register for PowerSchool and Canvas.

Placement in Your GSST Math Course

The math course indicated on your student's contract is subject to change. A final recommendation for next year's course placement will be determined by the math faculty. This recommendation will be based on the student's current course and grade, as well as the provided AP exam score in Calculus, if applicable, and scores from math placement assessments administered by the Governor's School and/or VPCC. The process was discussed during the New Student Orientation, and you can find important links below. Rest assured that our objective is to ensure all students develop a strong foundation in advanced math concepts and achieve success both at Governor's School and in their future academic endeavors.

Wednesday, May 31st, GSST is hosting a Virginia Placement Testing (VPT) event.
Please arrive between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. as we request students to be present during this time. The duration of the testing will vary based on each student's performance and abilities, with most students completing it within 60-90 minutes.
Alternatively, if you are unable to attend the testing date on May 31st, kindly indicate this on the GSST Math Registration form. A GSST faculty member will then reach out to you to discuss alternative testing arrangements. For additional details, please refer to the New Student Checklist

New Student Academic Strand Orientation Recordings

Biological Sciences Strand

Computation Science Strand

Engineering Strand
Want to Continue Getting College Planning Advice?

This newsletter, The Governor's School News will not include college planning tips. In an effort to broaden the availability of such advice to any interested family, we will be housing articles about college preparation in a separate newsletter, Dr. Fithian's College Planning Minutes. All families of 10th graders are welcome to subscribe. Articles will be specifically geared to high-achieving students in Virginia. Click on the button below to subscribe.

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