Streetlight: Your Guide To All Things Grace Avenue!

April 19, 2019
Grace Avenue United Methodist Church
3521 Main Street | Frisco, TX 75034 | 972-335-2882

Easter Sunday Worship
April 21, 2019
Join us at Grace Avenue United Methodist Church as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection! All are welcome at Grace Avenue and with 7 services offered throughout the morning, there is a space for everyone. We offer several services in a variety of styles throughout Sunday morning.

7:00am: Outdoor Sunrise Service
Come casual and enjoy the beauty of a new day!
This service will be led by our gifted youth band and orchestra.
Outdoor service, so dress for the weather and bring 
a chair or blanket.

8:30am: Sanctuary
On Easter morning we will celebrate the beginning of the Easter season  with a moving service of music, featuring trumpets and the 
Voices of Grace Youth Choir.

9:45am: Sanctuary
Vibrant traditional worship with music featuring the Grace Avenue Adult  Choirs and trumpets.

9:45am: Worship Center
Experience an uplifting, celebratory worship experience featuring contemporary praise music.

11:00am: Sanctuary
Vibrant traditional worship with music featuring the Grace Avenue Adult  Choirs and trumpets.

11:00am: Worship Center
Experience an uplifting, celebratory worship experience featuring contemporary praise music.

12:15pm: Sanctuary
At the conclusion of this service, each child will have the opportunity to release a butterfly and see it fly off into our community, symbolizing  Christ's resurrection.

Easter Volunteer Needs
Easter Ushers Needed (HERE)
Parking Lot Help (HERE)
Greeters Needed for Easter Sunday (HERE)

Good Friday | April 19th | Sanctuary | 7:00pm 
For the Good Friday service, the choir will be presenting Pepper Choplin's "Once Upon a Tree". It is the telling of the last days of Jesus through the eyes of the gospel writer, Luke. This story that has been told countless times will have new meaning, through the poignant script and beautiful music. Facing the darkness of Good Friday, allows us to truly experience the joy of Easter morning.

Holy Saturday | April 20th | Worship Center | 5:30pm
In the tradition of the early church, we will anticipate and continue to wait on Christ's resurrection by celebrating the baptism of adults and families in our congregation who have never been baptized. The service will include a special Holy Saturday message. The service, with its emphasis on adult baptism, will not be a duplication of our Easter Sunday services, but rather is a unique event during Holy Week.

The F-Word: Stories of Forgiveness (More Info)
Now Until April 20th* from 8:30am-8:00pm | The Sanctuary Narthex
(*Closes at noon on April 20th)
This exhibit is a thought provoking collection of arresting images and personal narratives exploring forgiveness in the face of atrocity. Drawing together voices from South Africa, America, Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland and England, the exhibition examines forgiveness as a healing process, a path out of victimhood and, ultimately, a journey of hope.  Grace Avenue is pleased to be the first congregation in Texas to host this traveling exhibit which has been featured in locations all over the world. 

GAUMC Community Garden
Spring is here and it's time to start planting!  We have several plots in our Community Garden for you 
or your group to adopt.  Last year we donated over 239 lbs of fresh vegetables to local food banks.  Let's keep it going!  Adopt a plot or contact Holly Hanson at 972-955-7302 or for any questions.

Blankets of Love
Now Until April 21st
Spread love to our homeless neighbors by donating a NEW (any size) blanket. Help us make our goal of 85 Blankets. Walmart gift cards are welcome. Drop off at the mission bulletin board. Contact Mary Martin at with questions.

Kid's Day Out - Enrollment Now Open!
Kid's Day Out is a weekday program for children who turn 1 as of September 1st, 2019 but have not yet turned 2 by the same date. Children have the opportunity to attend class one or two days a week. The program runs Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am-2:15pm. Enrollment has begun for the 2019-2020 school year.  Registration forms are available in the welcome centers around the church or  CLICK HERE to download the form. For more information, contact Krist en Lane at .

Paths to Healing
Mondays at 7:00pm | Bride's Room
Paths to Healing is a support and care group where participants will examine their life issues and relationship challenges. The goal is to discover how to choose new, healthier paths.  Together we will practice authenticity, vulnerability and journey towards emotional health through self-care, compassion, increased awareness and healthy boundaries. Childcare will be available. Email with any questions.

Annual Grace Avenue Golf Tournament (REGISTER)
Sunday, April 28th | 2:00pm Shotgun Start
$100 per player, 4 person Scramble
There's still time to register for the Golf Tournament! 
Includes dinner, goody bag, golf cart, range balls and prizes!  Register using the link above.

Contact Mike McDonald at for more information. Proceeds go to Grace Avenue Missions, Ministry & Assistance. 

If you can't play, you can still support our missions by sponsoring a hole for $100.  Sponsorships can advertise a business or Sunday School class, honor your grandkids or just display a positive message! Interested?   CLICK HERE

Legendary Lunch 
First Wednesdays | 11:00am-Noon
Next Opportunity: May 1st at Rudy's Bar-B-Q (Frisco)
Join us for this monthly gathering for retired men. There will be a short program yet the primary focus being enjoying food and fellowship. Please register by the Monday prior to the Wednesday event by emailing Marion Deaton at

Women's Retreat:  Tables of Grace (REGISTER)
May 4th-5th at Tanglewood Resort
You are invited to a weekend of gathering around Tables of Grace with other women to talk about the joys and struggles of our lives. We believe the connection we have as women is important and it all begins with grace: grace for ourselves and for others.  Please register by April 22nd using the link above. After that date, registration is based on availability. Click HERE for schedule details or email Laura Echols-Richter at with questions. 

Invitation to Grace Avenue
Sunday, May 5th | 4:30pm 
Want to learn more about Grace Avenue or how to become a member?  
Join us for this opportunity to meet with staff and hear Grace Avenue's story.  Childcare is available.  Please contact Guest Relations Coordinator, Amy Kirk at with questions.

Ukulele Choirs at Frisco Rough Riders
Monday, May 6th at 7:05pm
$22.50 per ticket (Includes food, drink and souvenir)  
The Grace Avenue Ukulele in a joint venture with the Ukulele Choirs of Custer Road UMC and FUMC Paris have been invited to sing our National Anthem at the Frisco Rough Riders game.  Come join us for a great night at the ball park and support all of these great musicians.  Contact Joe Stobaugh at with questions.  

Come and Eat:  A Celebration of Love &  Grace Around the Everyday Table (REGISTER
Women's Study, Monday evenings beginning May 6th from 7:00 - 8:15pm
During this 3-week study, led by Kristen Lane, we will dine together while discussing the book with the same title by Bri McKoy.  Women of all ages are invited to bring their dinner and share in a time of fellowship, study, and discussion.  Childcare is available and lots of laughter and growth is guaranteed.  Please register using the link above or by contacting Kristen Lane at  

Living a Witness of Grace (REGISTER)
Wednesday evenings beginning May 8th from 7:00-8:15pm
Thursday mornings beginning May 9th from 9:15-10:30am
What does it mean to live as a witness to our Easter faith?  We believe it is about living as an avenue of God's grace.  This unearned love is the heart and foundation of our Christian faith.  Come join Laura Echols-Richter in conversation about how we can live this daily in our relationships in 2019.  Childcare available upon request. Register using the link above. 
Email with questions.

SAVE THE DATE! Rummage Sale | Saturday, May 18th
Spring is the time to clean out your closets and clear out the garage. Save all those "treasures" and donate them to the annual spring Rummage Sale. More information coming soon! Rummage Sale proceeds benefit GAMMA (Grace Avenue Mission Ministry and Assistance).

Early Response Team Training/Recertification (SIGN-UP)
Hosted at Grace Avenue UMC
Saturday, April 8th | 8:30-4:00pm (noon for recertification
Trained Early Response teams are certified to be on site and assist in the early stages following disaster.  They fill specific needs in the wake of disaster to clean out flood-damaged homes, remove debris, place tarps on homes, and otherwise help to prevent further damage.  This course provides the training needs for initial certification and/or recertification.  Register using the link above or contact Mary Martin at

Little Elm Kids Eat Free Program
Monday-Friday During the Summer Months
When school is not in session families can feel the extra financial weight for providing lunch for students who are part of the free/reduced lunch program. Grace Avenue partners with the Preston on the Lake community in Little Elm to provide lunches every weekday throughout the summer.  We are always in need of volunteers and donations for this program.  Watch our website for detailed volunteer information coming soon, or email so see how you can help!  

Relay for Life!
Friday, May 10th | 6:00pm | Wakeland High School
Grace Avenue is once again participating in the Frisco Relay for Life honoring cancer survivors and their caregivers. This was one of the first community events we ever participated in 20 years ago when we first started as a church.  The first lap is a survivors lap followed by a caregivers lap.  Join us as we cheer them on with faith and hope celebrating the courage of their journey.  Take time to walk a lap in memory of those we have lost.  For more information, to join the Grace Avenue team, or to make a donation CLICK HERE Please email 
Kristi Godfrey at if you have other questions.

Dear Grace Avenue Family and Friends,

Among the many highlights of our Easter services this year will be the official debut of our new sanctuary organ.  The installation has been going on for several weeks and it has been tested and voiced this week during our noon time holy week devotionals.  Now it is ready to strike the chords of resurrection on Easter morning.

Thanks to our Video/Media Coordinator Preston Reid for this amazing time lapse video of the organ installation.  I cannot wait to join our voices with this amazing instrument as we sing "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and as the choir offers the "Hallelujah Chorus".

How and where will you be lifting your voice this Easter Sunday?

With You on Grace Avenue,

Billy Echols-Richter

billy echols-richter

Sermons available on-line.   CLICK HERE!

April 13 & 14, 2019
Learning Hour
8:30 0
11:00 84
Total Learning Hour 318

Sabbath (5:30 Saturday) 62
Communion (8:30 Sanctuary) 86
Foundation (9:45 Sanctuary) 168
Celebration (9:45 Worship Center) 103
Covenant (11:00 Sanctuary) 285
Threshold (11:00 Sanctuary) 125
Live Stream 66
Han Church 9
Youth 53
Total Worship 957

Giving at Grace Avenue
CLICK HERE  for more information on all of the ways you can give at  Grace Avenue.   

Merchant Rewards Programs
Did you know that you can financially support the mission of Grace Avenue through your everyday purchases?  Link your Rewards/Shopping Cards to Grace Avenue and a portion of the proceeds will be given to the church.  All proceeds from these programs will benefit Grace Avenue Missions, Ministry & Assistance.  We are currently partnered with  Tom ThumbAmazon SmileKroger and the  UMC Market.  If you have questions or know of another program that we should consider, please contact Cindy Moreland at  

That all might experience the hope of Easter in their daily lives.
For those who are in need of a Spiritual Home, Emotional Home and Physical Home.
For Grace Avenue United Methodist Church, her members and leaders as we seek a way forward.
For all those who lost loved ones in such senseless acts of violence.
For all those impacted by the recent storms and flooding.
For refugees in need of a safe place to live.
For peace in our community, our country and our world.
For those who have anxiety, depression and struggle with mental illness.
For God's Comfort & Peace:
For those who are grieving
For family and friends of Noah Farha upon his death especially for his parents Tim & Sherice and his brother Jonah.  Memorial service will be at Grace Avenue on Wed, April 24 at 7:00 pm.
For Corbyn Roberts and his family upon the death of his father.

For those in hospice and their families
For Carol Boboy's father-in-law
For Emily Molinar's mom, Kathy Edwards

For God's Strength & Healing:
For those preparing for surgery
For those in the hospital and in rehab
For Ray Carter
For Rev. Joyce Cravens
For LaVonne Pietsch  
For Blanche Roberts, Bill Roberts' mother

For those recovering from surgery or hospitalizations
For Jenn Bollom  
For Charles Fox
For Mary Ellen Fruth
For Carter Lubbe
For Janie Lucado
For Kristen McDonald
For Jim Nagy
For Cynthia Raehl
For Wanda Sage  

For all those battling cancer
For David Cloninger  
For Cynthia Hanson
For Donnie Harris
For Charlie and Donna Hubbard
For Noah Johnson
For Karin Matthews
For Donna Money
For Bev Nopp
For Kathy Porter
For Amy Ramsey
For Curt Selby
For Jessica Townsend
For Gerald Webb
For Cynthia Wright

For all those dealing with other health concerns
For Beckett Butcher, son of Brandon and Sarah
For Jon and Mary Pat Fischer
For Charles Hampshire
For John Hartung
For Jordan King
For Harvey Kadlec
For Mary Kadlec
For Janie Lucado
For Alexah McGovern
For Gwen McKee
For Shane Pence
For Alex Slawski
For Beverly Smith
For Rose Tulecke
For all those who are homebound
For Irene Auten
For Evelina Brent
For Ella Hubbard
For Mark Kee
For Gini McCulloch
For Elizabeth Paris
For Tom Sawyer
For Dr. George and Jeannie Taylor
For Anna Thayer at Parson's House  
For Geraldine Webb at Mustang Creek  

For parents and siblings of our family members who have had surgery, facing health complications and are battling cancer.

Card Ministry:
We have several members who are dealing with a long recovery from health issues.  Cards offer them support and encouragement and let them know that they have a community of faith praying for them.  If you would like to send a card to anyone on the prayer chain, you can drop it off in the church office and a member of the staff will deliver them for you.
Transportation Needed:
We have people in our community who would like to attend worship but don't have transportation.  If you would be willing to help drive someone to worship once or twice a month, please contact Laura Echols-Richter at .  This ministry could help someone connect with a Spiritual Home.
Do you have a prayer you would like to share with the Ministers at Grace Avenue?  You can let us know by  CLICKING HERE.

Kids Summer Camps  at Grace Avenue
All camps (except Camp Grace) meet from 9:00am-12:00pm.   Dates for each camp are below.    More information coming soon.  Please email Rachel Patman at with questions.

Vacation Bible Camp 1:  June 10-14         
Vacation Bible Camp 2:  June 17-21           
Music Camp:  July 8-12
Science Camp:  July 15-19
Art Camp:  July 22-26
Mission Camp:  July 29-August 1
Camp Grace:  August 5-8

Praise Kids | Sundays from 3:00-4:00pm in the Music Suite
Children, ages 3 years to 5th grade, are invited to our music program. Praise Kids meets every Sunday during the school year.

LINK Special Needs Ministry
LINK is a new ministry during Saturday night worship. LINK stands for "Learning, Including, and Nurturing with Kindness" and consist of programs and activities for special needs children while offering their parents a time to attend worship. LINK takes place during our 5:30pm Sabbath Worship on Saturdays. 
Contact Cindy Badon at with questions. 

CLICK HERE  to see details about the Grace Avenue Children's Ministry or contact Rachel Patman at

Youth Schedule this Week:
Sunday:  No SPARK... Happy Easter! 
Wednesday:  JH Bible Study from 4:00-7:00pm & SH Bible Study from 6:00-9:00pm

Summer Youth Activities!
June 17th-21st: Junior High Camp Grace ( REGISTER)
June 23rd-28th: Senior High Beach Retreat ( REGISTER)
July 7th-13th: UMARMY Senior High Mission Trip ( REGISTER)
Make UMARMY payments: HERE
July 15th-19th: Junior High Mission Trip ( REGISTER)
July 28th-August 3rd: Youth Week (Look for registration later this summer.) 
CLICK HERE  to see details about the Grace Avenue Youth Program or contact Youth Minister, Christopher Vaughan at

Men's Legendary Lunch
First Wednesdays | 11:00am-Noon
Next Opportunity: May 1st at Rudy's Bar-B-Q (Frisco)
Join us for our monthly gathering for retired men.There will be a short program with the primary focus being enjoying food and fellowship.  Please register by the Monday prior to the Wednesday event by e-mailing or click HERE  to register on-line.

Making Memories
2nd & 4th Mondays | 10:00am-2:00pm
Making Memories is a free "day out" program for those suffering with the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's.  We offer a safe and loving environment for our participants with activities that exercise the mind and body while boosting self-esteem.  We maintain a 2:1 volunteer to participant ratio and because our program is thriving we are in need of more volunteers.  This is a rewarding way to be in service to others and we need your help.  Please contact Lauren Pate at for details about the program and our volunteer needs. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry 
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 1:00-3:00pm (Rm 219) AND 
1st & 3rd Thursdays | 6:30-8:30pm (Rm 217)
Join us in making prayer shawls, pocket prayer cloths, chemo caps and other items for those going through a difficult time. Together we knit, crochet, use fleece and quilt and all of us pray!  We'll provide the yarn, needles or hooks and teach you to knit or crochet.  Contact Lisa McDonald at for more information.

CLICK HERE to read more about Grace Avenue's Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Monthly Book Club
First Mondays at 1:00pm in Room 219
Contact Carolyn Roeder at  for more information. This is an informal group and all are welcome! 

Upcoming Books and Meetings:  
May:  Molokai by Alan Brennert
June:  The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore
July:  Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann
August: Where the Crawdad's Sing by Della Owens

Adult Choirs
All are welcome at our Adult Choir Rehearsals!

The Grace Avenue Covenant Choir, directed by Laurie Hanson Roberts , rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Music Suite.   

The Grace Avenue Foundation Choir, directed by  Joe Stobaugh , rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Music Suite. 

All are welcome, no experience necessary, just a love of music, and the desire to share your gifts. Special programs are presented at Christmas and Easter. Child care is available.

The Grace Avenue Ukulele Choir
The Grace Avenue Ukulele Choir is always looking for new members! If you are looking to have fun, meet some wonderful people and learn to play music, you are just right for the Ukulele Choir. No experience necessary, just a willingness to have fun and make some music! The church even has a few ukulele's you can borrow! Contact  to join or for any questions.

Heart and Soul Creative Arts Academy
Grace Avenue offers music and art lessons through our Heart & Soul Creative Arts Academy.  We offer private and group lessons for instruments of all kinds, voice lessons, Kindermusik and art classes throughout the year.  CLICK HERE to get more information or email

One + One Reading Program with Preston On the Lake
Tuesdays from 3:45-4:30pm 
Grace Avenue partners with a Little Elm community for a children's reading program. Volunteers and book donations are needed. Volunteers (18+) will require a background check and MinistrySafe certification. Please c ontact Mary Martin at  if you are interested in volunteering or with questions. 

The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen. Volunteers are needed throughout the year to provide service, prayers, cookies, agape and/or financial support. You can get more information about the Kairos Prison Ministry HERE Please contact Jim and Sue Miller at or 817-488-7130  with questions and to find out how you can be a part of this ministry.

FRISCO HELPERS: Seniors Helping Seniors (More Info)
Volunteers Needed!
Frisco Helpers' mission is to help seniors and special needs citizens with minor home maintenance.  We are currently looking for senior adult volunteers who are interested in helping.  Please contact David and Carol Coles at  for more information.  

Monthly BINGO at Prairie Estates
Join us the first Saturday morning of the month at 9:00am as we play BINGO with the residents. This is a great opportunity for individuals and/or families to volunteer together. It is a fun morning of sharing a little extra joy in our community.  Please contact Betty Pfahler for more information at

Habitat for Humanity
Second Saturdays of the month
Grace Avenue is committed to its relationship with Habitat for Humanity.  For information about volunteer opportunities, please email Dave Roberts at .
CLICK HERE to go to our online calendar. 

Sun, April 21                    Happy Easter Sunday-No Sunday School Classes

Mon, April 22                    Happy Easter - Church Offices Closed

Tues, April 23                    
10:30 am-12:00 pm           Lydia Group
11:00 am-12:00 pm           Heart & Soul Music Lessons
1:00-3:00 pm                     Prayer Shawl Group
3:45-4:30 pm                     One + One Reading Program
6:30-7:30 pm                     Small Groups
6:30-8:30 pm                     Small Groups

Wed, April 24    
9:30 am-12:30 pm             KinderMusik
9:30 am-12:00 pm             Sisters of Scripture
3:00-7:00 pm                     Heart & Soul Music Lessons
4:00-7:00 pm                     JH Wednesday Night Bible Study
5:00-8:30 pm                     Journey of Hope Grief Support
6:00-9:00 pm                     SH Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00-7:00 pm                     Youth Praise Band Rehearsal

Thurs, April 25                  
8:45 am-3:30 pm              Traveling Hearts - Dallas Arboretum
9:00-11:00 am                   Bulletin Folders
3:30-5:00 pm                     Heart & Soul Music Lessons
6:30-8:30 pm                     Small Groups
7:00-9:00 pm                     Small Groups

Fri, April 26                        
9:30 am-12:00 pm              MOMsNext
10:00-11:30 am                 TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Meeting

Sat, April 27                       
8:00 am-12:00 pm             Habitat for Humanity Build
8:00-10:00 am                   Heart & Soul Music Lessons
8:30-10:00 am                   Prayer Meeting
9:30 am-2:00 pm               KinderMusik
10:00-11:00 am                 Yoga with Laurie!
4:00-5:00 pm                     Adult Praise Band Rehearsal
5:30-6:30 pm                     LINK Ministry
5:30-6:30 pm                     Sabbath Worship Service

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please send an email to or 
CLICK HERE for this and  other Grace Avenue news!

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