Grace Church News, November 2020
November: Faithfulness
This November, Grace remembers:

  • remembers what is it like to meet in person (as a group has been tasked with submitting a proposed in-person worship plan)
  • remembers what it means to be part of a large congregation
  • remembers how important it is to connect with one another as we meet online, adapt to ever-changing Alberta Health Services (AHS) guidelines, and move towards winter.

This November, we remember our faithfulness as a congregation. What is faithfulness? The first definition of faithfulness in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: steadfast in affection or allegiance.

This month, Grace has new updates, events, and opportunities to learn from: In this newsletter, you will find:

Grace Work and People
  • A November Minister letter on Faithfulness in our large, diverse community
  • Community Check-In: October Learnings from the VST Missional Leadership Certificate Course from Mary Jardine
  • The Food Bank Ministry: One Month In, (submitted by Marlene Doherty)
  • Faces of Grace: Introducing Grace's 3 New Elders!

Grace Church Matters:
  • Worship: This month's worship series is Faithfulness (Find all 3 in 1 videos on Grace's YouTube Channel)
  • A Stewardship Committee message
  • Frequently Asked Questions from the October AGM

Learn more details about what's on this November and how to connect:

  • A November Book Study: Why Jesus? by the Rev. Dr. Will Willimon (the 2021 guest preacher for Preaching Grace) - Continuous enrollment
  • Loneliness to Caring Connection Zoom Event with Patricia Morgan
  • Advent in a Box for All Ages (Learn how to sign up)
  • DWELL Coffee and Conversation
  • Grace Kids Online
  • Grace Youth Group Online: Chillin' with Jesus

Looking for weekly updates?
Grace Life and Work Announcements are are shared online on Fridays at Grace Weekly Updates and in the weekly bulletin (shared with 3 in 1 videos).
Faithfulness: A November Letter from
Rev. Christian, Rev. Jake and Rev. Maren
Are we there yet? We probably think of kids asking this question during a road trip, but perhaps it reflects how some of us are feeling this November. Are we on the other side of isolation yet, are we closer to some sense of normalcy yet? While some of us are eager to get back to some sense of the way things used to be, some of us are happy with the way things are, and some of us are simply tired of where we are.

As one community how do we keep everyone together and happy? Maybe we can, and maybe we cannot. Being part of Grace Presbyterian Church means being part of a large congregation, where many folks, from various backgrounds, and different walks of life, call Grace home. We have diverse thoughts and opinions, which can lead to….shall we say interesting conversations? Read the full letter
Community Check-In
Community Check-In: Learnings of the Missional Leadership Certificate with Mary Jardine
Nine Grace members are attending the Vancouver School of Theology's Certificate of Missional Leadership Course. The first-year theme is “Missional Foundations for COVID19 and beyond”. Mary Jardine shares learnings from the October session.

What did you learn this month?
  • We received a list of 25 concrete ways to move towards a more radical hospitality. A couple of examples…
  • Begin the day with a simple prayer… God, help me to listen to the stranger and neighbour I meet today
  • Stop and have a conversation with someone who is living on the street. Try to learn something about who they are.
  • We need to reach out to others, internally and externally. Authentic relationships both in person and online are built on presence, not presentation. We need to belong first, then behave, and then believe…
  • We at Grace need to support the Vision and all the work that was undertaken in 2017-18. We may need to re-imagine the Vision? Let’s explore how we can be more effective, rather than efficient.
  • Church is the school of Jesus, an assembly or congregation of called-out people, a place of equipping.
  • Ross Lockhart suggested that the global pandemic is an opportunity for a more holistic understanding of what we mean by “church”. 
  • The concept of “Simple Church” - a concept that might work well in some of Grace’s Districts, especially during the pandemic, but could continue.
  • The Internet is not simply a tool; it is a place, it is a community.

How do these learnings apply to your personal faith story?
  • Just as we look at progress during the pandemic, my personal faith story is an ongoing journey, and is influenced by the belief that God is welcoming, forgiving, and ever-present in my life.
  • As part of my faith journey, I am driven by a passion to serve, to make a difference in the lives of others. This is more important than ever during these uncertain times.
  • The stories of “Simple Church” reflect my own belief that church is people, church is community. Church is not just a building.
One Month In: Grace as a Satellite Food Bank Location in the Beltline
Many thanks to Marlene Doherty for this submission.

Many know Grace's vision and mission statements quite well:

  • Vision: Transforming lives through God's grace
  • Mission: Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we grow disciples of Jesus Christ to love our neighbours and effect social change

But how is this mission lived out? Here is a look a the Calgary Food Bank Pilot Project and how it fits into the overall journey.

Calgary Food Bank Project:
  • Vision: A hunger-free community
  • Mission: Together, we fight hunger and its root causes so that no one goes hungry

As we at Grace embrace being a missional church, we understand the need to partner with agencies in the community in order to serve our neighbours.

The Emergency food Hamper program is the objective of the Calgary Food Bank’s satellite locations around Calgary. This allows individuals and families to pick up an emergency hamper as close to their home as possible.

Read the story and see a photo gallery of the first month evolution of this project here.
Faces of Grace: Grace's New Elders
Grace welcomes three new Elders in November. Register for the Online Service and Celebration Ordination of New Elders this Sunday, November 8, 11:30am to 12:30pm. Read the new Elder bios and register for the service by Friday at noon here.
Mary Jardine
Janet Hyde
Okwayi Obang
Loneliness to Caring Connection Event (Zoom) with Patricia Morgan
“Lonely, I’m Mr. (Mrs.) Lonely, I have nobody for my own. I am so lonely. I’m Mr. Lonely. Wish I had someone to call on the phone.” – Bobby Vinton

Most of us feel lonely some of the time and others chronically feel lonely. In 2018 the World Health Organization announced that loneliness was a global mental health issue. Researcher, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, concluded that loneliness doubles the odds for increased mortality, obesity, and physical illness.

Grace is hosting this online event, with guest speaker Patricia Morgan. Join this event and you will:
  • Receive a learning guide
  • Gain clarity on the difference between isolation, being lonely, and being alone.
  • Be given information about the Three L’s of Connection: One: Loved and supported by a nurturing confidant who affirms your existence. Two: Liked and liking family and friends. Three: Lifestyle with community connection and contribution.
  • Leave with ways to show others you and your faith circle are available

Learn more about this free event hosted by Grace, how it can help you this winter, and register here.
Sign Up for Advent in a Box
This Advent season, sign up to receive “Advent in a Box”. This is a box full of resources, activities and gifts for you to celebrate Advent at home on your own or with your family. Boxes will be delivered the week prior to the beginning of Advent. Sign up here.

We are also in need to shoe boxes to help pack all of our Advent resources!
Please let us know if you have empty shoe boxes that you can donate to this program. To donate shoe boxes, contact the office at 403-244-5861 or [email protected].
Christmas Beauty Gift Bags for RESET
2020 is our 8th year providing the young women of RESET with surprise Christmas Beauty Gift Bags.

This year it is more important than ever to support these women. Please donate new, unopened beauty products such as:

  • Make-up products: blush, eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick
  • Body products: body lotion, cream, body wash, shower gel, bubble bath, soaps
  • Hand products: hand lotion, manicure sets, nail polish
  • Extra products: fancy lotion gift packages, pocket tissue, socks
  • Please contact the office to arrange for drop-off of donations. ([email protected] or phone 403-244-5861.

If it is more convenient to donate funds to be used towards gift bags, please donate fund online here and add "RESET Gift Bags" to the comments section. Don't like sending money online? The church continues to accept cheques.
Donations accepted until Thursday, December 10. Thank you for your generosity.
The 6-Month Reopening Plan: Proposal for In-Person Worship
At the October meeting, the Session approved in principle a proposal targeting the start of limited in-person worship in advent.

The development of a more detailed plan for in-person worship is being led by the Spiritual Expression & Development Committee, augmented by additional representatives from the congregation.

All Alberta Health Services and other relevant guidelines will be incorporated to reduce the risks, but it is understood that not all the congregation will be comfortable with in-person worship and so arrangements will be made to continue on-line worship.

Please keep in mind this is our target date which may change due to future AHS recommendations and guidelines.

Next Update: Watch for Session Highlights from the November Session meeting for more details. Session highlights will be specifically shared by email (and as always, shared online in Grace Weekly Updates and the weekly bulletin).
Church Matters: November Update
November Worship: Faithfulness
3 in 1 Worship focuses on faithfulness. Looking for past 3 in 1 services? Find them on Grace's YouTube channel here. Sign up on this page to have worship services emailed to you on Sunday mornings by 10:00 a.m.

Ad Hoc Stewardship Committee Plan Underway
The Stewardship Committee has been tasked by Session to develop a one-year Stewardship plan that will be presented to Session in November. The plan encompasses time, treasure and talent! More details to come following the November Session meeting.

Session Highlights
Find October Session highlights. The next Session Meeting is November 9 and Session Highlights will be shared by email and in Grace Weekly Updates.
Frequently Asked Questions
from the October AGM
What is happening this Christmas?
  • There is a proposal going before Session targeting in-person worship. Details to come following the November Session meeting. (This plan is subject to AHS guidelines)
  • Children and Youth is planning a Christmas video: sneak peek details to come
  • Sign up for Advent in a Box: All ages welcome!
  • Additional plans will be released as they are ready.
  • Grace is accepting donations of products and funds for Christmas Beauty Gift Bags for the women of RESET

Are people over 60 welcome at in-person worship?
  • Original AHS guidelines recommended cancelling events if people over 60 (and then 65) were attending. Current AHS guidelines for Houses of Worship do not state age restrictions, though there are recommendations to support people who are at greater risk (through online worship options). As shared at the October AGM, the proposed plan is going to Session and details will be shared following the Session meeting.

What if I am not comfortable with in-person worship: Will online worship continue?
  • Online worship will continue but may look different. Live services will be live-streamed through the Internet, and recorded. Much like 3 in 1, you will receive an email with a link. Further details will be shared when completed.

The Question of a Lead Minister and Grace Ministry
  • At this time, as stated in the Exit Interview Report for the Rev. Dr. Jean Morris and the Rev. Dr. Nick Athanasiadis, please note that none of our current ministers, including our Interim Moderator, will be assuming the role of Lead Minister; however, please be assured that, for the time being, all necessary duties will be looked after by our ministry team.
  • At this time, on the guidance of the Presbytery, we are not ready to strike any search committees to call additional ministers.
  • The Session is diligently following up on recommendations from Presbytery.

The Question of the Music Ministry
  • At this time, as stated in the June 8 Session Highlights: The search for a Music Director has been paused pending more clarity on the nature of music ministry and timing of resumption of in-person worship post-pandemic.
  • Ian Charter is serving as the Interim Music Director.

Do you have a question? Please email [email protected]. We will do our best to point you to the answer or find and share the answer.
Share a Grace story or photo
We need your help! Share a story, reflection or photo. We will share it through Grace communications: the newsletter, weekly updates or social media. Submit to [email protected].
Fall Online Worship, Events,
Resources & Links
Sunday, November 8, 11:30 a.m.
Online Service and Ordination of New Elders (Zoom).
Register here by Friday, November 6 at noon.

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. to no later than 8:00 p.m. (Continuous enrollment to December 9)
Zoom Book Study: Why Jesus? by Will Willimon (2021 Preaching Grace Speaker)
Read the book, join the study, and learn more about Will Willimon, the guest speaker for Preaching Grace’s 2021 online event in February!
When: Wednesdays, 6:30pm to 8:00pm, to Dec 9
Led by: This year’s study is led by Rev. Christian Persaud
*Suggestion: Order an online version of the book. Hard copies may be delayed by slower than usual mail systems. Learn more and register here.

Tuesday, November 17 7:00 p.m.
Loneliness to Caring Connection Online Lecture with Patricia Morgan (ZOOM)
Learn more and register here.

Ongoing Opportunities for Connection

Sundays, 9:00 a.m. (By email registration to [email protected])
DWELL Coffee: ZOOM CALL: DWELL focuses on connection between members and digs into the scripture for the week. Join DWELL by emailing [email protected]. DWELL sessions are hosted by both lay leaders and Rev. Jake.

Sundays, 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Grace Kids Online (ZOOM)
Beginning September 13, Church School will meet via Zoom from 10:00 to 10:30 each Sunday morning. Learn more here.
Volunteer Call for Grace Kids Online: We’re eager to continue the faith formation of our children and hope volunteers will be willing to help with one Sunday per month. Training, technology support and lesson materials will all be provided. Please contact Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers [email protected] to learn more.

Sundays, 7:00 p.m.
Grace Youth Online: Down Time with Jesus (ZOOM) with Elena Kroeker
A Sunday evening check-in and wind down as youth get ready for the week ahead. Connect through reflection on a bible story, sharing and the tea/hot chocolate of the week! Invitation, stories and tea of the week are sent to youth weekly by snail mail. Open to any student in Jr. or Sr. High. Learn more here.

Links for Resources
Our goal is to create value with this newsletter, so it’s helpful to know what you think. Send your feedback to [email protected]. We may not always be able to incorporate suggestions, but we’ll do what we can to respond to interest and need.
1009 15 Avenue SW, Calgary AB T2R 0S5 | 403-244-5861