I hope your holidays were a special time for you and your family. As expected the numbers of positive COVID cases has significantly increased. We will continue to have hybrid services. At this time we strongly recommend people stay home and join us live on our YouTube channel. If you are sick, are immune compromised, or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive during the past 10 days we ask you to stay home and join us live. For those who join us in person please wear a mask at all times and keep socially distanced. At this time we will proceed without the choir and limit communion to host only. We will continue to keep you posted as we move forward into January.

In addition we will resume temperature taking and signing in as you enter the building. We will also ensure sanitization procedures are increased.

The Rev. Christine Williams-Belt
Annual Meeting 
There will be one service on January 23, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The Annual Meeting will be held immediately after the 10:00 a.m. service. It will hybrid in person and online.
Webcasts are available for all Choral Services. Webcasts for some concerts, organ recitals and special events (such as weddings and funerals) may at times be available, depending on circumstances. Click the play button in the picture above to learn more.
Morning Prayer with the Rector (online) 
Please join The Rev. Christine Williams-Belt with daily morning prayer (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 a.m.). Please use the following link to join.
Prayers & Intercessions
Please continue to pray for: Kim, Anita, Chaz, The Wyley family, Teddy Brown & family, Evan, the Mazwrowski family, Linda, Pam, Dave, Grant, the Williams Family, Kelly, Emily, Anthony, Rhiannon, Mary Ann J. and family, Marie, Phillip, Christine, Karrie, Soe, Joan, Charlie, Karen, Gene, Joan, Jim and Family, Art, Dawn, Callie Taylor, the Fenton family, Melanie, Julie Anne, David, Rob, Michael, Carolyn and Robert.

Prayer List: If you would like to add to our prayer list for Sunday worship, in the bulletin, or newsletter, please contact Valerie at the office from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. We thank you for submitting names and requests. In maintaining our prayer list we will refresh the list monthly. If you wish your request to remain on the list, or if it has been removed, please contact us to add it again. We will continue to pray for the people in service during the prayers of the people. 

Prayer Chain: In these difficult times if you know of someone or something which could benefit from extra prayer, please feel free to activate our Prayer Chain. You can do this by calling the church office or Barb Grove at 315-723-0036 with your intention. Unless requested, all prayers of the chain will not be published or shared outside the chain.
The flowers on the High Altar are given in loving memory of
Dr. Robert B. & Flora Baird Wallace.
The Sanctuary Candles that burn before the Blessed Sacrament,
Shrine of Christ and the Blessed Virgin are
given in loving memory for
Martha & William Cook.
 To reserve memorial flowers, please contact Sue Seymour (315) 733-2896.
To reserve a candle, please contact Carol Prichard at (315) 723-1386.
Eucharist for Shut-Ins: We have Lay Eucharistic Visitors that would be happy to visit those that are shut-ins or hospitalized but can only do so if a family member contacts us. Please let us know if your loved one is also in need of receiving communion. You can call the church office to provide information for your loved one at 315.733.7575.
Food Pantry
Souper Bowl: The Playbook for 2022 is Out! The 2022 Playbook is all new and is online now. It can be printed right off the website! The theme for the 2022 campaign is the Tackle Hunger Challenge. The Challenge asks: What if everyone watching your game gave one can or one dollar to help those who are food insecure in your community? It would be a game changer! Go to www.tacklehunger.org for more information. 
Thrift Store
Thrift Store
The Thrift Store will reopen on Friday, January 14 from 10:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. The store will again accept donations of winter clothing on a limited basis of 2 bags per family donating, through the end of January. Also, the Thrift Store is currently staffed with four volunteers, the minimum number with which to operate. They are working every other Friday in teams of two. More help is needed to decrease the frequency of scheduling volunteers. At least two more workers are needed. Some of our previous volunteers have health issues and are not able to work in the confines of the store at the present time. We will be taking necessary precautions in reference to Covid by taking temperatures, providing and requiring masks, and making hand sanitizer available.
Please look in the mail for the 2022 Pledge. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take the time to fill out the enclosed form and return it to us at the earliest available opportunity or online at Sign In (onrealm.org)
2022 Envelopes
2022 Envelopes are available in the ambulatory. If your envelopes are missing and you would like them, please let the office know. If you no longer use the church envelopes, please include your number with your pledge. 
News Around The Diocese
The Messenger is the weekly e-mail newsletter of the Diocese of Central New York. Subscribe for inspiring stories, ministry resources, and announcements and events from our diocese, community, and the wider Episcopal Church.

Coffee with the Bishop: Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Join Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe on Facebook Live (at www.facebook.com/bishopdede/live) for coffee, prayer, and a morning check-in.
Learn about Speak Faith, a yearlong program for Central New York Episcopalians to explore our faith and get courageous sharing it.
Join us for either of two opportunities to “Come and See” what Speak Faith 2022 is all about! Please register to join either event via Zoom: 

Tuesday, January 11th, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 13th, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
What is Speak Faith? Online group meetings will focus on topics like the Bible, how we talk about God, Anglican history and identity, and faith and justice. In each session, we go deep with a guest teacher and reflection in small groups. Between sessions we stay connected through prayer partnerships, personal study, and fun activities. Learn more at cnyepiscopal.org/speak-faith.

Bulletin & Newsletter Announcements
Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to Grace Church's
office by Monday 5pm before the Sunday of publication. Thank you. You may contact
the office by email with your announcements.

If you have suggestions for the next Doors of Grace Newsletter, please contact Rev. Christine or Val at the [email protected]