Prayers of the People: Please continue to pray for: Katelyn Williams, Janice H., the Duncan family, Arua, Haroon, Munna, Naseem, Christine Goodenow, Cindy, Christine, Bill, Dominick Cittadino, Emma L., Judith & Dan Forestell, Linda, Edwin (discernment), Patterson family, Jordon V., Penny, Ania F., Marina N., Alan N., the Burmaster & Hertline families, MaryLourdes D., Kim B., Darice S., Mary & Brian J., Luke, Jim and family, Jill, Luke, Charlie, Evan, Gina, Bill, Mary Hanyan, Brian Anna, The Helmer Family, Madelyn, Mark, Johnny, Earl, Robyn, Wyley family, Soe Htun, David R., Wes, The Barnett family, Georgia N., Ricci, Ivan, Robyn, Cindy, Alfred, Georgia M., Brooks, Mike, Steve, Gail Gunusky, Kent Benson, Robert R., Michael M., Rob K., David L., David E., and Mike H.
Please call the church office to add/update the names of your loved ones and friends if needed.
Prayer Chain: In these difficult times if you know of someone or something which could benefit from extra prayer, please feel free to activate our Prayer Chain. You can do this by calling the church office or Barb Grove at 315-723-0036 with your intention. Unless requested, all prayers of the chain will not be published or shared outside the chain.
Eucharist for Shut-Ins: We have Lay Eucharistic Visitors that would be happy to visit those that are shut-ins or hospitalized but can only do so if a family member contacts us. Please let us know if your loved one is also in need of receiving communion. You can call the church office to provide information for your loved one at 315.733.7575.