The Second Sunday of Advent | |
Sunday Schedule & Service Bulletins
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Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols: The choir will present the annual Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. The service consists of scripture readings, hymns, anthems and prayers. Plan to join us, and let others know about this special service! | |
Please continue to pray for: Dawn, Kevin & family, Matt, Catherine (Mary Jane), Irene & Rich, The Palestinian people, Robin, Alliccia, family and friend of Dorothy, Billy, Mary Anne, Clint, Sam, Carolyn, the people of Israel, Dorothy, Maria, Alicia, Jim, Emma, Jordon, Bryan, Phil, Sandy, Sharon, Kelvin, Victor, Elizabeth, Nancy, Dennis, Steve, Joni D-Z, June, Bishop Curry, Marilyn, Kelly, Madelyn, Cherolyn, Warren and family, Cameron, Gina, Charlie, Evan, Jim, Mike & Chris and family, Joanne, Emily, Linda, Lori Ann, Jerry, Myah, Soe, Pat, Georgia, Carol, Diane, Dan, JoEllen, Marina, Alan, Mary Lourdes, Kim, Darice, Mary, Arden, Christine, David, Wes and Alicia. | |
Memorials and Thanksgivings | |
Memorials and Thanksgivings
The flowers on the High Altar are given in loving memory of
William Macartney.
The Sanctuary Candles that burn before the Blessed Sacrament,
Shrine of Christ and the Blessed Virgin are given in loving memory of
Rev. William Arlin.
To reserve memorial flowers, please contact Sue Seymour (315) 733.2896.
To reserve a candle, please contact Carol Prichard at (315) 723.1386.
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Grace Church Services:
- December 17, 3rd Sunday of Advent, Regular Sunday Services
- December 21, Blue Christmas, 6:30 p.m.
- December 24, 4th Sunday of Advent, one morning service at 10:00 a.m.
- Christmas Eve Service, one service with Lighting of Candles at 5:00 p.m.
- December 25, Christmas Morning, one service at 10:00 a.m.
- December 31, 1st Sunday after Christmas, one service at 10:00 a.m.
Vestry: We are now accepting nominations for Vestry.
Coffee Hour: Please join us for coffee hour following the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.
Envelopes: Many of our parishioners give annually, quarterly and online. Please let the office know if you no longer require the giving envelopes.
Mission of Miracles: The Missionary Group will be making its final trip to El Salvador under the Mission of Miracles in January 2024. They are in need of supplies to assist their mission. If you would like to assist Grace Church in supporting their work, please bring you donations to Grace before December 2nd. There will be a box at the church. They are seeking the following items: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 325 or 500 mg, individually wrapped toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, large tubes of muscle rub (like Bengay), anti-fungal cream-clotrimazole, triple antibiotic cream, reader glasses 2.00 or stronger, gently used braces (wrist, ankle, knee, elbow) and canes.
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Christmas Flowers: Each year, our church is beautifully adorned for the Christmas
season with poinsettias purchased from donations in memory or in thanksgiving for
our loved ones. We will accept donations from November 1 - December 10, 2023, for
names to be included in the church bulletins. Please make checks payable to the Grace
Church Altar Society, with the notation, Christmas flowers. Please print or type the
name (s) of the loved one (s) on a separate piece of paper. Place the donation in the offertory plates or send to the church office with the donation and names for the memorial. Thank you
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Christmas Musicians: Each year on Christmas Eve, we have instrumentalists who offer special music for our prelude. If you would like to contribute to their honoraria, please place a check in the offering and place a memo, “Christmas musicians”. Thank you! | |
Thrift Store: It's that time of year again. We need coats, jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, and winter footwear. We can also use pots and pans, and bedding. | |
St. Margaret’s Food Pantry at Grace Church | |
Fall Food Drive: The St. Margaret’s Food Pantry at Grace Church is having a Fall Food Drive. We are in need of peanut butter, mac and cheese, canned soup, chili, fish, chicken, vegetable, fruit, pasta and stew, cereal. Crackers, granola bars, instant mashed potatoes, nuts, pasta, rice, shelf stable and powdered milk etc. | |
Emmaus House Christmas Gift Cards | |
The Emmaus House will be collecting gift cards to purchase Christmas gifts for the families that are staying at the House and also for some families that recently moved into an apartment. If you would like to donate, please bring them to church or the church office by December 10th. Barb Groves and Sue Clark will collect them and bring them to the Emmaus House. Any questions, please call Barb Groves, 315.723.0036 or Sue Clark, 315.724.1049. | |
The webcasts available on our YouTube page.
Webcasts are available for all Choral Services. Webcasts for some concerts, organ recitals and special events (such as weddings and funerals) may at times be available, depending on circumstances.
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The Messenger is the weekly e-mail newsletter of the Diocese of Central New York. Subscribe for inspiring stories, ministry resources, and announcements and events from our diocese, community, and the wider Episcopal Church.
Coffee & Conversation with the Bishop: Join Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe on Facebook Live (at bishopdede/live) every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. for coffee, prayer, singing, and a morning check-in.
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Bulletin & Newsletter Announcements | |
Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to Grace Church's
office by Monday 5pm before the Sunday of publication. Thank you. You may contact
If you have suggestions for the next Doors of Grace Newsletter, please contact Rev. Christine or Val at the
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