
The Third Sunday after Pentecost

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Sunday Schedule & Service Bulletins

Summer Service: On June 25, 2023, our summer hours will begin with one Sunday service at 9:30 am.  

Click here to make your Sunday donation

Prayers of the People

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Please continue to pray for: Kurt, Tara, Edd & Gail, John, Christine, Cindy, Colleen, Jo Ellen Philbrick, Emma L., Jordon V., Tom F., Lani, Mary M., Chris F., Brian, Madelyn, The Wyley family, David R., Wes, Jonathan Bergner, Ben, Emily, Marcia, Jerry Williams, Myah P., Jim & Shirl, Bella, Jim Heidt, Sha Moo Htoo, Evan, Charlie, Gina, Rene, Alicia, Glen, Mary & Alliccia Odeyemi, Kyah Bu Doh, Myron Sierson, Helen Daikun, Soe Y. Htun, Christa & Gina, Baby Lambe, Pam V., Paula Scaparo, Dorothy, Kevin, Ron P., Lureen, Marilyn, Benita Rucker, Dee, Joan, Bill DeHimer, Georgia S., Melissa, Ariella, Robert, Michael M., Rob K., David L., David E., Mike H., Georgia N., Jane Faigle, Andrea and family, Janice H., the Duncan family, Christine Goodenow, Katy and family, Cindy, Bill, Linda, Marina N., Alan N., MaryLourdes D., Kim B., Darice S., Mary H., John, Lynn, Jim and family. 

Memorials and Thanksgivings


The flowers on the High Altar are given in thanksgiving of

the Grace Church Choir Members.

The Sanctuary Candles that burn before the Blessed Sacrament, Shrine of Christ

and the Blessed Virgin are given in loving memory of

Gary H. Cook.

To reserve memorial flowers, please contact Sue Seymour (315) 733.2896.

To reserve a candle, please contact Carol Prichard at (315) 723.1386.


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Concert: On June 25th at 1:00 p.m., Dominic Fiacco will give his senior recital. Dominic will enter the Eastman School of Music in August. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE TIME. https://gracechurchutica.diocny.org/digital_faith/events/3188260

From the Rector

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Pray With Grace: Morning Prayer with the Rector on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Please join us on Zoom or the live stream on YouTube. Services will be live streamed on our Grace Church Utica, New York YouTube page Rev. Christine invites all who would like to participate in this live stream worship to join her on Zoom: Meeting ID: 858 4694 2981 and Passcode: 837259.

The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing is a church-wide resource which is primarily supported by the Diocese of Atlanta and The Episcopal Church, charged with providing tools and experiences to engage in racial healing, dismantling racism, and other social injustices in our communities. Click her to learn more and subscribe: https://www.centerforracialhealing.org/churchwork

2023 Graduates

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2023 Graduates: We need your assistance in gathering names and a graduation picture of each. Please send ASAP to Valerie, office@gracechurchutica.org the names and pictures of those who are graduating this year and identify them as high school or college graduates. Thank you for your assistance with this important recognition for our young people.

Henry Holiday Stained Glass Windows Book offer for Grace Church Members

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Dear Christine,

I hope this finds you well. My book is finally nearing release and I have attached a flier from the publisher with a description and a discount offer.

The book was released in the UK at the end of March. It will be released in the US on July 7 and can be pre-ordered from the US distributer. I received an advance copy and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. The Grace Church windows are well documented in the text and the photos. I think you will be very pleased. Please share the discount code with your congregation.


Best wishes,

George B. Bryant


The webcasts available on our YouTube page.

Webcasts are available for all Choral Services. Webcasts for some concerts, organ recitals and special events (such as weddings and funerals) may at times be available, depending on circumstances.

Pray With Grace: Morning Prayer with the Rector on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Please join us on Zoom or the live stream on YouTube.

Updates by SMS Text (315) 737-4411 
Please text (315) 737-4411 if you would like to receive updates about our Sunday Services including cancelations and other import updates from Grace Church.
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Ministry

Food Pantry: St. Margaret's Food Cupboard at Grace Church has been selected again by the Store Leadership Team at Hannaford. As you know, this means that our pantry will receive $1 from every $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag sold during the month of June 2023 at: Hannaford, 1122 Mohawk Street, Utica, NY.

Also, beginning on June 6th, the Food Pantry will open an additional day on Tuesdays from 2 p.m.-5 p.m.

Please note, the Food Pantry will be closed Friday, June 23, 2023.

Thrift Store

Thrift Store

Thrift Store: The Thrift Store was closed this week while contractors began work on the last stage of our year long renovation: the much-needed removal and replacement of the "ancient" carpeting. Thanks to the Herculean efforts of a small but devoted group of seven volunteers from the congregation we were able to remove everything (except for the purple chest of drawers which probably will have to remain forever) from the main area in what seemed like record time. The current carpet will be professionally replaced and will present a clean, fresh, and sanitary appearance for our customers. It's been a long time coming, but we're almost there. Perhaps in the fall we will be able to invite the congregation down to see the results of our efforts.

News Around The Diocese

The Messenger is the weekly e-mail newsletter of the Diocese of Central New York. Subscribe for inspiring stories, ministry resources, and announcements and events from our diocese, community, and the wider Episcopal Church.

Coffee with the Bishop: Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Join Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe on Facebook Live (at www.facebook.com/bishopdede/live) for coffee, prayer, and a morning check-in.

Bishop Visit and Confirmation: Bishop DeDe has scheduled her visit for us in July in order that we would have a confirmation. Please notify the office if you would like to be confirmed. The service date is Sunday July 16th. Click here to learn more:

Bishop Visit and Confirmation | Grace Church, Utica NY (diocny.org)

Found Items: a man’s coat or woman’s fanny pack at the gay pride parade last week. If so, they can contact Debra Mc Gavin (315) 405.0686.

Bulletin & Newsletter Announcements
Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to Grace Church's
office by Monday 5pm before the Sunday of publication. Thank you. You may contact
the office by email with your announcements.

If you have suggestions for the next Doors of Grace Newsletter, please contact Rev. Christine or Val at the office@gracechurchutica.org
Visit our website